NOTIFICATION AND PRODUCT DELIVERY. Subject to the minimum and maximum amounts specified in Section 5.1, BUYER will provide SELLER written notice of the Nominated rate of Delivery for each Month [---] Days prior to the first Day of said Month. No later than ten (10) Days prior to the beginning of each Month, SELLER shall provide BUYER a proposed schedule of Pipeline Deliveries and Marine Deliveries ("Delivery Schedule") to be made by SELLER for the following two Months. The proposed Delivery Schedule shall specify the type of Delivery, Pipeline Delivery or Marine Delivery, approximate quantity, the approximate date and a characterization of the approximate viscosity, either low, 100 - 200 SSU at 210 XX, xxxxxx, 000 - 000 XXX at 210 DF, or high, 350 - 450 SSU at 210 DF, for each individual Delivery. BUYER shall notify SELLER of its acceptance or rejection of the proposed Delivery Schedule within three (3) business days of its receipt, such notice to include the cause or reasons for BUYER's rejection. BUYER may reject the proposed Delivery Schedule because the proposed date or volume of an individual Delivery is inconsistent with the limits on Product Delivery ratability specified in this Article VII. If BUYER rejects the proposed Delivery Schedule because the necessary space in BUYER's storage tanks at BUYER's BPTF is unavailable or as a result of some other similar operational consideration, BUYER shall make reasonable efforts to rearrange other schedules to provide SELLER a satisfactory alternate Delivery date or alternate Delivery volume. In this and all such similar efforts, SELLER and BUYER shall make reasonable efforts to coordinate their individual Pipeline Deliveries and Marine Deliveries into and out of BUYER's BPTF to minimize operational difficulties and costs. SELLER shall notify BUYER of a change in the proposed Delivery Schedule due to any of the following causes with respect to any Delivery when it shall become known to SELLER:
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NOTIFICATION AND PRODUCT DELIVERY. Subject to the minimum and maximum amounts specified in Section 4.1, BUYER will provide SELLER notice ("Nomination") of the amount to be sold and delivered by SELLER and bought and received by BUYER for each calendar month no later than seventy-five (75) days prior to the first day of said month ("Nomination Month"). The Nomination shall specify both the quantities of Product and the delivery timing for the amount to be sold for the first and second half of the Nomination Month, respectively. No later than 10 days prior to the beginning of each calendar month, SELLER will provide BUYER a schedule of deliveries to be made for the following two months. The delivery schedule shall specify the approximate quantity, the approximate date and a characterization of the approximate viscosity, either low, 100 - 200 SSU at 210 XX, xxxxxx, 000 - 000 XXX at 210 DF or high, over 350 SSU at 210 DF of each separate delivery. SELLER shall notify BUYER of a change to said delivery schedule because of one of the following causes with respect to each individual delivery when it shall become known to SELLER: a) A change in volume, if such change is in excess of 10% of the previously advised delivery volume; or


  • Forecasts and Purchase Orders On or before the twelfth (12th) day of each month, beginning on January 12, 2022, Indivior shall furnish to Curia a written twelve (12) month rolling forecast of the quantities of Product that Indivior intends to order from Curia during such period ("Rolling Forecast"). The first six (6) months of such Rolling Forecast shall constitute a firm and binding commitment to order quantities of Product specified therein ("Firm Period Forecast"), and the following six (6) months of the Rolling Forecast shall be non-binding, good faith estimates. Each month of the Rolling Forecast shall begin on the twelfth (12th) of the calendar month in which such Rolling Forecast is submitted and end on the eleventh (11th) day of the following calendar month. With exception to the Firm Period Forecast, Curia reserves the right to reject any Rolling Forecast that does not align with the physical Processing capabilities of the Facility(ies) and the parties shall work in good faith to adjust the Rolling Forecast based on available resources, Facility capacity and other relevant factors. Indivior shall have the right to request an increase of the Firm Period Forecast to include additional units of Product. Curia may, in its sole discretion, supply such additional quantities, subject to Curia's other supply commitments and manufacturing capacity. In the event Curia agrees to supply such additional quantities, Indivior shall submit a Purchase Order for such additional quantities, with the required lead times as specified below. In no event shall Curia's inability to fulfill Purchase Orders for quantities in excess of the Firm Period Forecast be deemed a breach of this Agreement, nor relieve Indivior of its obligations under this Agreement. Indivior shall submit with each Rolling Forecast, a non-cancelable Purchase Order for the Firm Period Forecast (or such portion of the Firm Period Forecast not covered by previously submitted Purchase Orders). Indivior may alternatively submit Purchase Orders for certain portions of the Firm Period Forecast subsequent to the submission of the Rolling Forecast, provided the Purchase Orders provide the required lead time for Processing as set forth below. Curia shall notify Indivior of acceptance of the Rolling Forecast and any Purchase Order within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall be deemed to have accepted Purchase Orders which it does not acknowledge within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall have the right to reject Rolling Forecasts and Purchase Orders that are inconsistent with this Agreement. Each Purchase Order shall specify the quantity of Product being ordered, and the desired delivery date. Upon mutual agreement in writing for additional quantities of Product beyond the Firm Period Forecast, including projected delivery date(s), Indivior shall issue the applicable Purchase Order to be accepted by Curia as described above. Once placed, all Purchase Orders for Product shall be non-cancelable. No different or additional terms or conditions set forth in any Purchase Order shall modify in any way the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in the event of a conflict between terms in any Purchase Order and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control. All Purchase Orders submitted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be effective and binding on the parties upon acceptance by Curia. Except as otherwise provided herein, neither party shall have the right or power to refuse, reduce, or otherwise modify their obligations under any Purchase Order; however, Purchase Orders may be amended (i) upon written mutual agreement regarding such modification that is signed by both parties; or (ii) as otherwise provided in this Section 4.3 or Section 4.4.

  • Product Recalls The Company is not aware of any pattern or series of claims against the Company or any of its subsidiaries which reasonably could be expected to result in a generalized product recall relating to products sold by the Company or any of its subsidiaries, regardless of whether such product recall is formal, informal, voluntary or involuntary.

  • Product Recall (a) If any governmental agency with jurisdiction over the recall of any goods supplied hereunder provides written notice to Buyer or Seller, or Buyer or Seller has a reasonable basis to conclude, that any goods supplied hereunder could possibly create a potential safety hazard or unsafe condition, pose an unreasonable risk of serious injury or death, contain a defect or a quality or performance deficiency, or are not in compliance with any applicable code, standard or legal requirement so as to make it advisable, or required, that such goods be recalled and/or repaired, Seller or Buyer will promptly communicate such relevant facts to each other. Buyer shall determine whether a recall of the affected goods is warranted or advisable, unless Buyer or Seller has received notice to that effect from any governmental agency with jurisdiction over the recalled goods.

  • Regulatory Notices Manager will, within 2 Business Days after its receipt, give Sprint PCS written notice of all oral and written communications it receives from regulatory authorities (including but not limited to the FCC, the FAA, state public service commissions, environmental authorities, and historic preservation authorities) and complaints respecting Manager's construction, operation, and management of the Service Area Network that could result in actions affecting the License as well as written notice of the details respecting such communications and complaints, including a copy of any written material received in connection with such communications and complaints. Manager will cooperate with Sprint PCS in responding to such communications and complaints received by Manager. Sprint PCS has the right to respond to all such communications and complaints, with counsel and consultants of its own choice. If Sprint PCS chooses to respond to such communications and complaints, Manager will not respond to them without the consent of Sprint PCS, and Manager will pay the costs of Sprint PCS' responding to such communications and complaints, including reasonable attorneys' and consultants' fees, investigation costs, and all other reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Sprint PCS.

  • Product Warranties Except as set forth in Schedule 3.15, (a) there are no warranties express or implied, written or oral, with respect to the Business and (b) there are no pending or threatened claims with respect to any such warranty, and Seller has no liability with respect to any such warranty, whether known or unknown, absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise and whether due or to become due.

  • Commercialization Reports After the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the Territory, LICENSEE shall submit to Cornell semi-annual reports on or before each February 28 and August 31 of each year. Each report shall cover LICENSEE’s (and each Affiliate’s and Sublicensee’s) most recently completed calendar half-year and shall show:

  • Supply of Product The JDC shall be responsible for determining the sources of, and arrangements for, the manufacture and supply of Products that the JDC believes will result in long-term profit maximization for such Products. The JDC shall endeavor to [ * ].

  • Product The term “

  • Product and Service Warranties 21- SECTION 3.30

  • Product Warranty Each product manufactured, sold, leased, or delivered by the Company has been in conformity with all applicable contractual commitments and all express and implied warranties, and the Company has no Liability (and there is no basis for any present or future action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim, or demand against any of them giving rise to any Liability) for replacement or repair thereof or other damages in connection therewith, subject only to the reserve for product warranty claims set forth on the face of the balance sheet included in the Interim Financial Statements (rather than in any notes thereto) as adjusted for the passage of time through the Closing Date in accordance with the past custom and practice of the Company. No product manufactured, sold, leased, or delivered by the Company is subject to any guaranty, warranty, or other indemnity beyond the applicable standard terms and conditions of sale or lease. Section 4.22 of the Disclosure Schedule includes copies of the standard terms and conditions of sale or lease for the Company (containing applicable guaranty, warranty, and indemnity provisions).

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