Construction Responsibilities The party named in Article 1, Responsible Parties, under AGREEMENT is responsible for the following: A. Advertise for construction bids, issue bid proposals, receive and tabulate the bids, and award and administer the contract for construction of the Project. Administration of the contract includes the responsibility for construction engineering and for issuance of any change orders, supplemental agreements, amendments, or additional work orders that may become necessary subsequent to the award of the construction contract. Projects must be authorized by the State prior to advertising for construction. B. If the State is the responsible party, the State will use its approved contract letting and award procedures to let and award the construction contract. C. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the Local Government shall submit its contract letting and award procedures to the State for review and approval prior to letting. D. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the State must concur with the low bidder selection before the Local Government can enter into a contract with the vendor. E. If the Local Government is the responsible party, the State must review and approve change orders. F. Upon completion of the Project, the party responsible for constructing the Project will issue and sign a “Notification of Completion” acknowledging the Project’s construction completion and submit certification(s) sealed by a professional engineer(s) licensed in the State of Texas. G. Upon completion of the Project, the party constructing the Project will issue and sign a “Notification of Completion” acknowledging the Project’s construction completion.
Student Responsibilities The school provided Chromebook for the student is an important learning tool to be used for educational purposes. In order to use the device each day, the student must be willing to accept the following responsibilities: ● I understand that district officials have the ability to monitor my use of the device AT ALL TIMES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL and that communications, files, internet search activities, and any other actions using the device are not considered to be private. Note: RCCSD does not have the ability to and will not remotely operate the camera on the device. However, students can cover it when not in use to ensure others are not. ● I understand that the device assigned to me is on loan from Red Clay Consolidated School District. All accounts, programs, and files are subject to inspection at any time without notice. ● I will be responsible for ALL damage or loss of the device due to NEGLECT OR ABUSE including dropping it, getting it wet, and spills of food or drink. ● I will not try to repair my Chromebook. ● At ALL times when using my Chromebook, I will follow the Acceptable Use, Internet Safety Policy, and Student Code of Conduct, and related policies adopted by the Board of Education, and abide by all local, state, and federal laws. ● I will talk with my parent/guardian about their ground rules for going online when not at school. ● I will notify the school principal and my parents of any damage to the device as soon as possible. ● I will charge the Chromebook battery each night and will bring my Chromebook to school every day or be prepared for remote learning. ● I will keep my Chromebook clean. ● I will not lend my device to anyone. This includes family members and friends. Note: I could be held responsible for any inappropriate content on the District issued Chromebook. ● I will keep all passwords assigned to me secure. ● I will only use my account credentials to sign into my Chromebook. ● I am allowed to connect to non-district printers and wireless networks at home and in public places. ● I agree that e-mail or any other computer communication should be used only for appropriate, legitimate, and responsible communication. ● I agree not to share personal information about myself (full name, address, etc.) or about my family, friends or anyone else. ● I agree not to search for, download, display, post, or distribute vulgar, offensive material or images described in applicable district policies. (See the student handbook and/or the district's Acceptable Use Agreement.) ● I agree to abide by all school rules that address electronic device procedures. ● I will return the device when requested, at the end of the school year or upon my withdrawal. ● I agree to not deface or destroy this property in any way. Inappropriate use of the machine may result in the student losing their right to use the Chromebook. ● I understand that identification labels have been placed on the Chromebook. These labels are not to be removed or modified. Additional stickers, labels, tags, or markings of any kind are NOT to be added to the machine.
Client Responsibilities You are responsible for (a) assessing each participants’ suitability for the Training, (b) enrollment in the appropriate course(s) and (c) your participants’ attendance at scheduled courses.
Department Responsibilities The use of sick leave may properly be denied if these procedures are not followed. Abuse of sick leave on the part of the employee is cause for disciplinary action. Departmental approval of sick leave is a certification of the legitimacy of the sick leave claim. The department head or designee may make reasonable inquiries about employee absences. The department may require medical verification for an absence of three (3) or more working days. The department may also require medical verification for absences of less than three (3) working days for probable cause if the employee had been notified in advance in writing that such verification was necessary. Inquiries may be made in the following ways: 1. Calling the employee's residence telephone number or other contact telephone number provided by the employee if telephone notification was not made in accordance with departmental sick leave call-in guidelines. These inquiries shall be subject to any restrictions imposed by the employee under Section 12.4.a. 2. Obtaining the employee's signature on the Absence/Overtime Record, or on another form established for that purpose, as employee certification of the legitimacy of the claim. 3. Obtaining the employee's written statement of explanation regarding the sick leave claim. 4. Requiring the employee to obtain a physician's certificate or verification of the employee's illness, date(s) the employee was incapacitated, and the employee's ability to return to work, as specified above. 5. In absences of an extended nature, requiring the employee to obtain from their physician a statement of progress and anticipated date on which the employee will be able to return to work, as specified above. Department heads are responsible for establishing timekeeping procedures which will insure the submission of a time card covering each employee absence and for operating their respective offices in accordance with these policies and with clarifying regulations issued by the Office of the County Administrator. To help assure uniform policy application, the Human Resources Director or designated management staff of the County Human Resources Department should be contacted with respect to sick leave determinations about which the department is in doubt.
COUNTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES A. A County program liaison will monitor the submission of all correspondence required in this Agreement, including, but not limited to: 1. Quarterly Treatment Reports; 2. Financial reports such as annual budgets, cost allocation plans, and cost reports; 3. Incident reports; 4. Outcome data; 5. Monthly XXXXX Reports 6. Other requested reports B. A County program liaison may visit Contractor during the contract term. The visits shall be for the purpose of reviewing any aspect of Contractor’s program operations. The visit may include, but is not limited to: 1. Review all pertinent participant records. 2. Conduct appropriate interviews/discussions with participants served by Contractor. 3. Review and monitor all correspondence and reports submitted by Contractor related to Contractor’s services provided under this Agreement. 4. Meet with appropriate program management and operations staff. 5. Conduct site visit(s) to Contractor’s program(s) at least once during the term of the Agreement to review all aspects of program operations. Site visit(s) may include a review of Contractor’s programmatic and fiscal documentation related to required reports on services specified in the Exhibits. a. Provide a written site review report documenting areas of compliance and any necessary corrective action(s) required. 6. A County program liaison may attend an organized activity of a selected component or selected components of Contractor’s program(s) at least once during the contract term. C. AODS will conduct periodic mandatory treatment provider meetings with representatives of all contracted service providers and appropriate staff. D. Provide ongoing technical assistance as needed. E. AODS shall act as intermediary on behalf of each contracted alcohol and drug service provider in the submission of the California Outcomes Measurement System (CalOMS) data submissions to the State of California. I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Attend each of the following meetings: 1. Contractor shall attend periodic mandatory meetings; and 2. Drug and Alcohol Information System for You (DAISY) User Group meeting. 3. Other meetings as required by the County B. Contractor shall acknowledge the San Mateo County Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AODS) and/or the County of San Mateo as a funding source on newly developed promotional materials. C. Subcontracting requirements: 1. Pursuant to paragraph 12 of the body of this Agreement, Contractor may subcontract for provision of services described in this Agreement with written approval of the Director of the Human Services Agency or her designee. If Contractor subcontracts for any services under this Agreement, Contractor will guarantee that any and all subcontractors have and maintain the same level of insurance coverage required of the Contractor under this Agreement. Contractor and County will be listed as additional insured on all applicable insurance of subcontractor.
Cost Responsibility for Interconnection Facilities and Distribution Upgrades 4.1 Interconnection Facilities 4.2 Distribution Upgrades
CITY’S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. The CITY shall designate in writing a project coordinator to act as the CITY's representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this Agreement (the "Project Coordinator"). The Project Coordinator shall have authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the CITY's policies and decisions with respect to the CONTRACTOR's services for the Project. However, the Project Coordinator is not authorized to issue any verbal or written orders or instructions to the CONTRACTOR that would have the effect, or be interpreted to have the effect, of modifying or changing in any way whatever: (a) The scope of services to be provided and performed by the CONTRACTOR; (b) The time the CONTRACTOR is obligated to commence and complete all such services; or (c) The amount of compensation the CITY is obligated or committed to pay the CONTRACTOR. 2.2. The Project Coordinator shall: (a) Review and make appropriate recommendations on all requests submitted by the CONTRACTOR for payment for services and work provided and performed in accordance with this Agreement; (b) Arrange for access to and make all provisions for the CONTRACTOR to enter the Project site to perform the services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement; and (c) Provide notice to the CONTRACTOR of any deficiencies or defects discovered by the CITY with respect to the services to be rendered by the CONTRACTOR hereunder. 2.3. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that access to the Project Site, to be arranged by the CITY for the CONTRACTOR, may be provided during times that are not the normal business hours of the CONTRACTOR. 3.1. Services to be rendered by the CONTRACTOR shall be commenced subsequent to the execution of this Agreement upon written Notice to Proceed from the CITY for all or any designated portion of the Project and shall be for a period of two (2) years and three (3) month, with the option for two (2) additional one (1) year renewal. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of this Agreement. 3.2. Should the CONTRACTOR be obstructed or delayed in the prosecution or completion of its services as a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR, and not due to its own fault or neglect, including but not restricted to acts of God or of public enemy, acts of government or of the CITY, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine regulations, strikes or lock-outs, then the CONTRACTOR shall notify the CITY in writing within 5 working days after commencement of such delay, stating the cause or causes thereof, or be deemed to have waived any right which the CONTRACTOR may have had to request a time extension. 3.3. No interruption, interference, inefficiency, suspension or delay in the commencement or progress of the CONTRACTOR's services from any cause whatsoever, including those for which the CITY may be responsible in whole or in part, shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of its duty to perform or give rise to any right to damages or additional compensation from the CITY. The CONTRACTOR's sole remedy against the CITY will be the right to seek an extension of time to its schedule. This paragraph shall expressly apply to claims for early completion, as well as claims based on late completion. [If Applicable-Provided, however, if through no fault or neglect of the CONTRACTOR, the services to be provided hereunder have not been completed within 18 months of the date hereof, the CONTRACTOR's compensation may be equitably adjusted, with respect to those services that have not yet been performed, to reflect the incremental increase in costs experienced by the CONTRACTOR after expiration of said 18 month period.] 3.4. Should the CONTRACTOR fail to commence, provide, perform or complete any of the services to be provided hereunder in a timely and reasonable manner, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to the CITY hereunder, the CITY at its sole discretion and option may withhold any and all payments due and owing to the CONTRACTOR until such time as the CONTRACTOR resumes performance of its obligations hereunder in such a manner so as to reasonably establish to the CITY's satisfaction that the CONTRACTOR's performance is or will shortly be back on schedule.
City Responsibilities 2.8.1 CITY shall make available to CONSULTANT all technical data that is in CITY'S possession, reasonably required by CONSULTANT relating to the SERVICES. 2.8.2 CITY shall provide access to and make all provisions for CONSULTANT to enter upon public and private lands, to the fullest extent permitted by law, as reasonably required for CONSULTANT to perform the SERVICES. 2.8.3 CITY shall examine all reports, correspondence, and other documents presented by CONSULTANT upon request of CITY, and render, in writing, decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of CONSULTANT. 2.8.4 It is expressly understood and agreed that all work done by CONSULTANT shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by CITY and approval of SERVICES shall not forfeit the right of CITY to require correction, and nothing contained herein shall relieve CONSULTANT of the responsibility of the SERVICES required under the terms of this Contract until all SERVICES have been completed and accepted by CITY.
Client’s Responsibilities In addition to other responsibilities herein or imposed by law, the Client shall: (a) Designate in writing a person to act as its representative, such person having complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Client's decisions. (b) Provide all information and criteria as to the Client's requirements, objectives, and expectations for the project and all standards of development, design, or construction. (c) Provide the Consultant all available studies, plans, or other documents pertaining to the project, such as surveys, engineering data, environmental information, etc., all of which the Consultant may rely upon. (d) Arrange for access to the site and other property as required for the Consultant to provide its services. (e) Review all documents or reports presented by the Consultant and communicate decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Consultant. (f) Furnish approvals and permits from governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and approvals and consents from other parties as may be necessary. (g) Obtain any independent accounting, legal, insurance, cost estimating and feasibility services required by Client. (h) Give prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the Client becomes aware of any development that affects the Consultant's services or any defect or noncompliance in any aspect of the project.
Monitoring Responsibilities The Custodian shall furnish annually to the Fund, during the month of June, information concerning the foreign sub-custodians employed by the Custodian. Such information shall be similar in kind and scope to that furnished to the Fund in connection with the initial approval of this Contract. In addition, the Custodian will promptly inform the Fund in the event that the Custodian learns of a material adverse change in the financial condition of a foreign sub-custodian or any material loss of the assets of the Fund or in the case of any foreign sub-custodian not the subject of an exemptive order from the Securities and Exchange Commission is notified by such foreign sub-custodian that there appears to be a substantial likelihood that its shareholders' equity will decline below $200 million (U.S. dollars or the equivalent thereof) or that its shareholders' equity has declined below $200 million (in each case computed in accordance with generally accepted U.S. accounting principles).