Expenditure Report Sample Clauses
Expenditure Report. The Contractor shall submit, on a quarterly basis, not later than the time period listed in Attachment D (Payment and Reporting Schedule), a detailed expenditure report, by object of expense. This report shall accompany the voucher submitted for such period.
Expenditure Report. 17 A. No later than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of each period or fiscal year of this 18 Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall submit to ADMINISTRATOR, for informational purposes only, an 19 Expenditure Report for the preceding fiscal year, or portion thereof. Such report shall be prepared in 20 accordance with the procedure that is provided by ADMINISTRATOR and GAAP.
21 B. CONTRACTOR may be required to submit periodic Expenditure Reports throughout the term 22 of this Agreement. 23
Expenditure Report. The Contractor will submit, on a quarterly basis, not later than days after the end date for which reimbursement is being claimed, the report described in Section III(G)(2)(a)(iii) of the Master Contract.
Expenditure Report. The expenditure report shall contain data on expenditures of HHAP-2 funding including but not limited to obligated funds, expended funds, interest accrued, and other funds derived from HHAP-2 funding.
Expenditure Report. The Contract Management unit will on a regular basis extract the expenditure report where the contract value will be verified against the progress payments and validity of the contract; • Discrepancies identified should be communicated timeously to the end-user and CFO to curb irregular expenditure.
Expenditure Report. As per UNDP rules and regulations, the annual UNDP Combined Delivery Report 2019 could only be released to counterpart after internal validation, provided after the end of year closure exercise is finalized. The Annual 2019 Combined Delivery Report was submitted to MoH PMU on the 19 February 2020. ▪ Available resources 2020 799,454 1,892,373 ▪ Commitments 526,583 0 ▪ Expenditures 14,906 2,157 ▪ Total Commitments + Expenditures 541,489 2,157 • Available resources: USD 799,454 Amount corresponds to the disbursement of November 2019 (USD 622,386), which funds were only received by UNDP in December 2019 and applied in 2020 year. It reflects cumulative of mentioned disbursement, plus the 2019 savings (USD 177,000) transferred to 2020. • Commitments: USD 526,583 Commitments correspond to complement of contract of construction company, and supervision company contract (Medical Warehouse Chimoio), plus the Consultancy of Procurement Specialist currently undertaken preparation of procurement cases for TB component, and activities preparation related to Waste Management. • Available resources: USD 1,892,373 Amount corresponds to the disbursements 2019 reserved for civil works activities plus the balance from management activities (savings of approximately USD 29,000). • Commitments: USD 0 Commitments will only reflect when the contracts of construction and supervision companies are awarded. The final Annual Work Plan (AWP) 2020 will be finalized when the amendment 2 to the Financing Agreement is signed, so that the additional activities can be incorporated. As of current date, the amendment II is not yet signed, therefore, the AWP 2020 will be presented in the next Project Board meeting and be an attachment to the progress report that will be the support of the April 2020 disbursement for phase II activities. As reported in December 2019, were verified savings in the Projects, as follows: • USD 177,000 in HIV Project • USD 29,000 in TB Project Proposal to reprogram savings is prepared to be submitted to the Project Board. The budget revision for HIV Project will depend on the items approved in amendment II, on the risk management component. The USD 29,000 savings under TB project will be proposed to be kept until the procurement process for selection of supervision and construction companies is finalized, to manage any variance from planned amount for contracts and financial proposal of awarded bidder.
Expenditure Report. This section should provide details of expenditure against the approved budget. You are required to duplicate the line items of Annexure A into the table below as well as an amount approved per item. We will request additional information from you if we need to. REPORTING PERIOD: to NB: By signing this report you are confirming that the information contained in the Narrative and Financial report is accurate and true and can be independently verified. The NLC may request supporting evidence with regards to this report, or it may request or conduct an independent inspection of the information contained in the report. Name Designation 1.
Expenditure Report. 15 6.1 No later than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of 16 each period or fiscal year of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall submit to SSA, 17 for informational purposes only, an Expenditure Report for the preceding 18 fiscal year, or portion thereof. Such report shall be prepared in accordance 19 with the procedure that is provided by SSA and GAAP.
20 6.2 CONTRACTOR may be required to submit periodic Expenditure Reports 21 throughout the term of this Agreement.
Expenditure Report. No later than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of this Agreement, 29 CONTRACTOR shall submit to ADMINISTRATOR, for informational purposes only, an Expenditure 30 Report for the preceding fiscal year, or portion thereof. Such report shall be prepared in accordance 31 with the procedure that is provided by ADMINISTRATOR and GAAP. 32 B. CONTRACTOR may be required to submit periodic Expenditure Reports throughout the term 33 of this Agreement in a format provided by ADMINISTRATOR. 34
Expenditure Report. Grantee shall be responsible for providing the Commission with a detailed final accounting of how the award money was spent, including dates, amounts, payments, expenditures, amount of any unused funds, etc. Such report shall be made either: (1) at the conclusion of the event(s) or program(s); (2) when the funds are actually used or spent completely; (3) within thirty (30) days after the completion of the term of this Agreement; or