Community Outreach Please describe all community outreach efforts undertaken since the last report.
New Hire Orientation The Union’s Business Representative or designee shall be given the opportunity to make a membership presentation at the employer’s regularly scheduled new employee orientation sessions.
Bilingual Pay 1. Except as provided in 2. below, qualified employees who meet the following criteria shall receive an additional forty (40) cents per hour (approximately sixty-nine [69] dollars per month) for all hours actually paid. This will not apply to the class of Interpreter.
Graduation 2. Student teaching outside of a reasonable commuting distance
Duration of the processing of personal data Processing by the processor shall only take place for the duration specified in Annex II.
CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Requirement generally does not add units to a student's program. Rather, it is intended to be fulfilled by choosing courses from the approved list that also satisfy requirements in other areas of the student’s program; the exception is that Cultural Diversity courses may not satisfy Culture and Language Requirements for B.S. students. For example, Anthropology 2 can fulfill (3) units of the Social and Behavioral Science requirement and (3) units of the Cultural Diversity requirement. This double counting of a class may only be done with the Cultural Diversity requirement. Courses in Cultural Diversity may be taken at the lower-division or upper-division level. U . S . H I S T O R Y I N S T I T U T I O N A L R E Q U I R E M E N T HIST 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 20, 21, 26
Criminal History Applicants who have criminal convictions may be denied. Any crimes associated with drugs, violence, sex, property damage, and/or weapons may be grounds for automatic disqualification. Eligibility is dependent upon the level, disposition, and time since the crime occurred. Open cases for similar crimes may be grounds for denial. Credit. A credit check will be performed, and the following may be grounds for denial: past due or dishonored debt, the absence of a credit history, unpaid housing accounts, unpaid utility accounts.
Bilingual Stipend Unit members who are directed by the manager or supervisor, with the approval of the President, to use a verified bilingual ability as a regular and routine component of their assignment shall be provided a stipend of 2.0% of base salary. The District shall require testing of bilingual ability prior to authorization of the initial additional compensation.