Member's Release Sample Clauses

Member's Release. Members of the Highline Education Association may, upon 22 written request, be granted release time to conduct Association business, up to a 23 maximum of one hundred fifty (150) days during the school year as approved by 24 the Superintendent/designee. However, no individual member may be released 25 more than ten (10) days. Provided further, that the UniServ Council President is 26 limited to twenty (20) days of release time per school year, none of which is 27 deductible from the maximum total of days available for release. In addition, 28 release time for the purpose of conducting Association business for the 29 Washington Education Association (WEA) shall not be deducted from the 30 maximum total of one hundred fifty (150) days available for release. The 31 Association will submit the names of Association members along with the reason 32 for the expected days desired to be absent for the school year as early as possible.
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Member's Release. Each of the Members shall have executed and delivered to Buyer immediately prior to the Closing Date an instrument dated the Closing Date in the form of Exhibit D hereto (the “Members’ Release”) releasing the Company from any and all claims of the Members against the Company and obligations of the Company to the Members, except for indebtedness of the Company to the Members as set forth on Schedule 4.3 and items specifically identified thereon and on Schedule 5.5 hereto as being claims of or obligations to the Members.
Member's Release. Effective as of the Closing, each Member, on behalf of such Member and his, her or its Affiliates (other than the Company), successors, assigns, heirs, Affiliates, beneficiaries, agents, representatives, spouse and next of kin (collectively, the “Releasing Parties”), hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and forever releases and discharges Purchaser, the Company and their respective successors and assigns, Affiliates, directors, managers, officers, employees, agents, members and stockholders (collectively, the “Released Parties”) of and from, and hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waives, any and all Legal Actions, demands, debts, accounts, covenants, contracts, arrangements, promises, obligations, damages, judgments, or Liabilities of any kind, in law or equity, and causes of action of every kind and nature, or otherwise (including claims for damages, costs, expenses, and attorneys’, brokers’ and accountants’ fees and expenses) which such Member or any of the Releasing Parties ever had, now has or may ever claim to have against any Released Party, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, and that now exist or may hereafter accrue (collectively, the “Released Claims”), excluding, however, those obligations arising under or contemplated by this Agreement, the Transaction Documents or the transactions contemplated herein or any document or certificate required to be delivered in connection herewith or therewith. Each Member (on behalf of such Member and each of his, her or its applicable Releasing Parties) shall refrain from directly or indirectly asserting any claim or commencing (or causing to be commenced) any Legal Action of any kind before any court, arbitrator or Governmental Body against any Released Party based upon any Released Claim. Each Member (on behalf of such Member and each of his, her or its applicable Releasing Parties) acknowledges that he, she or it may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those that he, she or it knows or believes to be true with respect to the subject matter of the Released Claims, but such Member hereby expressly agrees that, as of the Closing, such Member (on behalf of such Member and each of his, her or its applicable Releasing Parties) shall have waived and fully, finally and forever settled and released any known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, asserted or unasserted, contingent or non-contingent claim with respect to the Released Claims, whether or not concealed or hidden, witho...
Member's Release. Members of the Highline Education Association may, upon 5 written request, be granted release time to conduct Association business, up to a 6 maximum of seventy-five (75) days during the school year as approved by the 7 Superintendent/designee. However, no individual member may be released more 8 than ten (10) days nor may more than twenty-one (21) individuals be released on 9 any day. Provided further, that the Uniserv Council President is limited to twenty 10 (20) days of release time per school year, none of which is deductible from the 11 maximum total of days available for release. In addition, release time for the 12 purpose of conducting association business for the Washington Education 13 Association (WEA) shall not be deducted from the maximum total of seventy-five 14 (75) days available for release. The Association will submit the names of 15 Association members along with the reason for the expected days desired to be 16 absent for the school year as early as possible. All additional requests must be 17 submitted at least three (3) working days in advance of the expected day(s) of 18 absence. Additional release time may be granted by the superintendent/designee 19 upon written request based on substitute availability. 20 The District shall make salary payments to and insurance contributions on behalf 21 of such staff member as if the staff member were not on release time, provided 22 that the Association shall reimburse the District allocable to the release time. If 23 substitute plans are required of a staff member, the Association shall reimburse 24 the District for the cost of the substitute only.
Member's Release. Each Member hereby consents to the transactions contemplated hereunder and irrevocably, unconditionally and completely releases, acquits and forever discharges the Company and its affiliates, and their respective directors, managers, officers, agents, equityholders and employees (the “Releasees”) from any Claim, and hereby irrevocably, unconditionally and completely waives and relinquishes each and every Claim that the undersigned may have had in the past, may now have or may have in the future against any of the Releasees, whether now known or unknown, relating to the Transactions or that have otherwise existed or may have existed or which do exist through the Closing Date, excluding in each case such Member's rights under this Agreement. This release specifically includes any and all claims or causes of action whether or not now known or suspected to exist and whether or not specifically or particularly described herein. This releases the Releasees to the maximum extent permitted by law. For the purpose of implementing a full and complete release, each Member expressly acknowledges that the releases given in this Agreement are intended to include, without limitation, claims that the Member did not know or suspect to exist in its favor at the time of the date of the Member’s execution of this Agreement, regardless of whether the knowledge of such claims, or the facts upon with they might be based, would have materially affected the decision to execute this Agreement. Each Member hereby expressly waives any right or benefit available to it in any capacity under the provisions of California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR.

Related to Member's Release

  • Release of Claims In return for the benefits conferred under the Employment Agreement and this Agreement (which Employee acknowledges Company has no legal obligation to provide if Employee does not enter into this Agreement), Employee, on behalf of Employee and Employee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby releases and forever discharges Company and its past, present and future affiliates, future parent companies, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors and assigns, and each of their past, present and future shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents and insurers, from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, disputes, liabilities or damages, of any kind, which may now exist or hereafter may be discovered, specifically including, but not limited to, any and all claims, disputes, actions, causes of action, liabilities or damages, arising from or relating to Employee's employment with Company, or the termination of such employment, except for any claim for payment or performance pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. This release includes, but is not limited to, any claims that Employee might have for reemployment or reinstatement or for additional compensation or benefits and applies to claims that Employee might have under either federal, state or local law dealing with employment, contract, tort, wage and hour, or civil rights matters, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, similar state laws, and any regulations under such laws. This release shall not affect any accrued rights Employee may have under any medical insurance, workers compensation or retirement plan because of Employee's prior employment with Company. EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THROUGH THIS RELEASE EMPLOYEE IS GIVING UP ALL RIGHTS AND CLAIMS OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, CONTINGENT OR LIQUIDATED, THAT EMPLOYEE MAY HAVE AGAINST COMPANY AND THE OTHER PERSONS NAMED ABOVE, EXCEPT FOR THE RIGHTS SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED ABOVE.

  • Seller Release Effective as of the Closing, Seller, on behalf of itself, its Affiliates, and its and their respective partners, members, predecessors, directors, officers, employees, controlling persons, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Seller Releasing Parties”), hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waives, releases, remises and forever discharges the Sale Entities and its and their respective partners, members, predecessors, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (each, a “Releasee”) from any and all claims, demands and causes of action, whether known or unknown, liquidated or contingent, relating to or arising in connection with the operation of the businesses of the Sale Entities on or prior to the Closing Date; provided, however, that such release shall not operate to release any such Releasee (a) from any of the terms, conditions or other obligations under this Agreement or the Transition Services Agreement or (b) in the case of the Releasees who are or were directors, officers or employees of any Sale Entity or any of its respective Affiliates, for rights under indemnification provisions of the Organizational Documents of any such Sale Entity or Affiliate, as applicable, or directors’ or officers’ or other fiduciary liability insurance policies of any Seller Releasing Party in favor of any Releasees, and rights under any employment, stock option, bonus or other employment or compensation agreements or plans. Each of Seller, and its Affiliates acknowledges that it is aware that such Seller or Affiliate may hereafter discover facts different from or in addition to the facts which such Seller or Affiliate now knows or believes to be true with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, but that such Seller or Affiliate intends that the general releases herein given shall be and remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding the discovery of any such different or additional facts. Seller shall, and shall cause its Affiliates to, refrain from, directly or indirectly, asserting any claim or demand or commencing any Action that it knows is directly conflicting with this Section 11.16.

  • Timing of Release of Claims Whenever in this Agreement a payment or benefit is conditioned on the Executive’s execution and non-revocation of a release of claims, such as the separation agreement referenced in Section 11(a) hereof, such release must be executed and all revocation periods shall have expired within 60 days after the Date of Termination; failing which such payment or benefit shall be forfeited. If such payment or benefit constitutes Non-Exempt Deferred Compensation, then, subject to subsection (c) above, such payment or benefit (including any installment payments) that would have otherwise been payable during such 60-day period shall be accumulated and paid on the 60th day after the Date of Termination provided such release shall have been executed and such revocation periods shall have expired. If such payment or benefit is exempt from Section 409A of the Code, the Company may elect to make or commence payment at any time during such 60-day period.

  • Pre-Release Subject to the further terms and provisions of this Section 2.10, the Depositary, its Affiliates and their agents, on their own behalf, may own and deal in any class of securities of the Company and its Affiliates and in ADSs. In its capacity as Depositary, the Depositary may (i) issue ADSs prior to the receipt of Shares (each such transaction a "Pre-Release Transaction") as provided below and (ii) Deliver Shares upon the receipt and cancellation of ADSs that were issued in a Pre-Release Transaction, but for which Shares may not yet have been received. The Depositary may receive ADSs in lieu of Shares under (i) above and receive Shares in lieu of ADSs under (ii) above. Each such Pre-Release Transaction will be (a) subject to a written agreement whereby the person or entity (the "Applicant") to whom ADSs or Shares are to be Delivered (1) represents that at the time of the Pre-Release Transaction the Applicant or its customer owns the Shares or ADSs that are to be Delivered by the Applicant under such Pre-Release Transaction, (2) agrees to indicate the Depositary as owner of such Shares or ADSs in its records and to hold such Shares or ADSs in trust for the Depositary until such Shares or ADSs are Delivered to the Depositary or the Custodian, (3) unconditionally guarantees to deliver to the Depositary or the Custodian, as applicable, such Shares or ADSs, and (4) agrees to any additional restrictions or requirements that the Depositary deems appropriate, (b) at all times fully collateralized with cash, United States government securities or such other collateral as the Depositary deems appropriate, (c) terminable by the Depositary on not more than five (5) Business Days' notice and (d) subject to such further indemnities and credit regulations as the Depositary deems appropriate. The Depositary will normally limit the number of ADSs and Shares involved in such Pre-Release Transactions at any one time to thirty percent (30%) of the ADSs outstanding (without giving effect to ADSs outstanding under (i) above), provided, however, that the Depositary reserves the right to disregard such limit from time to time as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may also set limits with respect to the number of ADSs and Shares involved in Pre-Release Transactions with any one person on a case by case basis as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may retain for its own account any compensation received by it in conjunction with the foregoing. Collateral provided pursuant to (b) above, but not the earnings thereon, shall be held for the benefit of the Holders (other than the Applicant).

  • Waiver and Release of Claims In consideration of, and subject to, the payment to be made to me by ____________ (the “Employer”) of the "Severance Payment" and the “Prorated Target Bonus Amount” (in each case as defined in the Severance Agreement, dated as of _________, entered into between me and the Company (the "Agreement")), I hereby waive any claims I may have for employment or re-employment by the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer after the date hereof, and I further agree to and do release and forever discharge the Employer and any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, and their respective past and present officers, directors, shareholders, insurers, employees and agents from any and all claims and causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of or relating to my employment with the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, or the termination thereof, including, but not limited to, wrongful discharge, breach of contract, tort, fraud, the Civil Rights Acts, Age Discrimination in Employment Act as amended by the Older Workers’ Benefits Protection Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, Americans with Disabilities Act, or any other federal, state or local legislation or common law relating to employment or discrimination in employment or otherwise; provided however, that no claim that I may have against the Employer in any capacity other than as an Employer shall be waived pursuant to this Waiver and Release. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision hereof, nothing in this Waiver and Release of Claims shall adversely affect (i) my rights to ongoing Severance Benefits under the terms of the Agreement; (ii) my rights to benefits (other than severance payments or benefits) under plans, programs and arrangements of the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer; (iii) my rights to indemnification under any indemnification agreement, applicable law or the certificates of incorporation or bylaws of the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, (iv) my rights under any director's and officers' liability insurance policy covering me, (v) my workers compensation rights, or (vi) my unemployment insurance rights. I acknowledge that I have signed this Waiver and Release of Claims voluntarily, knowingly, of my own free will and without reservation or duress, and that no promises or representations have been made to me by any person to induce me to do so other than the promise of payment set forth in the first paragraph above and the Employer’s acknowledgment of my rights reserved under the second paragraph above. I understand that this release will be deemed to be an application for benefits under the Agreement and that my entitlement thereto shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement and any applicable plan. I expressly hereby consent to such terms and conditions. I acknowledge that (i) I am waiving any rights or claims I might have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended by the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (“ADEA”); (ii) I have received consideration beyond that to which I was previously entitled; (iii) I have been given forty-five (45) days to review and consider this Waiver and Release of Claims (unless I have signed a written waiver of such review and consideration period); (iv) I have had the opportunity to consult with an attorney or other advisor of my choice and have been advised by the Company to do so if I choose; and (vi) I have been separately furnished a written schedule of all persons, listed by job title and age, within the affected decisional unit who were selected and not selected for the benefits extended by this Agreement, as may be required by the ADEA. I may revoke this Waiver and Release of Claims seven days or less after its execution by providing written notice to the Employer. I acknowledge that it is my intention and the intention of the Employer in executing this Waiver and Release of Claims that the same shall be effective as a bar to each and every claim, demand and cause of action hereinabove specified. In furtherance of this intention, I hereby expressly waive any and all rights and benefits conferred upon me by the provisions of SECTION 1542 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, to the extent applicable to me, and expressly I consent that this Waiver and Release of Claims shall be given full force and effect according to each and all of its express terms and provisions, including as well those related to unknown and unsuspected claims, demands and causes of action, if any, as well as those relating to any other claims, demands and causes of action hereinabove specified. SECTION 1542 provides: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR." I acknowledge that I may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those which I now know or believe to exist with respect to the subject matter of this Waiver and Release of Claims and which, if known or suspected at the time of executing this Waiver and Release of Claims, may have materially affected this settlement. Finally, I acknowledge that I have read this Waiver and Release of Claims and understand all of its terms. Signature Name Date Signed EXHIBIT B Assignment and Assumption of Severance Agreement Between ____________ and ______________, As of ___________ ____________ (the “Old Employer”) and ______________ (the “Executive”) have entered into a Severance Agreement dated ______________ (the “Agreement”). The Executive is transferring employment from the Old Employer to ____________ (the “New Employer”), effective ________. The fourth bullet of the Agreement provides that, if the Executive transfers to the Company or an Affiliate, the Old Employer shall assign the Agreement to the Company or Affiliate. To order to carry out the provisions of the fourth bullet of the Agreement –

  • Release of Claims Agreement The receipt of any severance payments or benefits pursuant to this Agreement is subject to Executive signing and not revoking a separation agreement and release of claims in a form mutually acceptable to the Company and Executive (the “Release”), which must become effective no later than the sixtieth (60th) day following Executive’s termination of employment (the “Release Deadline”), and if not, Executive will forfeit any right to severance payments or benefits under this Agreement. To become effective, the Release must be executed by Executive and any revocation periods (as required by statute, regulation, or otherwise) must have expired without Executive having revoked the Release. In addition, in no event will severance payments or benefits be paid or provided until the Release actually becomes effective. If the termination of employment occurs at a time during the calendar year where the Release Deadline could occur in the calendar year following the calendar year in which Executive’s termination of employment occurs, then any severance payments or benefits under this Agreement that would be considered Deferred Payments (as defined in Section 4(c)(i)) will be paid on the first payroll date to occur during the calendar year following the calendar year in which such termination occurs, or such later time as required by (i) the payment schedule applicable to each payment or benefit as set forth in Section 3, (ii) the date the Release becomes effective, or (iii) Section 4(c)(ii); provided that the first payment shall include all amounts that would have been paid to Executive if payment had commenced on the date of Executive’s termination of employment.

  • Release and Waiver I, the Volunteer, acknowledge and understand that participation in the Activities may involve certain risks, including, but not limited to, personal injury(ies), bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, property damage, loss and/or death (“Risks”). These Risks include, but are not limited to, exposure to and/or infection with COVID-19 and/or other viruses and/or bacterial infection even in ideal conditions, and despite any and all reasonable efforts made to mitigate such Risks. I further acknowledge and agree that, due to the nature of the Activities, social distancing of six feet per person will not always be possible and that my participation in the Activities may result in an elevated risk of contracting COVID- 19 and/or other viruses and/or bacterial infection. I, the Volunteer, further confirm that prior to engaging in the Activities, I may be required to complete a COVID-19 health screening questionnaire provided by one or more of the Released Parties. I agree that I will answer all questions on the questionnaire truthfully. I agree to not participate in any Activities if, at such time and to the best of my knowledge, I am a carrier of COVID-19 or infected with COVID-19. I further agree to follow all safety precautions outlined by any Released Party while volunteering. In consideration of and in order to be allowed to participate in the Activities, I do hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties and their successors and assigns from any and all liability, claims, demands, costs and damages of any kind, whether arising from tort, contract or otherwise, which I or my heirs, assigns, next of kin or legal representatives may have or which may hereinafter accrue, arise from, or are in any way related to my Activities with any of the Released Parties, including but not limited to Risks, whether caused wholly or in part by the simple negligence, fault or other misconduct of any of the Released Parties or of other volunteers, other than their intentional or grossly negligent conduct. In addition, the Released Parties shall have the benefit of any future liability protection for businesses as relating to the COVID-19 pandemic passed by any governmental entity to which the Released Parties are subject. I understand and acknowledge that by signing this Release I knowingly assume the Risks associated with the Activities. I also understand that the Released Parties do not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability insurance in the event of injury, illness, death or property damage. Regarding any illness or virus, including COVID-19, I, the Volunteer, understand that even if I follow all guidelines for the prevention and handling of any illness or virus, including COVID-19, there is still a risk that Volunteer could contract such virus or illness. I understand and acknowledge that children under the age of 16 are not allowed on Habitat for Humanity worksites while construction is in progress. While minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may be allowed to participate in some types of build site activities, solely as outlined by the Released Parties, I understand that using power tools, excavation, demolition, working on rooftops and similar activities are not permitted for anyone under the age of 18. I agree it is my responsibility to communicate these requirements to any of my minor children who will attend and/or participate in the Activities.

  • Press Release The Company and the Investor agree that the Company shall issue a press release announcing the Offering prior to the opening of the financial markets in New York City on the business day immediately after the date hereof.

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