PBS Sample Clauses

PBS the customary Pilot boarding station at the Loading Port where the Pilot boards the LNG Tanker, as determined by the applicable Governmental Authority or other entity with authority to regulate transit and berthing of vessels at the Loading Port; Person: any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated organization or other legal entity, including any Governmental Authority;
PBS the customary Pilot boarding station at the Loading Port where the Pilot boards the LNG Tanker, as determined by the applicable Governmental Authority or other entity with authority to regulate transit and berthing of vessels at the Loading Port; Person: any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated organization or other legal entity, including any Governmental Authority; Pilot: any Person engaged by Transporter to come on board the LNG Tanker to assist the master in pilotage, maneuvering, berthing and unberthing of such LNG Tanker; Plant: each of the LNG production plants to be constructed for the Driftwood LNG Terminal, up to the first five plants (and collectively, the “Plants”), with an EPC contract guaranteed production capacity of four decimal eighty-two (4.82) million metric tonnes per annum of LNG per Plant;
PBS. 8.1 “Transactional Environmental Support System”. Presentation to the International Conference “Nature Conservation Beyond 2010” in Tallinn, 00- 00 Xxx 0000 8.2 “Transakcyjny System Wspierania Środowiska”. Presentation at seminar for the stakeholders in the Carp Valley. Zator, 2 September 2010
PBS. PBS tablets were purchased from Sigma-Xxxxxxx Co. Ltd. One tablet was dissolved in 200 ml of ddH2O to give a final concentration of: 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 0.0027 M potassium chloride 0.137 M sodium chloride 2.1.18 Human brain tissue Frozen human brain tissue was obtained post-mortem from neurologically normal (controls) and individuals with moderate/severe AD (Braak stages V- VI) from the London Neurodegenerative Diseases MRC Brain Bank, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London (Ethical Committee Protocol #: 174/02). Brain tissue was dissected from subjects with AD; with and without TDP-43 inclusions. Staging of AD cases and definitive diagnosis for AD cases with and without TDP- 43 inclusions were made according to established clinical criteria and neuropathological criteria by pathologists and neuropathologists at the MRC Brain Bank. Dissection was carried out by Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx and Dr Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Five brain regions were dissected where possible. Five brain areas from each case were selected for study. Brain regions selected include Frontal lobe BA 8/9, Temporal lobe BA 21, Amygdala, Hippocampus and Cerebellum. These brain regions develop neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) during the early stages of disease are heavily affected with tangles and plaques (Xxxxx and Braak, 1995). The cerebellum is used as a control region from affected individuals because it is largely unaffected in AD with fewer occurrences of NFTs and functional damage in AD (Xxxxx and Braak, 1995). Tissue was collected and stored in tubes containing 200 mg and 100 mg brain tissue from 31 human brains and stored at -70 °C until use. 100 mg of tissue was put directly into matrix lysing-D tubes (Qbiogene) for RNA extraction using the FastPrep sample preparation system (RNA extraction from human post-mortem brain tissue is listed in Table 2.4). A significant factor that affects RNA quality from post-mortem human brain tissue is the pH of the tissue (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 1995). The pH is accepted as an indicator for the duration and severity of the agonal state and the simulataneous hypoxia leading to acidiosis. An exteneded period of agonal state (which causes hypoxia) may lead to reduced RNA and protein integrity and content (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 2007). All our brain samples had a pH within the acceptable range (pH 6.1 – 7.0) reported for the obtainement of good quality RNA (Xxxx et al., 2001) (Figure 2.4). Tissues with low or acidic pH (pH < 6.0) produce fragmented RNA reporte...
PBS. V ; HV ; 0; H) − |H; V ; V ; H)
PBS. 2010-09-14 - PWGC - Far Rockaway Depot - PBS Application · 2007-02-02 - NYSDEC - Far Rockaway Depot - Stipulation Agreement · 2007-08-27 - NYSDEC - Far Rockaway Depot - Monitoring Well Installation Approval · 2008-02-25 - NYSDEC - Far Rockaway Depot - RAP Approval · 2009-11-17 - NYSDEC - Far Rockaway Depot - Additional Investigation Work Plan Approval · 2011-02-04 - NYSDEC - Far Rockaway Depot - RAP Approval · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Aboveground Tank Details D-3 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Dispensing Island Details D-4 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Far Rockaway Depot - Existing Site Plan R-1 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Legend and Notes L-1 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Miscellaneous Details D-5 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Underground Tank Details D-1 · 1998-07-20 - PWGC - Underground Tank Details D-2 · 1998-09-08 - PWGC - Electrical Detail Sheet · 1998-12-07 - PWGC - Far Rockaway Depot - Proposed Site Plan R-2 · 2002-10 - PWGC - Far Rockaway Depot - UST Closure Report · 2010-11-08 - PWGC - JFK Depot - UST Closure Report
PBS. 8 Software delivery After pre-production QA, software module(s) delivered to MCLL PBS 9 Project sign-off Metrocall tests and implements software in test or production environment, and agrees with software acceptance form MCLL
PBS. Technology Department and school administrators monitoring the network may find it necessary to investigate electronic incidents even if they occur after hours and/or off-campus. As the owners of the network and resources, including but not limited to the email system, PBS reserves the right to remotely access and modify electronic files that violate this Network Responsible Use Policy if deemed necessary.
PBS the customary Pilot boarding station at the Loading Port where the Pilot boards the LNG Tanker, as determined by the applicable Governmental Authority or other entity with authority to regulate transit and berthing of vessels at the Loading Port; Person: any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, unincorporated organization or other legal entity, including any Governmental Authority; Pilot: any Person engaged by Transporter to come on board the LNG Tanker to assist the master in pilotage, mooring and unmooring of such LNG Tanker; Port Charges: all charges of whatsoever nature (including rates, tolls, dues, fees, and imposts of every description) in respect of an LNG Tanker entering or leaving the Loading Port or loading LNG, including wharfage fees, in-and-out fees, franchise fees, line handling charges, and charges imposed by fire boats, tugs and escort vessels, the U.S. Coast Guard, a Pilot, and any other authorized Person assisting an LNG Tanker to enter or leave the Loading Port, and further including port use fees, throughput fees and similar fees payable by users of the Loading Port (or by Seller or its operator on behalf of such users);
PBS. How Iran Entered The Exist, viewed April 4, 2019, (xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/tehran/axis/xxx.xx ml).