Early Dismissals Sample Clauses

Early Dismissals. Drivers who lose hours as a result of “early dismissals”, late starts, and/or conference days, the driver shall be guaranteed no less than the original contract time. Drivers must remain on site and be available for fill in work (paperwork related to the operation of transportation, driving whatever routes are needed, etc.) If a driver chooses not to accept fill-in work, he/she will sign off on a time sheet that he/she accepts losing original contract time.
Early Dismissals. On days when students are dismissed early due to a calamity, or for an in-service day, drivers will be compensated for their normal daily hours.
Early Dismissals. Requests for early dismissals must be in writing from the parents or guardians. When an emergency telephone request is made, only the principal can grant permission. If an early dismissal is granted through a telephone call or written note, the parent or guardian must come into the office to pick up the student and sign them out. Lunch will be served on all early dismissal days.
Early Dismissals. Students who need to leave school early are required to bring a note from a parent or guardian. All notes must be submitted to the student’s homeroom teacher the morning of the day requested. The homeroom teacher will notify the main office of the request for early dismissal. No student will be permitted to leave the building without a written request from the parent / guardian. The following must be indicated on each request: 1. Name and grade of student 2. Date of requested dismissal 3. Time of requested dismissal 4. Parent/Guardian signature and phone number
Early Dismissals. There will be early dismissal the day before Thanksgiving, the day before Winter Recess, the day before Mid-Winter Break, and the day before Spring Break. Release time will be determined to reasonably accommodate the afternoon ferry schedule for that particular date.
Early Dismissals. Early dismissal for employees covered by this Agreement include the day before Thanksgiving, the day before winter break, and the last student day of the school year, and days traded in return for conducting evening conferences.
Early Dismissals. The District Board shall designate seven (7) days in the school year for a two-hour early dismissal. This time is to be spent on building collaboration, grade level collaboration, subject area collaboration, student growth, AIMSWEB, PARCC, state mandated training, common core, ACT, and Aspire. There will be an early dismissal day at the end of each semester for the purpose of grade preparation.
Early Dismissals. Bargaining unit members may leave as soon as the buses leave prior to all legal holidays. On the Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Spring Break holidays, school will end after three hundred (300) minutes of instruction time have been completed at the high school.
Early Dismissals. No student may leave school prior to dismissal time without a parent or guardian either submitting a signed written request or coming to the School Office personally to request the release. No student will be released to a person other than a custodial parent(s) or guardian without a written permission note signed by the custodial parent(s) or guardian. Procedures have been developed for the safety of all people in the buildings. In the event of an emergency, students should remain under control, be alert, and follow directions established. Student progress reports will be made every nine weeks to parents and affiliated schools. Students will be graded on the level of skill proficiency that they develop.
Early Dismissals. The Bus Company shall provide assistance to all schools in scheduling early dismissals to be as minimally disruptive and minimally costly as possible. LATE BUSES The Bus Company shall provide, when requested, sufficient Late Buses at the high schools and/or the middle schools approximately two hours after dismissal time. Late Bus routes shall be made flexible to adapt to the needs of the actual riders on each bus daily. Late Bus service schedules may coincide with regular afternoon service. In such cases, if Late Bus needs cannot be met through the scheduling of the normal number of buses and drivers of the regular fleet, the Late Bus service shall require additional buses and drivers which shall be provided by the Bus Company.