Adverse Material Sample Clauses
Adverse Material. Complaints and letters of reprimand more than five (5) years old shall not be considered for disciplinary reasons, provided the employee has not had a similar occurrence in the intervening time period and provided the reprimand does not reference unprofessional conduct as defined in MCLA §380.1230B. Such reprimands may remain in the file unless the Superintendent grants a request to remove them.
Adverse Material. Documentation that may lead to or result in an adverse action against a Teacher shall not be placed in a Teacher’s official personnel file until a copy of such material has been provided to the Teacher. Placement of material in a Teacher’s official personnel file shall not be construed as agreement by the Teacher with the contents of the material. Should the Teacher disagree with the contents of the material, s/he shall have the right to respond, and the response shall be included in the Teacher’s official personnel file. A Teacher shall be free to request that materials of an adverse nature that are older than three (3) years be removed from the Teacher’s official personnel file. DCPS shall consider all such requests unless it can demonstrate that the removal of such material will compromise the interests of the school system. If approved, the removal shall take place within thirty (30) School Days of the request. Materials of an adverse nature that become the subject of a grievance shall be removed from a Teacher’s official personnel file if so stipulated by the resolution of the grievance.
Adverse Material. A bargaining unit member may request adverse material to be removed from his/her file, provided it does not violate terms of the law. The granting of such request shall be in the sole discretion of the employer. It is agreed that in the event the District receives a request from a third party (other than the union or bargaining unit member) for a member’s personnel records which are more than four (4) years old, the Administration shall consult with the Association designated representative to review the current interpretation of relevant statutory provisions by the courts of Michigan before disclosing any such records.
Adverse Material. Each teacher shall be provided with copies of any adverse materials within ten (10) calendar days after receipt and before placement in the file. The teacher shall have the opportunity to reply in writing to the adverse material within ten (10) days after receipt of a copy of such material and the reply shall be placed in his/her file along with the adverse material. Any adverse material, other than those related to charges of child abuse, shall be removed after nine (9) years at the teacher’s request if the actions or behaviors noted in the adverse material have not recurred within the nine (9) year period.
Adverse Material. Within five (5) school days following notice of the intention to insert such adverse material, an employee may request a meeting with the Employer. Prior to the meeting, the employee shall be furnished a copy of the material for review. If the objectionable material is not withdrawn or notified in a manner satisfactory to the employee and the Employer, the employee shall have the right within ten (10) school days following the conclusion of the conference to have inserted in the personnel file a statement concerning such material.
Adverse Material. The Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Act will be followed before any disclosure of personal information to a third party.
Adverse Material. The Employer agrees to remove and destroy adverse material in an employee file. Specifically, written reprimands shall be limited to one year. Disciplinary action shall be limited to 5 years in the operating file. Adverse actions in supervisory file shall be limited to one year..
Adverse Material. Adverse material produced by a third party must be signed by the complainant and submitted in writing within twenty (20) working days of the incident or occurrence. The supervisor shall provide a copy to the worker at least two (2) working days prior to the supervisor investigating the complaint. If the adverse material is determined to warrant disciplinary action, the supervisor shall follow the terms of the agreement. If the material is not determined to warrant disciplinary action, the material will not be placed in the personnel file.
Adverse Material. A. The Department may under its own rules, remove adverse material when petitioned. The Department shall, upon request of a bargaining unit employee, remove adverse material from the employee's personnel file(s) of counseling or reprimand which is one (1) year old or older at the time of the request for re moval if the unit employee has had discipline free record for the proceeding one (1) year. Upon request of a bargaining unit employee, records of suspensions of five (5) or less days which are two (2) years old shall be removed from consideration for transfers and reassignments if the employee has a discipline free record for the preceding two (2) years. Upon request of a bargaining unit employee, records of suspensions of between six (6) and ten (10) days which are three (3) years old shall be removed from consideration for transfers and reassignments if the employee has had a discipline free record for the preceding three (3) years. Upon request of a bargaining unit employee, records of suspensions of more than ten
Adverse Material. Unless restricted by law, all adverse material, including complaints, letters of reprimand, and evaluations, shall be removed from the personnel file three (3) years after their issuance.
8.1 Definition