MPa Sample Clauses
MPa. In order to use this Agreement, some Members require jurisdiction-specific paperwork or contract language. Vendor may be required to review an MMCAP Infuse MPA, as an addendum to this Agreement to provide for laws specific to a state or local jurisdiction. If these circumstances exist, the Vendor will work with MMCAP Infuse and Member to prepare an MPA to set forth the additional or altered terms and conditions. An MPA must clearly apply only to the requesting location and will not affect the rights of the other Membership, nor will it modify, derogate, or otherwise diminish the rights and obligations set forth herein, except in regard to the applicable named Member. When the specific terms are agreeable to the Vendor and the Member, the MPA will be presented by MMCAP Infuse to each party for execution. No other mechanism of modifying or “attaching to” the Agreement is authorized. Vendor is not required to agree to any additional terms; however, by not agreeing to the MPA, Vendor may be precluded from doing business with that Member. No verbal or written instructions from Members, or any of their staff or officials, to change any provision of this Agreement will be accepted by Vendor without the prior written approval of MMCAP Infuse.
MPa. The outlet is at ambient pressure. The inlet temperature and pressure are recorded;
MPa. The Project Participant agrees to comply with the MPA as a “Project Participant”, to the extent that such provisions apply to the Project Participant and comply with the obligations of the Project Lead to the extent applicable. Those provisions are incorporated into this Project Participant Agreement by reference. The Supercluster is a third party beneficiary of this Project Participant Agreement for the purpose of enforcing its rights and the Project Participant’s obligations under this Project Participant Agreement, including the Project Participant’s obligations under the MPA as incorporated herein. The parties agree the Supercluster may enforce the rights and entitlements of the Supercluster and the Project Lead pursuant to this Project Participant Agreement against the Project Participant.
MPa. It is important to note that these sites are either located some distance from an entrance, in the centre of an open space or adjacent to a pathway where a visitor gains no benefit in distance-walked by diverging from the pathway (ie. it is just as easy to follow the path in order to reach their objective). And that these sites also display lower than average bulk density readings.
MPa. The Subcontractor agrees to comply with the MPA as a “Subcontractor”, to the extent that such provisions apply to the Subcontractor and comply with the obligations of the Project Lead to the extent applicable. Those provisions are incorporated into this Subcontractor Agreement by reference. The Supercluster is a third party beneficiary of this Subcontractor Agreement for the purpose of enforcing its rights and the Subcontractor’s obligations under this Subcontractor Agreement, including the Subcontractor’s obligations under the MPA as incorporated herein. The parties agree the Supercluster may enforce the rights and entitlements of the Supercluster and the Project Lead pursuant to this Subcontractor Agreement against the Subcontractor.
MPa. Seal elements shall be permanently and automatically lubricated with grease by means of a sequential system. Skin elements shall be chamfered on each side of the articulation.
MPa. The Mandatory Portability Agreement, effective January 1, 1985, between and among AT&T, Former Affiliates and certain other companies and which, in accordance with section 559 of the Tax Reform Act of 1984, provides for the mutual recognition of service credit and the transfer of benefit obligations for specified employees who terminate employment with one company signatory to such agreement and subsequently commence employment with another company signatory to such agreement.
MPa. It shall consist of 3 rows of wire brushes with steel-plate protection on each side. Each of the annular spaces between the seals shall be permanently fed with a special mastic suitable for the brushes. The mastic shall be chosen by the Purchaser who shall give the Supplier the specification. The mastic shall be injected by adjustable-discharge pumps in the backup. Each annular space shall be fed by at least eight tubes fitted to the tail skin. The tubes shall each be supplied by the two pumps. The volume of mastic injected shall be guaranteed by sequential-operation pumps and pressure monitoring equipment at at least eight points in each chamber. The pressures in the seal xxxxxxxx shall be displayed in the operating cab. The principle of the tail seal is as follows: . Each seal chamber shall be fed by a variable-discharge pump with an adjustment range between 0 and 5 litres per minute. Downline of the pump, a sequential distributor shall feed the eight tubes to the corresponding chamber in cycles. The order to switch from one tube to another shall be given by an adjustable number of pump strokes. If the pressure reaches an adjustable maximum threshold, the number of strokes need not be attained, the signal is given to switch to the next tube, and at the same time an alarm signal is displayed in the operating cab. . Injection shall be monitored in real time by means of reliable pressure sensors which shall not be affected by pressure losses in the supply pipes. . This equipment shall be controlled from the operating cab. Discharge shall be stopped automatically when the cutterhead stops turning, but this stoppage may be overridden from the operating cab. . During manual operation, it shall be possible to select the injection point in order to deal with localized leakage. [STAMP] Bouygues TP Sheung Shui to Xxxx Tau Tunnels July 0000 XXXX PLp TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR TBM & BACKUP
MPa. In the event that the pressure conditions at the IP do not allow optimal control of the Natural Gas Flow, Parties are under the obligation to inform each other of the situation arisen. In case that ONTRAS due to the technical reasons is not able to control the Natural Gas transport from the IP, the responsibility for the Natural Gas flow control is transferred temporary to NET4GAS. This transfer of responsibility is subject of NET4GAS’approval. As soon as ONTRAS is able to control the Natural Gas transport from the IP, it resumes the responsibility for the Natural Gas flow.” “Any Imbalance between the quantities metered at the IP and the Targeted Value (Sollwert) taking into account Renominations and/or rescheduling will be debited or credited to the Operational Balancing Account. The balance of the Operational Balancing Account shall be limited to 10.000.000 kWh at the IP unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.”
MPa. The evolution of the fracture network was not confined to a small zone of interconnecting fractures, but a distinct volume was altered, as is to be expected in fractured rock mass like in shales. This alteration of the fracture network also yields changed permeability.