PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Surname First Name Title (Mr/ Mrs/ Other) Identity Number Trainee Number Physical Address Tel No Work ( ) Fax No ( ) Current Title Permanent/Contract Years/Months at current employer Years Months If contract when is the contract end date Name of employer/ATC Cell No Postal Address E-Mail (work) English Afrikaans Other (specify) E-mail (personal if different) Home Language Gender Postal Code Postal Code Employment Equity Profile Black Coloured Indian White Other (specify) (Compulsory fields) Are you a South African Citizen Yes No If no, specify Disability* Yes No If Yes, Specify * The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 defines a disability as a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Surname First Name Title (Mr/ Mrs/ Other) Identity Number Trainee Number or Membership Number Physical Address Municipality Province Urban/Rural Area Tel No Work ( ) Cell No ( ) Work address (Street) Province Urban or Rural work location Municipality Current Title Permanent/Contract Years/Months at current employer Years Months If contract when is the contract end date Name of employer/ATC Fax No Postal Address E-Mail (preferred) E-mail (work) Gender Postal Code Postal Code Home Language English Afrikaans Other (specify) Employment Equity Profile Black Coloured Indian White Other (specify) (Compulsory fields) Are you a South African Citizen Yes No If no, specify Disability* Yes No If Yes, Specify * The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 defines a disability as a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment that substantially limits prospects of entry into, or advancement in employment
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Name in English : Xxxx. Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xx Name in Chinese : [Chinese characters] ID/Passport No : Position held in Company/Organization : Professor Company/Organization: : The Chinese University of Hong Kong * Office Address : * Nature of Business : Tel No : 0000 0000 Fax No : 2636 5090 E-mail Address : Web Page : xxxx:// * Not applicable to in-house personnel of the applicant. Academic/Professional Qualifications (in chronological order): Bachelor or of Arts Cambridge 1986 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery Oxford 1989 Master of Arts Cambridge 1990 Doctor of Philosophy Oxford 1994 Member of the Royal College of Physicians U.K. 1995 Member of the Royal College of Pathologists U.K. 2000 Doctor of Medicine Oxford 2001 Working Experience (in chronological order): (Project management experience, if any, should be included.) Wellcome Medical Graduate Fellow 1990-3 University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Pathology & Bacteriology Welcome Clinician Scientist Fellow 1993-4 University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine University Lecturer 1994-7 University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Clinical Biochemistry Fellow 1994-7 Green College University of Oxford Associate Professor 1997-2000 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor 2000-present The Chinese University of Hong Kong Principal investigator of grants amounting over HK$5 million over the last 5 years, successfully managing these projects. These projects have resulted in over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals over the last 5 years. Publications (maximum five publications related to the application): Lo YMD, Corbetta N, Xxxxxxxxxxx XX, Rai V, Xxxxxxx IL, Xxxxxx XX, et al. Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum. Lancet 1997;350: 485-7. Lo YMD, Hjelm NM, Xxxxxx C, Xxxxxxx IL, Xxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxxxxxx XX, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal RhD status by molecular analysis of maternal plasma. N Engl J. Med 1998;339: 1734-8. Lo YMD, Xxx TIC, Zhang J, Xxxxx TN, Xxxxx AM, Xxxxx NM, et al. Increased fetal DNA concentrations in the plasma of pregnant women carrying fetuses with trisomy 21. Clin Chem 1999;45:1747-51. Poon LL, Xxxxx TN, Xxx TIC, Lo YMD. Prenatal detection of fetal Down’s syndrome from maternal plasma. Lancet 2000;356:1819-20. Poon LL, Xxxxx TN, Xxx XX, Lo YMD. Presence of fetal RNA in maternal plasma. Clin Chem 2000;46:1832-1834. Intellectual Property Rights (e.g. patents, copyrights. etc) Owned: (Please attach addit...
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Surname First Name Title (Mr/ Mrs/ Other) Identity Number Trainee Number Physical Address Province Tel No Work ( ) Cell No ( ) Work address (Street) Province Urban or Rural work location Current Title Permanent/Contract Years/Months at current employer Years Months If contract when is the contract end date Name of employer/ATC Fax No Postal Address E-Mail (work) English Afrikaans Other (specify) E-mail (personal) Home Language Gender Postal Code Postal Code Employment Equity Profile Black Coloured Indian White Other (specify) (Compulsory fields) Are you a South African Citizen Yes No If no, specify Disability* Yes No If Yes, Specify * The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 defines a disability as a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment that substantially limits prospects of entry into, or advancement in employment
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. 26.1. Whilst working as an NHS Professional under this registration agreement, you are required to notify NHSP of any changes in your personal circumstances including changes to your name, address or telephone number or eligibility to work in the UK. If you are employed by another employer, you must inform NHSP of any suspension or disciplinary action taken against you by them. You must also inform NHSP of any referrals or fitness to practice restrictions by your professional bodies. You have a continuing duty to notify NHSP of any relevant change in your circumstances, including the identity of any third party that engages or employs you. As set out in clause 3.2, if you cease to be substantively employed by the Trust for whom you are carrying out Assignments, you are required to notify NHSP immediately in writing. 26.2. Furthermore, if you have a contract of employment with another employer from which you are suspended from duty, you must notify NHSP immediately and NHSP reserves the right to restrict you from carrying out an Assignment and not offer you further Assignments if it is deemed necessary for one of the reasons set out above. 26.3. You are required to wear your photo identity badge while working on an Assignment with NHSP. Failure to wear your photo identity badge while on duty, and/or intentionally or unintentionally allowing your photo identity badge to be used by another individual is a disciplinary offence.
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Name in English: Xxxx. Xxx Xxx XXX Name in Chinese: [Chinese characters] ID/Passport No: Position held in Company/Organization: Associate Professor Company/Organization: The Chinese University of Hong Kong * Office Address: * Nature of Business: Tel No: 0000 0000 Fax No: 0000 0000 E-mail Address: Web Page: xxxx:// * Not applicable to in-house personnel of the applicant.
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Name in English : Xxxx. Xxxxx Wai Xxxx Xxxx Name in Chinese : [Chinese characters] ID/Passport No : Position held in Company/Organization : Assistant Professor Company/Organization : The Chinese University of Hong Kong * Office Address : * Nature of Business : Tel No : 0000 0000 Fax No : 0000 0000 E-mail Address : Web Page : xxxx:// * Not applicable to in-house personnel of the applicant. Academic/Professional Qualifications (in chronological order): MBBS Qld (First class honours) Working Experience (in chronological order): (Project management experience, if any, should be included.)
PERSONAL PARTICULARS. Name of Applicant Registration Number Phone number Year of the study Programme Reason for Conditional Registration Date Signature


  • Personal Grievances A personal grievance is a particular type of employment relationship problem that normally must be raised with the employer within 90 days of the grievance arising. An employee may have a personal grievance where: • They have been dismissed without good reason, or the dismissal was not carried out properly. • They have been treated unfairly. • Their employment or a condition of their employment has been affected to their disadvantage by an unjustified action of their employer. • They have experienced sexual or racial harassment, or have been discriminated against because of their involvement in a union or other employee organisation, or have suffered duress over membership or non-membership of a union or other employee organisation. • They have been discriminated against in terms of the prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993.

  • Personal Services No employee shall be required to perform services of a personal nature.

  • Personal Illness Employees may use accumulated sick leave for hours off due to personal illness. The employee may be required to furnish a medical certificate from a qualified physician as evidence of illness or physical disability in order to qualify for paid sick leave as per District practice. Accumulated sick leave may also be granted for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc.

  • Personal Vehicles A. Employees who are directed by the Employer to use a personal vehicle for official state business shall do so in accordance with state fleet policies established by the Department of Budget and Management. When circumstances make it impractical for an employee to obtain a state vehicle on the day the vehicle will be used, such employee may request the vehicle at the end of the prior day’s shift, and the appointing authority shall make reasonable accommodation, consistent with the efficient operation of the unit, to accommodate such request. If such request cannot be granted, the employee may use his/her own vehicle and be reimbursed at the full rate in accordance with state fleet policies.

  • Personal Belongings Tenant agrees not to leave any personal belongings (including lawn furniture) in the parking areas, common halls, sidewalks, lawn areas or other common areas of the apartment community.

  • Access to Personal Information by Subcontractors Supplier agrees to require any subcontractors or agents to which it discloses Personal Information under this Agreement or under any SOW to provide reasonable assurance, evidenced by written contract, that they will comply with the same or substantially similar confidentiality, privacy and security obligations with respect to such Personal Information as apply to Supplier under this Agreement or any SOW. Supplier shall confirm in writing to DXC that such contract is in place as a condition to DXC’s approval of use of a subcontractor in connection with any SOW. Upon request of DXC, Supplier will provide to DXC a copy of the subcontract or an extract of the relevant clauses. Supplier shall ensure that any failure on the part of any subcontractor or agent to comply with the Supplier obligations under this Agreement or any SOW shall be grounds to promptly terminate such subcontractor or agent. If during the term of this Agreement or any SOW, DXC determines, in its exclusive discretion, that any Supplier subcontractor or agent cannot comply with the Supplier obligations under this Agreement or with any SOW, then DXC may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part (with respect to any SOW for which such subcontractor or agent is providing services), if not cured by Supplier within the time prescribed in the notice of such deficiency.

  • Personal Information 23.1 Subject to any applicable laws, the Licensee authorises XXXXX to: 23.1.1 use any Personal Information that SAMRO for the purposes of processing, executing and administering the Agreement; calculating Licence Fees; collecting the Licence Fees; 23.1.2 informing the Licensee of any SAMRO news and information or information relating to the Agreement; 23.1.3 informing the Licensee of any amendment, Tariff amendment or General Amendment to this Agreement. 23.1.4 access the Licensees Personal Information from credit bureaux relating to the Licensees payment profile for purposes of financial risk assessment, fraud prevention and debtor tracing and that we may disclose the necessary Personal Information to any such credit bureaux. 23.1.5 obtain, capture store, process, analyse and use the Licensees personal information for SAMRO marketing purposes in relation to XXXXX’s business of managing its Repertoire.

  • Personal Appearance All teachers shall maintain dress, grooming and personal appearance consistent with their area of teaching.

  • Personal Controls a. Employee Training. All workforce members who assist in the performance of functions or activities on behalf of COUNTY in connection with Agreement, or access or disclose PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY, must complete information privacy and security training, at least annually, at CONTRACTOR’s expense. Each workforce member who receives information privacy and security training must sign a certification, indicating the member’s name and the date on which the training was completed. These certifications must be retained for a period of six (6) years following the termination of Agreement.

  • Personal accounts With a personal account you can send and request money from friends and family and pay online for purchases. Holders of certain existing personal accounts may be required to upgrade their accounts (which may include providing further information to PayPal) to be able to use all of the current functionality available in a personal account. To use your PayPal account primarily to sell things, you must open a business account or convert your personal account to a business account. You should take reasonable steps to stop your PayPal account being misused. You must maintain adequate security and control of any and all devices, items, IDs, passwords and personal identification numbers / codes that you use to access your PayPal account and the PayPal services. You must comply with all reasonable instructions we may issue regarding how you can keep your Payment Instrument safe. We may require you to authenticate any instruction relating to your account (i.e. give us the information that we need to be sure that it’s you giving us the instruction, such as submitting your correct log-in information – this could include your e-mail address and password) and otherwise successfully log into your PayPal account to provide to us your instruction. You must keep your postal address, email address, phone number of a phone to which you are the primary user and other contact information current in your PayPal account profile. You may expressly grant, remove and manage permissions for some third parties to take certain actions on your behalf. In some cases you can do this when logged into your account – in other cases you can do this directly with the third party. You acknowledge that if you grant permission for a third party to take actions on your behalf, we may disclose certain information about your Account to this third party. You may permit third party service providers licensed by applicable law to: • provide account information services to access information about your account on your behalf; • confirm whether an amount necessary for the execution of a card-based payment transaction is available on your account; or • provide payment initiation services to initiate payments from your account on your behalf. Granting permission to any third party to access your account in any way does not relieve you of any of your responsibilities under this user agreement. You are liable to us for the actions that you authorise the third parties to carry out. You will not hold us responsible for, and you will indemnify us from, any liability arising from the actions or inactions of such third parties in connection with the permissions you granted, subject to your mandatory legal rights.