Personal Accident Any directions issued to clients, their guests or employees during a photographic shoot are deemed to be at said persons own risk. The photographer cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents during a photographic shoot.
Dependent Coverage For dependent dental coverage, the Employer contributes an amount equal to the lesser of fifty (50) percent of the dependent premium of the State Dental Plan, or the actual dependent premium of the dental plan chosen by the employee.
Coverage E – Personal Liability Coverage E does not apply to:
Personal Illness Employees may use accumulated sick leave for hours off due to personal illness. The employee may be required to furnish a medical certificate from a qualified physician as evidence of illness or physical disability in order to qualify for paid sick leave as per District practice. Accumulated sick leave may also be granted for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc.
Personal/Carer’s Leave 18.1 Entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave a) Paid personal leave will be available to an Employee (other than casual Employees) when they are absent due to: (i) personal illness or injury (sick leave); or (ii) for the purposes of caring for an immediate family or household member who is sick and requires the Employee's care and support (carer's leave). b) The amount of personal leave to which an Employee is entitled is as follows: (i) Upon commencement of employment Employees will automatically be credited with 5 days Personal and/or Xxxxx’s leave. After 6 months of employment, the leave will begin to accrue progressively up until it reaches 10 days at the conclusion of 12 months employment. (ii) Once the Employee has completed one year of continuous employment, the Employee shall be credited with a further ten days personal leave entitlement at the beginning of the Employee's second and subsequent year, which subject to clause 18.1(f) hereof, shall commence on the anniversary of engagement. c) In any year unused personal leave accrues. d) An Employee will inform the Company of the Employee's inability to attend for duty, and need to take personal leave, as soon as practicable. e) An Employee shall prove to the Company's satisfaction that the Employee’s Personal/Xxxxx’s leave is/was justified. Such evidence may be a medical practitioner’s certificate, or a statutory declaration. An Employee will not be required to provide such evidence for single days of absence but only where two or more consecutive days of absence are taken. f) If an Employee’s employment is terminated by the Company and is re-engaged within a period of six months, then the Employee's unclaimed balance of sick leave shall continue from the date of re-engagement. In such case the Employee's next year of service will commence after a total of twelve months has been served with that Company excluding the period of interruption in service from the date of commencement of the previous period of employment or the anniversary of the commencement of the previous period of employment, as the case may be. g) Unpaid carer’s leave will be in accordance with the NES. 18.2 Immediate family or household a) The entitlement to use personal leave for the purpose of carer's or compassionate leave is subject to the person being either: (i) a member of the Employee's immediate family; or (ii) a member of the Employees' household. b) The term immediate family includes: (i) a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the Employee; or (ii) a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of the Employee.
Industrial Accident or Illness Leave (1) Eligibility for workers' compensation benefits shall be in accordance with the provisions established by Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group (CCCSIG) to provide self-insurance workers' compensation coverage for employees and as defined by Ed. Code. (See site administrator for reporting process and paperwork.) (2) Allowable leave for industrial accidents and illnesses shall be for a maximum of sixty (60) days in any one fiscal year for the same accident or illness. Allowable leave for industrial accident or illness shall not be accumulated from year to year. (3) Industrial accident or illness leave shall commence on the first full day of absence following an accepted claim. (4) When an employee is absent from his/her duties on account of any industrial accident or illness, he/she shall be paid such portion of the salary due him/her for any month in which the absence occurs, as when added to his/her temporary workers' compensation benefit, will result in payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. (5) Industrial accident or illness leave shall be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award. (6) When an industrial accident or illness leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the employee shall be entitled to only the amount of unused leave due him/her for the same illness or injury. (7) If the employee is not medically able to return to work upon termination of the sixty (60) days of industrial accident or illness leave, he/she shall be entitled to sick leave and to apply for paid/unpaid leave as appropriate. For the purpose of other leave entitlement, his/her absence shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of termination of the industrial accident or illness leave, provided that, if the employee continues to receive temporary workers' compensation benefits, he/she may elect to take as much of his/her accumulated sick leave which, when added to his/her temporary workers' compensation benefits, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. (8) During any paid leave of absence, the employee shall endorse to the Employer the temporary workers' compensation checks received on account of his/her industrial accident or illness. The Employer shall issue the employee appropriate salary warrants for payment of the employee's salary and shall deduct normal retirement and other authorized contributions. (9) The employee shall qualify for the provisions of this policy when he/she assumes a position with the Employer. (10) Any employee receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during periods of injury or illness, remain within the State of California unless the Employer authorizes travel outside the State. (11) An employee requesting or claiming leave of absence for an industrial accident or illness is required to provide a doctor's statement to Human Resources verifying the employee is unable to fulfill his/her regular duties because of the injury or illness. (12) An employee returning to his/her position from an industrial accident or illness leave granted under the provisions of this section is required to submit a physician's statement verifying that he/she is able to resume the responsibilities of his/her position.
Transportation of Accident Victims Transportation to the nearest physician or hospital for employees requiring medical care as a result of an on-the-job accident shall be at the expense of the Employer.
Personal accounts With a personal account you can send and request money from friends and family and pay online for purchases. Holders of certain existing personal accounts may be required to upgrade their accounts (which may include providing further information to PayPal) to be able to use all of the current functionality available in a personal account. To use your PayPal account primarily to sell things, you must open a business account or convert your personal account to a business account. You should take reasonable steps to stop your PayPal account being misused. You must maintain adequate security and control of any and all devices, items, IDs, passwords and personal identification numbers / codes that you use to access your PayPal account and the PayPal services. You must comply with all reasonable instructions we may issue regarding how you can keep your Payment Instrument safe. We may require you to authenticate any instruction relating to your account (i.e. give us the information that we need to be sure that it’s you giving us the instruction, such as submitting your correct log-in information – this could include your e-mail address and password) and otherwise successfully log into your PayPal account to provide to us your instruction. You must keep your postal address, email address, phone number of a phone to which you are the primary user and other contact information current in your PayPal account profile. You may expressly grant, remove and manage permissions for some third parties to take certain actions on your behalf. In some cases you can do this when logged into your account – in other cases you can do this directly with the third party. You acknowledge that if you grant permission for a third party to take actions on your behalf, we may disclose certain information about your Account to this third party. You may permit third party service providers licensed by applicable law to: • provide account information services to access information about your account on your behalf; • confirm whether an amount necessary for the execution of a card-based payment transaction is available on your account; or • provide payment initiation services to initiate payments from your account on your behalf. Granting permission to any third party to access your account in any way does not relieve you of any of your responsibilities under this user agreement. You are liable to us for the actions that you authorise the third parties to carry out. You will not hold us responsible for, and you will indemnify us from, any liability arising from the actions or inactions of such third parties in connection with the permissions you granted, subject to your mandatory legal rights.
Workers’ Compensation/Employer’s Liability Insurance The minimum limits of Workers’ Compensation/Employer’s Liability insurance are: Part One: Part Two: “Statutory” Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease – Policy Limit $1,000,000 Disease – Each Employee $1,000,000
Post-Accident Testing All Employees Post-accident drug and alcohol testing may be conducted by the Employer for any employee when a work-related incident has occurred involving death, serious bodily injury or significant property/environmental damage, or the potential for death, serious bodily injury, or significant property/environmental damage, and when the employee’s action(s) or inaction(s) either contributed to the incident or cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor. Referral for post-accident testing will be made in accordance with Subsection 22.5 C, above.