Overnight Trips If the Company determines that overnight travel is required, the employee will be reimbursed for expenses, which are supported by receipts as follows: A. Transportation expenses as described in Section 6.10(D) above. B. Lodging, approved in advance by the Company. C. Meals, not to exceed t h i r t y - f i v e dollars ($35.00) per day, unless management approves a higher amount in advance.
Overnight Guests (check one)
Overnight Travel For each full day of travel, all three meals are reimbursable. Per diems on the first and last day of a trip are governed as set forth below. Depart before 12:00 noon Lunch and dinner Depart after 12:00 noon Return Day Dinner Return before 12:00 noon Breakfast Return between 12:00 noon & 7:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch Return after 7:00 p.m.* Breakfast, lunch and dinner *7:00 p.m. is defined as direct travel time and does not include time taken to stop for dinner. The reimbursement rates for individual meals are calculated as a percentage of the full day per diem as follows: Breakfast 15% Lunch 25% Dinner 60%
School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.
Overnight Delivery When delivered by an overnight delivery service, charges prepaid or charged to the sender’s account, notice is effective on delivery, if delivery is confirmed by the delivery service.
Paid Holidays – Long Weekends (a) When an employee is scheduled to work a weekend where a paid holiday falls on the Monday or the Friday, the Employer shall endeavour to also schedule the employee to work the paid holiday. (b) When the employee is scheduled off on a weekend where a paid holiday falls on the Monday or the Friday, the Employer shall endeavour to schedule the employee off the paid holiday. (c) In the event of a scheduling conflict, 12.07 (a) will be the deciding provision.
Weekends Holidays that fall on weekends will be observed on a day established by the School District.
Shift and Weekend Premium (a) An employee shall be paid a shift premium of eighty-five cents (85¢) per hour for each hour worked between the hours of 1500-0700 hours. (b) Effective July 1, 2013, an employee shall be paid a weekend premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour for each hour worked between 2300 hours Friday and 2300 hours Sunday, or such other forty-eight (48) hour period as the local parties may agree upon or as defined in the Collective Agreement. If an employee is receiving premium pay pursuant to a local scheduling regulation with respect to consecutive weekends worked, the employee will not receive weekend premium under this provision.
Holiday During Vacation If a holiday, named under Article 7 of this Agreement, falls within the vacation period of an employee, he shall be granted an additional day's pay in lieu of the holiday.
Length of School Day 4.4.1 For each school the length of the “school day” shall be determined according to the requirement that students are normally required to be in attendance for two HD, one before noon, the other after noon. 4.4.2 The normal teaching load in respect of any one day is therefore related to that requirement and takes account of the normal timetabling practices of each school.