Notification Days. An employee shall be granted one such day each school year if employed less than ten (10) years in the district. Two days shall be allowed each school year for employees of ten or more years of service in the district. The allowance under this article shall be in accordance with the terms of Section 3 below. The employee shall notify the administration of the date of any such day at least five working days prior to that date except in cases where the exact date cannot be predetermined. If the absence is linked to a school holiday or weekend, a request for substantiation of reason for the absence may be made. Absence will be allowed upon approval of the reason, in advance, by the Superintendent. Examples of reasons for which such days may be granted include: household emergency not related to illness or injury, legal consultations and legal ceremonies, graduations in the immediate family, birth of child, civic duty and subpoenas (other than school related). Every effort will be made by the employee to consider the smooth continuity of education with regards to use of personal/notification days. The Association and its members recognize the intent of the use of personal/notification days and that these days may not be taken before or after a long weekend or holiday without the prior approval of the Superintendent. Again, every effort will be made by Association members to utilize these days in a professional manner.