Laboratory a. Drug tests shall be conducted by laboratories licensed and approved by SAMSHA which comply with the American Occupational Medical Association (AOMA) ethical standards. Upon advance notice, the parties retain the right to inspect the laboratory to determine conformity with the standards described in this policy. The laboratory will only test for drugs identified in this policy. The City shall bear the cost of all required testing unless otherwise specified herein.
b. Tests for all controlled substances, except alcohol, shall be by oral fluid testing and shall consist of two procedures, a screen test and, if that is positive, a confirmation test.
c. To be considered positive for reporting by the laboratory to the City, both samples must be tested separately in separate batches and must also show positive results on the confirmatory test.
d. In the event of a positive test, the testing laboratory will perform an automatic confirmation test on the original specimen at no cost to the Covered Employee. In addition, the testing laboratory shall preserve a sufficient specimen to permit an independent re-testing at the Covered Employee’s request and expense. The same, or any other, approved laboratory may conduct re-tests. The laboratory shall endeavor to notify the designated MRO of positive drug, alcohol, or adulterant tests results within five (5) working days after receipt of the specimen.
Laboratory a. Drug tests shall be conducted by laboratories licensed and approved by SAMSHA which comply with the American Occupational Medical Association (AOMA) ethical standards. Upon advance notice, the parties retain the right to inspect the laboratory to determine conformity with the standards described in this policy. The laboratory will only test for drugs identified in this policy. The City shall bear the cost of all required testing unless otherwise specified herein.
b. Testing procedures, including substances to be tested, specimen collection, chain of custody and threshold and confirmation test levels shall comport with the Mandatory Guidelines For Federal Workplace Testing Programs, established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as amended and the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations, where applicable. Tests shall be by urine screening and shall consist of two procedures, a screen test (EMIT or equivalent) and if that is positive, a confirmation test (GC/MS).
c. The initial test of all urine specimens will use immunoassay techniques. All specimens identified as positive in the initial screen must be confirmed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) technique that identifies at least three (3) ions. In order to be considered “positive” for reporting by the laboratory to the City, both samples must be tested separately in separate batches and must also show positive results on the GC/MS confirmatory test.
d. In the event of a positive drug or alcohol test, the testing laboratory will perform an automatic confirmation test on the original specimen at no cost to the Covered Employee. In addition, the testing laboratory shall preserve a sufficient specimen to permit an independent re-testing at the Covered Employee’s request and expense. The same, or any other, approved laboratory may conduct re-tests. The laboratory shall endeavor to notify the designated MRO of positive drug, alcohol, or adulterant tests results within five (5) working days after receipt of the specimen.
Laboratory. The official testing laboratories of the Owner or such other laboratories as may be designated by the Engineer.
Laboratory. All drug or alcohol testing shall use the services of a testing laboratory licensed by the Commissioner of Health or qualifying under the transitional laboratory requirements set forth in Minnesota Statutes; however no test shall be conducted by a testing laboratory owned and operated by the state.
Laboratory. The name of the testing laboratory shall be maintained by the City. This laboratory shall conduct any testing directed by the City.
Laboratory a. The testing shall be done at a certified laboratory in California. Upon advance notice, the parties retain the right to inspect the laboratory to determine conformity with the standards described in this policy. The laboratory will only test for alcohol and drugs identified in this policy. The City shall bear the cost of all required testing.
b. Testing procedures, including substances to be tested, specimen collection, chain of custody and threshold and confirmation test levels shall comport with the Mandatory Guidelines For Federal Workplace Testing Programs, established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as amended and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act regulations, where applicable. Drug tests shall be conducted by laboratories licensed and approved by SAMHSA, which comply with the American Occupational Medical Association (AOMA) ethical standards. Tests shall be by urine screening and shall consist of two procedures, a screen test (EMIT or equivalent) and if that is positive, a confirmation test (GC/MS). Alcohol tests shall be by breathalyzer.
c. A covered or prospective employee presenting herself/himself at a Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator-approved drug collection site must have a minimum of one piece of government-issued photo identification and may not leave the collection site for any reason – unless authorized by the collection agency – until (s)he has fully completed all collection procedures. Failure to follow all collection procedures will result in the employee classified as “refusing to test.”
d. Covered employees, who refuse to test, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, pursuant to the attached discipline matrix.
e. The specific required procedure is as follows:
(1.) Urine will be obtained directly in a tamper-resistant urine bottle. Alternatively, the urine specimen may be collected at the employee’s option in a wide-mouthed clinic specimen container that must remain in full view of the employee until transferred to, sealed and initialed, in separate tamper-resistant urine bottles.
(2.) Immediately after the specimen is collected, it will be divided into two (2) urine bottles, which, in the presence of the employee, will be labeled and then initialed by the employee and witness. If the sample must be collected at a site other than the drug and/or alcohol-testing laboratory, the specimens must then be placed in a transportation container. The container shall be sealed in the...
Laboratory like and Clinical Courses For the first (1st) section of part thereof of a course offered each week: The faculty member shall be allotted one and one-third (1 1/3) hours of preparation for each credit hour of didactic instruction. The faculty member shall be allotted two (2) hours of preparation for each credit hour of equivalent laboratory or clinical instruction requiring two (2) or more contact hours.
Laboratory. All drug and alcohol testing shall use the services of a testing laboratory qualifying under Minnesota Statute, however, no test shall be conducted by a testing laboratory owned and operated by the City of Apple Valley.
Laboratory. A laboratory course is one in which the contact hours per week do not equal the semester hour credit for the course. A laboratory experience involves preparation on the part of the instructor and/or laboratory assistant which organizes laboratory accoutrements in such a way that demonstrations, experiments, etc., have predictable outcomes. The laboratory experience takes place in a controlled environment with dependence on the student’s motor involvement in the learning experience. Instruction generally takes place on a one-to-one basis between the student and the instructor at the laboratory station. Laboratory experiences may be scheduled for a class or be open to a student to work at his own pace under supervision. The ratio of credit hours to contact hours in a laboratory course varies but is usually more than one (1) contact hour per credit hour. Commonly denoted with an “L” designator.
Laboratory. LAB’s final BIP review from the IPM/BIP Team is entered here.