Delayed Openings. 1. When a school experiences a delayed opening for an emergency or because of inclement weather, school based unit members of the school that is delayed shall report no later than thirty (30) minutes before the students’ scheduled arrival on school property.
2. When the School System experiences a delayed opening for an emergency or because of inclement weather, non-school based unit members shall report to their worksite no later than sixty (60) minutes after their regular start time.
Delayed Openings. When emergency conditions require a delay in the opening of school, teachers shall report to work fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the modified student day.
Delayed Openings. It may be possible to hold school by delaying the opening by one, two or three hours. If this decision is reached, it will be announced on local radio and television stations beginning at 6:30 am, as well as a ConnectEd message. Should the announcement say that Alamance-Burlington Schools will open one, two or three hours late (depending on the severity of the weather condition), simply move the morning schedule forward the number hours later than usual so that car riders arrive at school one, two or three hours later.
Delayed Openings. On a day the Paramus Public Schools are subject to a delayed opening on the basis of inclement weather, employees shall be allowed to arrive at the workplace one (1) hour later than their usual start times. There shall be no corresponding obligation for staff to remain at the workplace later at the end of the day, and they shall suffer no reduction in pay based on the shortened workday.
Delayed Openings. The parties agree that on occasion, for the safety of students and staff as well as for enhanced educational considerations, conditions exist which require the State District Superintendent of Schools to announce a delayed opening of District facilities.
6:1-4.1 When schools open under the condition of a delayed opening, the District will continue to provide appropriate instruction using modified scheduling techniques and all schools will conform to state regulations regarding attendance.
6:1-4.2 On a day where a delayed opening has been implemented, all periods, including lunch and preparation periods, shall be reduced and shall be of equal length. The length of homeroom shall be determined by the building administrator.
6:1-4.3 While the requirements of Article 7 and its subsections shall remain in force, Principals will have the authority to consider individual circumstances under the emergent conditions which exist with respect to sign-in requirements.
Delayed Openings. Paraeducators will be paid for delayed openings time, but they must report to school as soon as conditions permit. Paraeducators who are dismissed early due to inclement weather will be paid for the “lost hours.”
Delayed Openings. If there is a delayed opening, the required reporting time will reflect the time of the delay.
Delayed Openings. On days when the opening of school is delayed, employees are expected to report to work at the regular time. In the event weather conditions make it impossible for an employee to report for work at the regular time, the Director may, at his/her sole discretion, waive this requirement so long as the employee calls the Director between the hours of 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. to report the delayed arrival and the reasons therefor. Employees will be paid for the hours actually worked.
Delayed Openings. The transportation supervisor or designee will call the driver:
a. If all students in a single vehicle are from the delayed school, delay the time requested and then make the run.
b. Students going into an area that must connect with another vehicle or are on a bus with other students will not be transported.
Delayed Openings. For the safety of all employees covered by the terms of this Agreement, in the event of a delayed opening employees will report to their buildings at the appropriate time, in accordance with the schools' adjusted hours for that day.