Commercial Use the use of the Licensed Material for the purpose of monetary reward (whether by or for the Institution or an Authorised User) by means of sale, resale, loan, transfer, hire or other form of exploitation of the Licensed Material. For the avoidance of doubt, the use by the Institution or Authorised Users of the Licensed Material in the course of research funded by a commercial organisation is not deemed to constitute Commercial Use. Recovery of costs is not being deemed Commercial Use.
General Use You may install and Use a copy of the Software on your compatible computer, up to the Permitted Number of computers.
Residential Use Use the Apartment for residential purpose only. Under no circumstances shall the Allottee use or allow the Apartment to be used for commercial, industrial or other non-residential purposes. The Allottee shall also not use or allow the Apartment to be used as a religious establishment, hotel, guesthouse, service apartment, mess, hostel, boarding house, restaurant, nursing home, club, school or other public gathering place.
Specialty Prescription Drugs (+ Prorated copayments for a shorter supply period may apply for network pharmacy only. See Prescription Drug section for details. When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribed dosing period. Tier 5: $125 Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribed dosing period. Specialty Prescription Drugs purchased at a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a Specialty Pharmacy. Our reimbursement is based on the pharmacy allowance. Tier 5: 50% Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Not Covered Not Covered (+) Preauthorization is required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 3 for more information. You Pay You Pay Infertility Prescription Drugs - Three (3) in-vitro cycles will be covered per plan year with a total of eight (8) in-vitro cycles covered in a member’s lifetime. When purchased at a Specialty, Mail Order, or Retail Pharmacy Tier 1: 20% Not Covered Tier 2: 20% Not Covered Tier 3: 20% Not Covered Tier 4: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+) Tier 5: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): Specialty Prescription Drugs purchased at a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a specialty pharmacy. Tier 5: 20% Not Covered Contraceptive Methods - Preventive Coverage includes barrier method (diaphragm or cervical cap), hormonal method (birth control pill), and emergency contraception. For non-preventive contraceptive prescription drugs and devices, the amount you pay will depend on the tier placement of the contraceptive prescription drug or device. See above for details. When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy: Up to a 365-day supply of contraceptive prescription drugs is available at all network retail pharmacies. For more information about this option, visit our website. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Up to a 90-day supply. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered
Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.
Personal Use I agree that the pupil will only use this device for educational purposes and not for personal use and will not loan the equipment to any other person.
Medical Plan Eligible employees and dependants shall be covered by the British Columbia Medical Services Plan or carrier approved by the British Columbia Medical Services Commission. The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium. An eligible employee who wishes to have coverage for other than dependants may do so provided the Medical Plan is agreeable and the extra premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. Membership shall be a condition of employment for eligible employees who shall be enrolled for coverage following the completion of three (3) months’ employment or upon the initial date of employment for those employees with portable service as outlined in Article 14.12.
JOB FAMILY: APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT Job Title: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Engineer Job#: 1230 General Characteristics
Compassionate Care Leave 1. For the purposes of this article “family member” means:
Prescription Glasses This plan covers prescription glasses as follows: • Frames - one (1) collection frame per plan year; • Lenses - one (1) pair of glass or plastic collection lenses per plan year. This includes single vision, bifocal, trifocal, lenticular, and standard progressive lenses. This plan covers the following lens treatments: • UV treatment; • tint (fashion, gradient, and glass-grey); • standard plastic scratch coating; • standard polycarbonate; and • photocromatic/transitions plastic. This plan covers one (1) supply of contact lenses as follows: • conventional contact lenses - one (1) pair per plan year from a selection of • extended wear disposable lenses - up to a 6-month supply of monthly or two- week single vision spherical or toric disposable contact lenses per plan year; or • daily wear disposable lenses - up to a 3-month supply of daily single vision spherical disposable contact lenses per plan year. This plan also covers the evaluation, fitting, or follow-up care related to contact lenses. This plan covers additional contact lenses if your prescribing network provider submits a verification form, with the regular claim form, verifying that you have one of the following conditions: • anisometropia of 3D in meridian powers; • high ametropia exceeding -10D or +10D in meridian powers; • keratoconus when the member’s vision is not correctable to 20/25 in either or both eyes using standard spectacle lenses; and • vision improvement for members whose vision can be corrected two lines of improvement on the visual acuity chart when compared to the best corrected standard spectacle lenses.