OTHER LEGAL DEDUCTIONS. The Board agrees to make other legal deductions for social security, employee's retirement, and state and federal withholding taxes. By mutual agreement, the Board shall deduct from the salary of employees the amount of the appropriate remittance for financial institutions and/or annuities. Payroll deductions for annuities and savings will be transmitted to the appropriate financial institutions within seven (7) working days of the deduction, unless an emergency makes compliance impossible.
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  • Authorization for Deductions The City shall deduct Association dues, initiation fees, premiums for insurance programs and political action fund contributions from an employee's pay upon receipt by the Controller of a form authorizing such deductions by the employee. The City shall pay over to the designated payee all sums so deducted. Upon request of the Association, the Controller agrees to meet with the Association to discuss and attempt to resolve issues pertaining to delivery of services relating to such deductions.

  • Additional Fee on Late Payments For any payments thirty (30) calendar days or more overdue under this Agreement, Registry Operator shall pay an additional fee on late payments at the rate of 1.5% per month or, if less, the maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

  • Union Deductions All employees who are covered by the certification with the Union shall, as a condition of continuing employment, authorize a deduction from their pay cheques of the amount of the dues, levies and assessments payable to the Union by a member of the Union. The Employer shall provide a copy of the authorization form, which has been forwarded by the Union, to each new employee. Upon receipt of written notice from the Union, the Employer shall terminate the services of any employee who does not authorize the deduction as above. The Employer agrees to deduct the amount of the Union dues, levies and assessments payable to the Union by an employee in the Union’s bargaining unit. The Union shall inform the Employer in writing of the amount to be deducted from each employee. The Union shall advise the Employer in writing sixty (60) calendar days in advance of any change in the amount to be deducted. The Employer shall remit such dues, levies and assessments to the Union within twenty-eight (28) calendar days from the date of deduction, together with a written statement containing the names of the employees for whom the deductions were made and the amount of each deduction. The Employer shall supply each employee, without charge, a receipt for income tax purposes shown on the T4 slip in the amount of the deductions paid to the Union by the employee in the previous year. Such receipts shall be provided to the employee prior to March 1 of the succeeding year. Deductions for levies and assessments shall be a percentage of wages.

  • Payment of Annual Leave on Termination On the termination of their employment, an employee will be paid their untaken or pro-rata annual leave.

  • CONTRIBUTIONS WHILE ON UNPAID LEAVE As set forth in Administrative Code section 16.701(b), covered employees who are not in active service for more than twelve (12) weeks, shall be required to pay the Health Service System for the full premium cost of membership in the Health Service System, unless the employee shall be on sick leave, workers’ compensation, mandatory administrative leave, approved personal leave following family care leave, disciplinary suspensions or on a layoff holdover list where the employee verifies they have no alternative coverage.

  • Deductions from Sick Leave A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all normal working days (exclusive of holidays) absent for sick leave.

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxx XXX Reported for Federal Tax Purposes You must file Form 5329 with the IRS to report and remit any penalties or excise taxes. In addition, certain contribution and distribution information must be reported to the IRS on Form 8606 (as an attachment to your federal income tax return.)

  • Are My Contributions to a Traditional IRA Tax Deductible Although you may make a contribution to a Traditional IRA within the limitations described above, all or a portion of your contribution may be nondeductible. No deduction is allowed for a rollover contribution (including a “direct rollover”) or transfer. For “regular” contributions, the taxability of your contribution depends upon your tax filing status, whether you (and in some cases your spouse) are an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, and your income level. An employer-sponsored retirement plan includes any of the following types of retirement plans: • a qualified pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan established in accordance with IRC 401(a) or 401(k); • a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP) (IRC 408(k)); • a deferred compensation plan maintained by a governmental unit or agency; • tax-sheltered annuities and custodial accounts (IRC 403(b) and 403(b)(7)); • a qualified annuity plan under IRC Section 403(a); or • a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE Plan). Generally, you are considered an “active participant” in a defined contribution plan if an employer contribution or forfeiture was credited to your account during the year. You are considered an “active participant” in a defined benefit plan if you are eligible to participate in a plan, even though you elect not to participate. You are also treated as an “active participant” if you make a voluntary or mandatory contribution to any type of plan, even if your employer makes no contribution to the plan. If you are not married (including a taxpayer filing under the “head of household” status), the following rules apply: • If you are not an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, you may make a contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). • If you are single and you are an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3), but then the deductibility limits of a contribution are related to your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) as follows: Year Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Less Than or Equal to: Eligible to Make a Partially Deductible Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $65,000 $65,000 - $75,000 $75,000 2021 & After - subject to COLA increases $66,000 $66,000 - $76,000 $76,000 If you are married, the following rules apply: • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and neither you nor your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you and your spouse may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and both you and your spouse are “active participants” in employer- sponsored retirement plans, you and your spouse may make fully deductible contributions to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3), but then the deductibility limits of a contribution are as follows: Year Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Less Than or Equal to: Eligible to Make a Partially Deductible Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $104,000 $104,000 - $124,000 $124,000 2021 & After - subject to COLA increases $105,000 $105,000 - $125,000 $125,000 • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and only one of you is an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, special rules apply. If your spouse is the “active participant,” a fully deductible contribution can be made to your IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3) if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed $196,000 in 2020 or $198,000 in 2021. If your combined modified adjusted gross income is between $196,000 and $206,000 in 2020, or $198,000 and $208,000 in 2021, your deduction will be limited as described below. If your combined modified adjusted gross income exceeds $206,000 in 2020 or $208,000 in 2021, your contribution will not be deductible. Your spouse, as an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed the amounts listed in the table above. Conversely, if you are an “active” participant” and your spouse is not, a contribution to your Traditional IRA will be deductible if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed the amounts listed above. • If you are married and file a separate return, and neither you nor your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). If you are married, filing separately, and either you or your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may not make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA. Please note that the deduction limits are not the same as the contribution limits. You can contribute to your Traditional IRA in any amount up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3. The amount of your contribution that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is based upon the rules described in this section. If you (or where applicable, your spouse) are an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, you can refer to IRS Publication 590-A: Figuring Your Modified AGI and Figuring Your Reduced IRA Deduction to calculate whether your contribution will be fully or partially deductible. Even if your income exceeds the limits described above, you may make a contribution to your IRA up to the contribution limitations described in Section 3. To the extent that your contribution exceeds the deductible limits, it will be nondeductible. However, earnings on all IRA contributions are tax deferred until distribution. You must designate on your federal income tax return the amount of your Traditional IRA contribution that is nondeductible and provide certain additional information concerning nondeductible contributions. Overstating the amount of nondeductible contributions will generally subject you to a penalty of $100 for each overstatement.

  • Union Dues Deductions It shall be a condition of employment for all Nurses in the Bargaining Unit, that dues be deducted from their bi-weekly salary in the amount determined by the Union. The deductions for newly employed Nurses shall be in the first pay period of employment. The dues shall be submitted monthly to the Union together with a list of the Nurses from whom the deductions were made.

  • Salary Deductions Salaried employees (E-level classifications) who are permanently assigned to full-time job classifications are paid on a bi-weekly salary basis. Salaried employees are paid a bi-weekly salary based on a minimum of two (2) forty (40) hour workweeks. The bi-weekly salary received by salaried employees will not be reduced regardless of the number of hours the salaried employee actually works in any week in which the salaried employee performs any work except for the following deductions:

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