Paramedic Students. A.5.6.1 Paramedic students starting class prior to Dec 31, 2017, shall receive a Paramedic trainee stipend in accordance with the MOU signed last on December 9, 2014.
Paramedic Students. A.5.6.1 Paramedic students will be paid an additional amount equal to 5% of Step 5 Fire Fighter. Vacation and sick leave accruals will be adjusted to the 40-hour accruals at the beginning of the first month after training starts. Paramedic students will receive overtime for all hours worked in excess of 176 hours in a 28-day period. The first period will begin on the first day of paramedic training. If the student does not work a minimum of 160 hours, in a 28-day period, holiday or vacation hours will be used to make up the difference between the hours worked and 160. If a paramedic student must work or attend class/training on one of the City of Bellevue recognized holidays, the student will receive their holiday pay in addition to overtime for all hours worked that day.
Paramedic Students. (e) ACP1 classified as Advanced Care Paramedics (ACP)