Payroll Records CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall comply with the requirements of Labor Code Section 1776. Such compliance includes the obligation to furnish the records specified in Section 1776 directly to the Labor Commissioner in an electronic format, or other format as specified by the Commissioner, in the manner provided by Labor Code Section 1771.4. The requirements of Labor Code Section 1776 provide in part: 1.1.1. CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) performing any portion of the work under this Contract shall keep an accurate record, showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed by CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor(s) in connection with the work. 1.1.2. Each payroll record shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under penalty of xxxxxxx, stating both of the following: (a) The information contained in the payroll record is true and correct. (b) The employer has complied with the requirements of Labor Code Sections 1771, 1811, and 1815 for any work performed by his or her employees in connection with the Contract. 1.1.3. The payroll records shall be certified and shall be available for inspection at the principal office of CONTRACTOR on the basis set forth in Labor Code Section 1776. 1.1.4. CONTRACTOR shall inform COUNTY of the location of the payroll records, including the street address, city and county, and shall, within five working days, provide a notice of any change of location and address of the records. 1.1.5. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1776, CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall have 10 days in which to provide a certified copy of the payroll records subsequent to receipt of a written notice requesting the records described herein. In the event that CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor fails to comply within the 10-day period, he or she shall, as a penalty to COUNTY, forfeit $100, or a higher amount as provided by Section 1776, for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker to whom the noncompliance pertains, until strict compliance is effectuated. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that, without limitation as to other remedies of enforcement available to COUNTY, upon the request of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement of the California Department of Industrial Relations, such penalties shall be withheld from progress payments then due CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR is not subject to a penalty assessment pursuant to this section due to the failure of a Subcontractor to comply with this section. CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall comply with the provisions of Labor Code Sections 1771 et seq., and shall pay workers employed on the Contract not less than the general prevailing rates of per diem wages and holiday and overtime wages as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of these wage rates at the job site for each craft, classification, or type of worker needed in the performance of this Contract, as well as any additional job site notices required by Labor Code Section 1771.4(b). Copies of these rates are on file at the principal office of COUNTY’s representative, or may be obtained from the State Office, Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) or from the DIR’s website at If the Contract is federally funded, CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor(s) shall not pay less than the higher of these rates or the rates determined by the United States Department of Labor.
Personnel Files An employee, or his/her certified representative with the written consent of the employee, may inspect that employee's personnel file with the exception of all material obtained from other employers and agencies at the time that employee was hired. An employee shall be advised of, and entitled to read, any written statement by the employee's supervisor or departmental Management regarding his/her work performance or conduct if such statement is to be placed in his/her personnel file. The employee shall acknowledge that he/she has read such material by affixing his/her signature on the copy to be filed, with the understanding that such signature merely signifies that he/she has read the material to be filed but does not necessarily indicate agreement with its content. If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor shall note his/her refusal on the copy to be filed along with the supervisor's signature and the signature of a witness to the employee's refusal to sign. The employee may file a grievance regarding any such document within the prescribed time limits of the grievance procedure. If the employee fails to file a grievance within the designated time limits, the document becomes part of the official file. If the employee does file a grievance within the designated time limits, said document shall not be placed in the official file nor referenced in any Performance Evaluation or Appraisal of Promotability until the grievance procedure or civil service appeal rights have been exhausted. Grievances filed under this provision shall not be subject to the Arbitration provisions of the Grievance Procedure unless they involve violation of a specific provision of this agreement. Management agrees that no properly used full paid sick leave used in the twelve months immediately prior to an Appraisal of Promotability or a Performance Evaluation will be referenced on such forms. The employee may attach his/her statement to any document within twenty (20) business days if he/she chooses not to file a grievance regarding such document or within ten (10) business days following final determination if he/she has filed a grievance regarding such document. On reviewing his/her personnel file, an employee may request and have any written warnings issued more than one year prior placed in an envelope and sealed in his/her personnel file except as such may be a part of an official permanent record. On the face of the sealed envelope it shall read "The contents herein shall be disclosed only upon written consent of the subject employee or by subpoena or other legal process from a public body of competent jurisdiction." The date the contents of the sealed envelope will be destroyed shall also appear on the face of envelope. That date shall be two (2) years from the date of issue of the documents in the sealed envelope. An employee on reviewing his/her personnel file, may request and have any written warnings or reprimand(s) issued more than two (2) years prior removed from his/her personnel file except as such may be a part of an official permanent record. All departments employing peace officers covered by the Peace Officers Bill of Rights shall comply with its provisions.