Family Care Employees may use vacation leave for care of family members as required by the Family Care Act, WAC 296-130.
Family Care Leave In accordance with RCW 49.12 and WAC 296-130, employees shall be allowed to use any or all of their choice of sick leave or other paid time off to care for a family member (as defined above) who has a serious health condition or an emergency condition. Employees shall not be disciplined or otherwise discriminated against because of their exercise of these rights.
Dental Care a. Dental Care for Members over age 19 is limited to the following: i. care and stabilization treatment rendered within 62 days of an Accidental Dental Injury provided such services are for the treatment of damage to Sound Natural Teeth; ii. extraction of teeth required prior to radiation therapy when you have a diagnosis of cancer of the head or neck. b. General anesthesia and hospitalization services are covered when required to assure the safe delivery of necessary dental treatment or surgery for a dental Condition which, if left untreated, is likely to result in a medical Condition if: i. a Member has one or more medical Conditions that would create significant or undue medical risk for the Member in the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or surgery if not rendered in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center; or ii. a Covered Dependent child is under eight years of age and it is determined by a licensed dentist and the Covered Dependent’s Attending Physician that dental treatment or surgery in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center is necessary due to a significantly complex dental Condition, or a developmental disability in which patient management in the dental office has proven to be ineffective.
Family Care and Medical Leave An unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave shall be granted, to the extent of and subject to the restrictions as set forth below, to an employee who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and who has served for 130 workdays during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the leave. For purposes of this Section, furlough days and days worked during off-basis time shall count as "workdays". Family Care and Medical Leave absences of twenty (20) consecutive working days or less can be granted by the immediate administrator or designee. Leaves of twenty (20) or more consecutive working days can be granted only by submission of a formal leave application to the Personnel Commission.
Child Care The County will continue to support the concept of non-profit child care facilities similar to the “Kid’s at Work” program established in the Public Works Department.
Long Term Care Insurance The University offers full-time faculty the opportunity to purchase Long-Term Care Insurance through a voluntary Long-Term Care Insurance policy. Faculty members are responsible for 100% of the premium, which may be remitted through payroll deduction.
Long Term Care The City may offer an option for employees to purchase a new long-term care benefit for themselves and certain family members.
Hospice Care If you have a terminal illness and you agree with your physician not to continue with a curative treatment program, this plan covers hospice care services received in your home, in a skilled nursing facility, or in an inpatient facility.
Outpatient Services Physicians, Urgent Care Centers and other Outpatient Providers located outside the BlueCard® service area will typically require You to pay in full at the time of service. You must submit a Claim to obtain reimbursement for Covered Services.
Employee and Family Assistance Program (a) A province-wide Employee and Family Assistance Program for employees and members of their immediate family, with whom the employee normally resides, shall be provided. (b) This Employer-funded, confidential, assessment/referral service will be monitored by a Joint Committee. The Committee shall consist of two members: one member appointed by the Employer and one member by the Union. Employees representing the Union on this Joint Committee shall be on leave of absence without loss of basic pay for time on this Committee. (c) The Employer will consult with the Union regarding the selection of a service provider. The Employer will not select a service provider to which the Union has reasonable objections. (d) The Joint Committee shall develop an awareness package that can be incorporated into existing supervisor and Union training programs.