Physical Appearance. Cosmetic Procedures when not determined to be Medically Necessary. See the definitions in Section 8:
Physical Appearance.
(i) The Artist must advise the Engager at least three (3) months in advance of the first rehearsal of any significant change to the Artist's physical appearance, such as loss or gain of weight, or a physical condition which may significantly affect the Artist's ability to perform the Artist’s services since the signing of the Artist's opera engagement contract, provided that the Engager shall expressly state this requirement by rider in the Artist's engagement contract at time of signing.
(ii) As of the first day of engagement, should an Artist make a change to his/her physical appearance without the permission of the Engager that significantly affects the Artist’s costuming/wig/hair design/make- up design without reasonable explanation the Artist will be responsible for all costs to return his/her physical appearance to the satisfaction of the Engager.
Physical Appearance. In order to promote a good image in the community, the District institutes a dress code as follows:
A. All employees
B. The officer of the day will be in-charge of seeing that proper clothing is worn at all times when the firefighters are in view of the public.
Physical Appearance. In order to promote a good image in the community, the District institutes a dress code as follows:
A. All employees of the Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District shall wear clean, properly fitting uniforms when in the view of the public.
B. The officer of the day will be in-charge of seeing that proper clothing is worn at all times when the firefighters are in view of the public.
Physical Appearance. The Cooperatives dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, and minimizes safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following guidelines: -Clothing is neat and clean in appearance -Hair is groomed and neatly trimmed or shaped -Dresses, skirts, shorts, or skorts must be respectable length -Clothing that is considered obscene or carries a profane inscription or makes reference to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco is not allowed. -Shoes must be worn. -Halter tops, tank tops, or shirts that leave the midriff bare are not allowed. -Absolutely no caps indoors during school hours, no hats allowed indoors at away contests. Coaches/sponsors may add to this list as long as they have received permission from the activities directors and it is on file. Signed training rules apply immediately for any sports the undersigned student athlete participates in throughout the school year.
Physical Appearance. Contractor has submitted a physical design to WildBlue for review and approval. Contractor shall incorporate all reasonable suggestions made by WildBlue regarding physical design and appearance of the WBSMs. If incorporating WildBlue's suggestions regarding physical design and appearance (including XX Xxxxx) materially impacts Contractor's cost or schedule, Contractor shall be entitled to receive an equitable adjustment in Price and/or schedule in a manner consistent with Section 12.1 below.
Physical Appearance. The Artist must advise the Engager at least six (6) months in advance of the first rehearsal of any significant change to the Artist's physical appearance, such as loss or gain of weight, or a physical condition which may significantly affect the Artist's ability to perform the Artist‘s services since the signing of the Artist's Opera Agreement Engagement Contract, provided that the Engager shall expressly state this requirement by rider in the Artist's Opera Agreement Engagement Contract at time of signing.
Physical Appearance. 1. Cosmetic Procedures, except for correction of Congenital Anomaly, as described under Reconstructive Services in Section 1: Covered Health Care Services. Examples include: ▪ Membership costs and fees for health clubs and gyms. This exclusion does not apply to incentives provided as described under the heading Are Incentives Available to You? in Section 7: General Legal Provisions. ▪ Pharmacological regimens, nutritional procedures or treatments. ▪ Scar or tattoo removal or revision procedures (such as salabrasion, chemosurgery and other such skin abrasion procedures). ▪ Skin abrasion procedures performed as a treatment for acne.
Physical Appearance. 1. Cosmetic Procedures. See the definition in Section 8: Defined Terms. Examples include:
Physical Appearance. 1. Cosmetic Procedures. See the definition in Section 8: Defined Terms. Examples include: ▪ Abdominoplasty. ▪ Blepharoplasty. ▪ Body contouring, such as lipoplasty. ▪ Brow lift. ▪ Calf implants. ▪ Cheek, chin, and nose implants. ▪ Injection of fillers or neurotoxins. ▪ Face lift, forehead lift, or neck tightening. ▪ Facial bone remodeling for facial feminizations. ▪ Hair removal or replacement by any means, except as part of a genital reconstructive procedure by a physician for the treatment of gender dysphoria. ▪ Hair transplantation. ▪ Lip augmentation. ▪ Lip reduction.