Month Work Year. The basic ten (10) month work year shall include one hundred eighty-four (184) guaranteed duty days, within the school calendar, as assigned, and shall be paid biweekly for time worked.
Month Work Year. 20.6 The work year of a full-time twelve (12) month employee shall be the number of fiscal year workdays within the assigned twelve (12) months. Such employees shall be available for scheduled assignments on fiscal year workdays or on any day of the week in lieu thereof within the assigned twelve
Month Work Year. The work year for ten (10) month secretaries shall consist of one hundred and ninety-five (195) work days beginning not earlier than four (4) work days prior to the first teacher work day and ending not later than seven (7) work days after the last teacher work day.
Month Work Year a. September 1 through June 30 - same calendar as professional staff when school is in session.
Month Work Year. The following 10-month hourly employees (Scheduled G, except Groundskeeper, Schedule H, and Schedule I) shall have annualized salaries developed to cover their work year for pay purposes utilizing the hourly rates by schedule, regular assigned hours for the year for each employee, and based on a 180 day work year. The work year for 10-month employees shall be a minimum of 180 work days, which shall be based on student attendance days. If 10-month hourly employees are required to work more than 180 days, they will be paid for such days. If any covered employee is required to attend a superintendent’s or other training day, they shall be paid for such attendance. If circumstances result in fewer than 180 student attendance days, the 10-month employees shall have no reduction in pay of the 180-day work year. It is understood that delayed openings and early dismissals due to weather or other emergency conditions will not result in deductions from compensation.