Complaints and Appeals As a Premera member, you have the right to offer your ideas, ask questions, voice complaints and request a formal appeal to reconsider decisions we have made. Our goal is to listen to your concerns and improve our service to you. If you need an interpreter to help with oral translation, please call us. Customer Service will be able to guide you through the service. We would like to hear from you. If you have an idea, suggestion, or opinion, please let us know. You can contact us at the addresses and telephone numbers found on the back cover. Please call us when you have questions about a benefit or coverage decision, our services, or the quality or availability of a healthcare service. We can quickly and informally correct errors, clarify benefits, or take steps to improve our service. We suggest that you call your provider of care when you have questions about the healthcare they provide.
Grievance and Appeals Unit See Section 9 for contact information. You may also contact the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner’s Consumer Resource Program, RIREACH at 1-855-747-3224 about questions or concerns you may have. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of our operation or the quality of care you received from a healthcare provider. A complaint is not an appeal. For information about submitting an appeal, please see the Reconsiderations and Appeals section below. We encourage you to discuss any concerns or issues you may have about any aspect of your medical treatment with the healthcare provider that furnished the care. In most cases, issues can be more easily resolved if they are raised when they occur. However, if you remain dissatisfied or prefer not to take up the issue with your provider, you can call our Customer Service Department for further assistance. You may also call our Customer Service Department if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our operation. If the concern or issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may file a verbal or written complaint with our Grievance and Appeals Unit. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint or administrative appeal within ten (10) business days. The Grievance and Appeals Unit will conduct a thorough review of your complaint and respond within thirty (30) calendar days of the date it was received. The determination letter will provide you with the rationale for our response as well as information on any possible next steps available to you. When filing a complaint, please provide the following information: • your name, address, member ID number; • the date of the incident or service; • summary of the issue; • any previous contact with BCBSRI concerning the issue; • a brief description of the relief or solution you are seeking; and • additional information such as referral forms, claims, or any other documentation that you would like us to review. Please send all information to the address listed on the Contact Information section.
Review and Appeal 1. Each Party shall ensure that the importers in its territory have access to administrative review within the customs administration that issued the decision subject to review or, where applicable, the higher authority supervising the administration and/or judicial review of the determination taken at the final level of administrative review, in accordance with the Party's domestic law. 2. The decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. 3. The level of administrative review may include any authority supervising the customs administration of a Party.
Grievance Commissioner System This is to confirm the discussion of the parties during collective bargaining that they are committed to encouraging early discussion and resolution of labour relations issues at the local level and seek to resolve grievances in a timely and cost efficient manner. To that end, this is to confirm that pursuant to Article 8, the parties agree that the Employer and Union at individual nursing homes may agree to utilize the following process in order to resolve a particular grievance through the utilization of a joint mediation-arbitration procedure:
HHS Single Audit Unit will notify Grantee to complete the Single Audit Determination Form If Grantee fails to complete the form within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of notice, Grantee maybe subject to sanctions and remedies for non-compliance.
Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of: i. Prohibiting the use of all forms of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; ii. Designating the property to which this Policy applies as a "designated area,” which must at least comprise all buildings and structures where activities funded under this Grant Agreement are taking place, as well as Grantee owned, leased, or controlled sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to this designated area; iii. Applying to all employees and visitors in this designated area; and iv. Providing for or referring its employees to tobacco use cessation services. B. If Grantee cannot meet these minimum standards, it must obtain a waiver from the System Agency.
Grievances and Appeals a. If you have questions about any pediatric dental services received, please first discuss the matter with your Dental Provider. However, if you continue to have concerns, please call Delta Dental’s Customer Service Center. You can also email questions by accessing the “Contact Us” section of the dental plan website at
Decision-Making Authority BMS shall have the sole decision-making authority for the operations and Commercialization strategies and decisions, including funding and resourcing, related to the Commercialization of Products; provided that such decisions are not inconsistent with the express terms and conditions of this Agreement, including BMS’ diligence obligations set forth in Section 5.1.
Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
Review and Approval The Supplier confirms and agrees that it shall apply to receive ISR's written consent, wherever ISR's consent, explicitly or implied, is required according to this Agreement. This requirement and the provision of ISR consent, shall not derogate in any way from Supplier's responsibilities and liabilities under this Agreement, and ISR shall bear no responsibility or liability whatsoever in connection with the review (whether or not there are objections) and/or with any approval given to, or denied from, Supplier, with respect to any matter and/or document, including but without limitation, drawings, designs (at all phases), plans, tests or otherwise.