Overnight Trips Sample Clauses
Overnight Trips. If the Company determines that overnight travel is required, the employee will be reimbursed for expenses, which are supported by receipts as follows:
A. Transportation expenses as described in Section 6.10(D) above.
B. Lodging, approved in advance by the Company.
C. Meals, not to exceed t h i r t y - f i v e dollars ($35.00) per day, unless management approves a higher amount in advance.
Overnight Trips. On field trips which require an overnight stay, the District shall not pay for any hours after the bus driver is released from duty for the evening, until the time the driver’s duties resume the following morning. Drivers will be paid a minimum of 8 hours for all but the last day of the trip. The last day, drivers will be paid for actual time worked or their assigned hours, whichever is greater. Drivers shall be assigned related work until the end of the workday to fulfill their contracted workday.
Overnight Trips. Certified Education Assistants who are on overnight trips supporting students will be granted one day off in lieu for each night. This time shall be mutually agreed upon between the employee and immediate work site supervisor and taken prior to the end of each school year.
Overnight Trips. A. For overnight trips, bus drivers/aides shall be paid their normal rate for actual driving time. Down time will be paid for the remainder of the day or evening until the driver is dismissed by the sponsor.
B. Employees on overnight trips shall be reimbursed for lodging expenses as arranged by the Director of Transportation.
C. A bus driver shall not be required to supervise students during non-duty time except in emergency situations.
Overnight Trips. 1. A Bus Driver who chooses an overnight trip will be compensated for the actual driving time to and from the location and for all trip-related duties. They will receive a minimum of eight (8) hours pay daily for any intervening days, in addition to three (3) meals, and private occupancy in a motel/hotel which was reserved and paid for in advance.
2. A Bus Driver on an overnight trip shall be paid from the time the bus is inspected/ started in the morning until the bus is shut off for the day.
3. The Transportation Supervisor shall provide the Bus Driver with a gasoline credit card, cash in the amount of $50 to be used for emergencies, and a cellular phone.
4. Receipts must be kept and turned in for reimbursement.
Overnight Trips. Drivers will be paid for a minimum of eight (8) hours per day or total duty/drive time on overnight trips inclusive of a $40.00 stipend. Unit employees will also be reimbursed for appropriate meal and lodging expenses incurred for assignments covered by this subdivision according to Board Policy
Overnight Trips. Overnight trips to pay one-half (1/2) trip pay for all down-time, plus expenses, if judged reasonable and required by the Administration.
Overnight Trips. Extra trips requiring an overnight stay may be driven by a qualified transportation employee(s) or other school employee(s) on a volunteer basis.
Overnight Trips. 38 16.22 Driving Time and Waiting Time........................................... 38 16.23 Tulip Time............................................................................ 38 16.24
Overnight Trips. (1) An employee traveling at the behest of the employer as a passenger on a public conveyance or in an automobile is considered to be working (except for regular meal period or sleep time), to the extent the travel time occurs during any portion of the employee's "Normal Workday", whether or not the travel occurs during normal working hours on an otherwise regular day off.
(2) If the employee is required by the employer to drive an automobile as contrasted to being a passenger, all such time is work time except during bona fide meal or sleep time. If an employee is offered public transportation but requests and is given permission to drive his/her car instead, the employer may count as hours worked either the time spent driving the car or the time that would have qualified as work time if the employee had used the public conveyance, whichever is less.