Obligations of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall undertake: to take all steps necessary to prepare for, perform and correctly manage the work programme set out in this contract and in its annexes, in accordance with the objectives of the project as set out in the GA; to notify and provide the Partner with any Amendments made to the GA concluded with DZS; to define in conjunction with the Partner the role and rights and obligations of the two parties; to comply with all the provisions of GA binding the Beneficiary to DZS.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall undertake:
1. to take all the steps necessary to prepare for, perform and correctly manage the work programme set out in this contract and in its annexes, in accordance with the objectives of the project as set out in the Agreement concluded between the National Agency and the Beneficiary;
2. to send to the Partner a copy of the Agreement n° 2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048009 and its annexes, concluded with the National Agency, of the Guidelines for administrative and financial management and reporting, of the various reports and of any other official document concerning the project;
3. to notify and provide the Partner with any amendment made to the Agreement n° 2018-1-CZ01- KA202-048009 concluded with the National Agency;
4. to define in conjunction with the Partner the role and rights and obligations of the two parties, including those concerning the attribution of the intellectual property rights;
5. to comply with all the provisions of Agreement n° 2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048009 binding the Beneficiary to the National Agency.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall undertake:
3.1. to take all the steps necessary to prepare for, perform and correctly manage the Project, in high quality and in accordance with the objectives of the Project as set out in the Grant Agreement and its annexes;
3.2. to send to the Partner a copy of the Grant Agreement and its annexes (incl. financial and contractual rules), of the various reports and of any other official document concerning the Project;
3.3. to notify and provide the Partner with any amendment made to the Grant Agreement;
3.4. to define in conjunction with the Partner the role and rights and obligations of the two Parties, including those concerning the attribution of the intellectual property rights;
3.5. to comply with all the provisions of Grant Agreement.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. In the performance of the exploration, the BENEFICIARY obligates itself to the following:
a) To carry out the exploration works pursuant to custom and usage of the good miner and in accordance with the Mining Law, its Regulations and other legal provisions related to the mining activities, allowing the TITLEHOLDERS to inspect the works carried out by the BENEFICIARY, if and when the formers do not interfere or interrupt the activities which are being carried out by the BENEFICIARY in the LOT.
b) To preserve the LOT in good maintenance conditions, when carrying out the exploration of same.
c) To take care of the maintenance of the monument of the starting point and of location of the LOT, for which purposes the TITLEHOLDERS shall deliver to the BENEFICIARY the corresponding documents, such as expert reports and others.
d) To deliver to the TITLEHOLDERS -through their representative- within a term of 60 (sixty) calendar days following the termination of this Contract of Exploration, if the definitive Contract of Assignment of Rights mentioned below is not executed, a non-interpretative report on the exploration operations, which shall include a report with respect to the mineral deposits located in the LOT, as well as in connection with the geological, mining and sampling works performed, with copies of the geological and topographical maps and of the drilling made; such information and documents shall not be interpretative and may be delivered in English version, should the originals have been drafted in such language.
e) To comply with the labor, social security, tax and other obligations with respect to the personnel of the BENEFICIARY working on the LOT, as a consequence of the exploration carried out by the BENEFICIARY in accordance with this Contract.
f) To hold the TITLEHOLDERS free and harmless of any claim tried against them by employees or workers of the BENEFICIARY or by third parties contracted by the latter to whom the BENEFICIARY may have entrusted the rendering of a service on the LOT.
g) To comply with the obligations in the environmental area, with respect to the activities carried out in the LOT directly by the BENEFICIARY or through its contractors.
h) To reimburse the TITLEHOLDERS, as from the date of execution of this Contract of Exploration and during the life of same, the surface taxes deriving from the LOT that in the future become due and be effectively paid by the TITLEHOLDERS; such reimbursement shall be made by the BENEFICIARY wit...
Obligations of the Beneficiary. 3.1. The Beneficiary undertakes to implement and execute the Project effectively and on time, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and its Annexes. If the Beneficiary fails to properly implement the Project (or any part thereof), the Contractor shall be entitled to take action as provided in Article
5.2. The Beneficiary agrees to promptly notify the Contractor of any information, fact, problem or significant delay that may affect the implementation of the Project.
Obligations of the Beneficiary and the sending organisation
Obligations of the Beneficiary. In consideration of the Government agreeing to grant the Funds in accordance with clause 22, the Beneficiary shall carry out and complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement, the Project Proposal and any requirements relating to the Project as may from time to time be prescribed by the Ca in writing.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary undertakes:
2(1) To use this grant exclusively for the object herein above stated;
2(2) To make no profit through the GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE contribution;
2(3) To transmit to GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE before 1 October 2024, - A report on the use made of this contribution (with copy to the Beneficiary), - A financial statement (see Xxxxx XX) in English of actual expenditure for the activity, approved by certified auditor, accompanied by appropriate original supporting documents. If for legal reasons the original documents must be retained by the Beneficiary certified copies must be submitted with the financial statement; - A copy of the credit advice slip for the first instalment, as well as the official exchange rate applied by the bank of the Beneficiary at the date of the credit.
2(4) To relinquish the right to the payment of any balance of the contribution if the documents specified in 2(3) above are not received by the GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE by the due date;
2(5) To keep the accounts of the Activity for any further verification of the proper use of the contribution by the GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE, its auditors or its appointed representative for a period of two years from the date of payment of the balance;
2(6) To acknowledge the support of the GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE and through this the support of the European Commission.
2(7) To observe any applicable laws in the execution of this Arrangement, and to hold the GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK EUROPE – GENE harmless from any claims from third parties (including State authorities) related to the execution of this Arrangement.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. 4.1 The Beneficiary shall do the following as part of its annual financial governance obligations required of schools:
4.1.1 ensure that effective, efficient and transparent financial management and internal control systems are in place, and shall remain in place at all times;
4.1.2 furnish the Department with its most recent audited financial statements, in support of clause 4.1.1 above; and
4.1.3 appoint an accountant to prepare the Beneficiary’s financial
4.2 The Beneficiary shall do the following in respect of the Funds:
4.2.1 furnish the Department with a written assurance of compliance in terms of section 38 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999, which is to be attached as Annexure “A” to this Agreement;
4.2.2 allocate and utilise the Funds only in accordance with the Business Plan;
4.2.3 create a separate line item within its income and expenditure report (043 form) to enable it to accurately account for the Funds transferred in favour of the Project;
4.2.4 refund to the Department all Funds clearly indicating the Project reference number, should the Beneficiary fail to commence with the implementation of the Project within 6 (six) months after the Funds (or any part thereof) have been paid over to it, within 30 (thirty) Calendar Days from the end of the 6-month period;
4.2.5 pay back any surplus and/or remaining Funds to the Department (clearly indicating the Project reference number), within 30 (thirty) Calendar Days of termination of the Agreement;
4.2.6 ensure that it maintains complete documentary evidence of all and any payments made from the Funds, including but not limited to expenditure vouchers, indicating the Project reference number, which must be retained for audit purposes;
4.2.7 furnish the Department with an income and expenditure statement certified as correct by the Principal, which indicates the total allocation and total expenditure in respect of the Project, within 60 (sixty) Calendar Days of completion of the Project; and
4.2.8 adhere to the reporting and other requirements as set out in clause 5 below.
Obligations of the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall undertake:
1. to take all the steps necessary to prepare for, perform and eorrectly manage the work programme set out in this contract and iň its annex, in accordance with the objectives of the project as set out in the Agreement concluded between National Agency and the Beneficiary;
2. to send to the' Partner a copy of the relevant parts of the Agreement n° PPI/APM/2019/1/00047/U/00001 and its anriexes, concluded with the National Agency, and a copy of the various reports and of any other official document concerning the project;
3. to notify and provide the Partner with any amendment made to the Agreement n° PPI/APM/2019/1/00047/U/00001 which may be concluded between the Beneficiary and National Agency;