The Work Year Sample Clauses
The Work Year. H.3.1 The normal work year for Employees paid in Categories I – IV of Appendix A shall be one hundred and ninety-four (194) days plus three (3) days; there three (3) days shall be scheduled by the Employer in consultation with each individual Employee.
H.3.2 The normal work year for Employees paid in Category V of Appendix A shall be one hundred and ninety-four (194) days.
The Work Year. Support service personnel shall work the regular school year, except as specified below:
1. The work year for all counselors, psychologists, speech language pathologists, district nurses and hard of hearing specialists shall be fifteen (15) additional days per year as shown on the salary schedule.
2. The work year for work experience coordinators shall be five (5) additional days paid on a per diem basis to be scheduled with the site administrator.
3. The work year for library media teachers shall be five (5) additional days per year as shown on the salary schedule.
The Work Year. Secretarial personnel shall be employed on a ten (10) month contract from September 1 to June 30, or an eleven (11) month contract for the period July 1 to June 30, or a twelve (12) month contract from July 1 to June 30, in accordance with the fiscal year of the School District. Determination of the length of the contract year and duties, as determined by immediate supervisors and agreed to by the Superintendent, is subject to the approval of the Board. Summer hours for secretaries shall be thirty-two and one half (32.5) hours per week with a half-hour (1/2) lunch per day.
The Work Year. Employees shall perform services on those days as determined by the District, including those legal holidays on which the District is authorized to conduct school, and pursuant to such authority has determined to conduct school.
The Work Year. The Board shall have the right to establish the number of work days in the annual work year for bargaining unit members, and may in its discretion from time to time modify same as deemed necessary by the Board to best serve the educational interests of students. Provided, however, that the number of student instruction days per work year shall not exceed the level set forth below unless the Board shall determine such increase to be necessary in order for the school district to receive full state aid funding:
1. 180 Student Instruction Days
2. 186 Bargaining Unit Member Work Days (184 days + 2 days for P-T Conferences) The specific dates of all relevant activities during each school year shall be as established in the negotiated calendar by the Superintendent and AEA President (subject to any additional days added by the Board pursuant to state law or the state aid act). Any increase in the number of student instruction days added to the bargaining unit member work year shall be no more than the minimum number of days necessary for the school district to receive full state aid. In the event the Superintendent and AEA President are unable to agree upon the calendar for the upcoming contract year by August 1 of that same year, the administration shall establish the days of student instruction and teacher days as required by law.
The Work Year. 1. The school calendar for all teachers shall consist of no more than 186 total work days for new teachers under contract and no more than 185 total work days for teachers employed the previous year, of which no more than 177 will be student instruction days for each school year.
2. The 186 and 185 total work day limitations may be waived by mutual consent for high school teachers in a non-standard teaching day assignment (Article V.B.c.i.).
3. Adult Education will follow a calendar which will meet the state requirement for instructional hours for Adult Education.
The Work Year. The employee shall perform services on those days as determined by the School Board, including those legal holidays on which the School Board is authorized to conduct school, and pursuant to such authority has determined to conduct school.
The Work Year. The work year of teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis will not exceed one hundred eighty-nine days (189) days. Of the total number or required workdays, the first two scheduled days of work will be designated as "flex days" in recognition of the professional commitment of teachers and in exchange for attendance at parent conferences and voluntary attendance at school and, student events. The work year will include up to 180 days when pupils are in attendance. Any days not scheduled to be used as student days or flex days may be scheduled by the administration as teacher work days. Teacher work days may include new teacher orientation at the beginning of the school year, in-service and any other days on which professional activities for which teacher attendance is required. All teachers new to the District will be required to attend up to two (2) full additional workdays for orientation, regardless of their FTE status. Teachers new to the District will not receive "flex days" until they complete their first two years of new teacher status per Article V, In addition to the two days for initial orientation, teachers new to the District may be assigned up to fifteen (15) additional hours during each of their first two (2) years of service, to be used for meetings throughout the school year as designated by the Superintendent or designee. Such meetings will be no longer than two (2) hours in length and shall be held on regular workdays. The goal shall be to have no more than one (1) such meeting per month. The Association will communicate any concerns it may have regarding the scheduling of such meetings to the Superintendent or designee. Teachers shall receive not less than two (2) weeks prior notification of such meetings. The school calendar, including all days for which teacher attendance is required, will be developed in consultation with the Association with due consideration for the regional school calendar and applicable law. Teachers may be required to attend graduation ceremonies for South Burlington High School when such day is a scheduled contract workday.
The Work Year. 7.11.1 The work year for all unit members shall be one-hundred seventy-five (175) instructional days and a maximum of two (2) additional days for college institutes as designated by management, except for those non-classroom unit members as noted in section 7.2.
7.11.2 The board will annually adopt a calendar for the fiscal year.
7.11.3 The work week shall be Monday through Saturday.
7.11.4 The work day for members of the unit shall be defined as follows: 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday If Saturday work is required to complete a unit member's teaching load, a unit member and management will consult prior to making a Saturday assignment (excluding those assignments provided under Appendix D, Additional Duties Compensation Schedule).
7.11.5 Except for the work year specified in Section 7.3.2 A, all unit members have a work year of 177 days.
A. During the District summer-hours period (determined under the provisions of the CSEA agreement), student development unit members, with the exception of the Athletic Trainer and counselors, will work a nine and one-half (9 ½) hour per day, four (4) day week rather than a standard eight (8) hour per day, five (5) day week. The Athletic Trainer schedule, during the summer-hours period, will be determined by the Athletic Director. The counseling schedule, during the summer-hours period, will be determined by the Vice President of Student Services. This nine and one-half (9 ½) hour per day, four (4) day week will equal five (5) work days for workload purposes under the provisions of Article 7.2.
7.11.6 The workday for Allied health programs with clinical rotations at external health organizations shall be: 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday
The Work Year. 1. The starting time and length of the work year shall be determined by the Board.
2. The work year of employees varies as to the duties and locations of assignment to which they have been assigned by the Board.
a. Payroll Bookkeeper - Central Office * 52 weeks
b. General Secretary - Central Office * 52 weeks
c. General Secretary - Data and Technical Services * 52 weeks
d. General Secretary - High School Principal * 52 weeks
e. General Secretary - High School 198 work days**
f. General Secretary - Middle School Principal 203 work days**
g. General Secretary - Middle School 198 work days**
h. General Secretary - Elementary School 199 work days**
i. General Secretary - Student Services 198 work days**
j. District Clerk 198 work days**
k. Media Assistant 175 work days** * Employees in these classifications may have the option of one (1) week of deduct time. ** Work days do not include paid holidays and vacation days. Paid holiday and vacation Days are in addition to the number of work days