Networking Requirements. The use of firewalls and other system protections as approved by TGA and SGA are required to protect the integrity of the Tribal Lottery System and player accounts and:
5.11.1 Where the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery System or components are linked with one another in a local network for progressive jackpot, function sharing, aggregate prizes or other purposes, communication protocols must be used which ensure that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operations of any such system or components. No class III game or gaming system in which any part or component is located outside the Tribe’s gaming facilities shall be deemed approved as part of the approval of this Appendix. Any proposal for such game or gaming system, including the proposed rules, manner of regulation, and manner of play, monitoring and/or maintenance of the system, shall require submission to, and approval by, the TGA and SGA.
5.11.2 Dedicated and protected network connections prohibiting unauthorized access, approved by SGA and TGA, may allow two or more of the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery Systems to share player information. Game tickets and other information prohibited from being viewed, as outlined in other sections of this Appendix, shall not be available or transmitted between the Tribe’s connected Tribal Lottery Systems or facilities. Communications between the Tribe’s facilities will require the use of approved firewalls that are configured and operated STILLAGUAMISH TRIBE APPENDIX X2 02-26-07 Page 20 to protect the Tribal Lottery System and player information. Computer systems linked between the Tribe’s facilities may not be used to link progressive jackpots, except in Joined Facilities.
Networking Requirements. Where the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery System or components are linked with one another in a local network for progressive jackpot, function sharing, aggregate prizes or other purposes, communication protocols must be used which ensure that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operations of any such system or components. No class III game or gaming system in which any part or component is located outside the Tribe’s gaming facility shall be deemed approved as part of the approval of this Appendix. Any proposal for such game or gaming system, including the proposed rules, manner of regulation, and manner of play, shall require submission to, and approval by, the SGA and the Governor.
Networking Requirements. The hub-and-spokes model has been proposed as a basic unit for the data integration architecture because of its simplicity and scalability. In the model, network connections (spokes) are arranged so that all traffic from connected nodes goes through a central hub working as a message broker. A drawback of the approach is that a hub presents a single point of failure. Also, communication can be slow because of the extra step posed by the hub. These problems can be addressed:
Networking Requirements. Where the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery System or components are linked with one another in a local network for progressive jackpot, function sharing, aggregate prizes or other purposes, communication protocols must be used which ensure Makah Indian Tribe - State of Washington Appendix X that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operations of any such system or components. No class III game or gaming system in which any part or component is located outside the Tribe’s gaming facility shall be deemed approved as part of the approval of this Appendix. Any proposal for such game or gaming system, including the proposed rules, manner of regulation, and manner of play, shall require submission to, and approval by, the SGA and the Governor.
Networking Requirements. The Miraculous-Life server and the workstation need to have a working internet connection. Furthermore, the tablet(s) and the associated workstation have to be in the same LAN. Table 8 shows the necessary network port configuration in order for the system to work properly.
Networking Requirements. Comply with the with the networking requirements and perform work as specified in 704.03.01.
Networking Requirements. The use of firewalls and other system protections as approved by TGA and SGA are required to protect the integrity of the Tribal Lottery System and player accounts and:
) 5.11.1 Where the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery System or components are linked with one another in a local network for progressive jackpot, function sharing, aggregate prizes or other purposes, communication protocols must be used which ensure that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operations of any such system or components. No class III game or gaming system in which any part or component is located outside the Tribe’s gaming facilities shall be deemed approved as part of the approval of this Appendix. Any proposal for such game or gaming system, including the proposed rules, manner of regulation, and manner of play, monitoring and/or maintenance of the system, shall require submission to, and approval by, the TGA and SGA.
Networking Requirements a) All Subscription Titles shall be delivered to the Authorized Device via HTTPS or RTMPE using signed, time-expiring URLs.
b) The Authorized Device shall validate that the server-side certificate properly chains up to a valid root CA certificate.
c) Device authentication on the Authorized Device shall be performed utilizing one of the following processes:
i. client-side SSL certificate authentication by ADSI’s server, including validating that the client-side certificate properly chains up to a valid root CA certificate;
ii. shared secret, where, at the time of provision, each request is signed by the Authorized Device using the shared secret key embedded in its protected memory; or
iii. the Authorized Device’s manufacturer operates a mediating server, which receives and authenticates requests from the applicable Authorized Devices.
d) For the purposes of this Section 3, only certificates signed by ADSI, its Affiliates, the Authorized Device manufacturer or any commercially reputable certification authority shall be deemed to be valid root CA certificates.
Networking Requirements. 9.5.1 Fully Compliant eMEDRenal is fully compatible with the Authority's networking standards.
9.5.2 Fully Compliant Please see the attached Appendix 8 - Technical overview (save for that the Authority requires fat installation as it does not use Citrix or Terminal Services). 9.
Networking Requirements. Where the Tribe’s Tribal Lottery System or components are linked with one another in a local network for progressive jackpot, function sharing, aggregate prizes or other purposes, communication protocols must be used which ensure that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operations of any such system or components. No class III game or gaming system in which any part or component is located outside the Tribe’s gaming facility shall be deemed approved as part of the approval of this Appendix. Any proposal for such game or gaming system, including the proposed rules, manner of regulation, and manner of play, shall require submission to, and approval by, the SGA and the Governor. APPENDIX X 11/13/98 5.12 Prohibited Software Functions. Player Terminals shall not have software or hardware that determines the outcome of any Electronic Scratch Ticket Game. Nothing herein is intended to prohibit the Player Terminal from creating the appropriate Scratch Ticket and On- Line Game graphics and animation to correspond to, display or represent, in an entertaining manner, the outcome. In addition, Player Terminals shall not have any software that:
5.12.1 Determines which Scratch Ticket outcome from within the Scratch Ticket Subset is transmitted to the Player Terminal; or
5.12.2 Alters the amount of the payout of the Electronic Scratch Ticket as received from the Central Computer.