Playback a. Included Programs that have been Streamed or Electronically Downloaded from the Licensed Service may be playable solely on the Approved Device on which the Customer Transaction was initiated; provided, however, that Included Programs that have been Electronically Downloaded from the Licensed Service to an Approved Device that is a Personal Computer are authorized to be playable thereon and, prior to the commencement of playback on such Personal Computer, to be copied by to one (1) Zune (provided such Zune meets all of the requirements of an Approved Device), and in that event, a Customer will be authorized to play back such Included Program(s) on that Zune and no longer on the initiating Personal Computer.
b. A Customer’s ability to play back or view an Included Program shall expire not later than the end of the Viewing Period, provided, however, that such Customer may play back or view such Included Program one or more times during such Viewing Period.
Playback. You must initiate playback typically within 30 days of your rental transaction or sooner depending on rental windows communicated at the time of rental.
Playback. KCAT will air previously recorded meetings covered by this agreement on its Community Access Channel (Channel 15/ KCAT) based on its program/schedule availability.
Playback. Performance Up to 8 channel synchronous playback 17. Digital Zoom Yes
Playback. Performance Up to 16 channel synchronous playback
Playback. To access a Purchased or Audio Identified Digital Track or Album via the Single Server Copy or the Google Play Subscription Service, a user must login to a Google account through one of two types of front-ends:
a. Web-based Player: can be accessed on any computer or device with an Internet connection and a browser, and accesses content from the Music Locker or Google Play Subscription Service only via streaming.
b. Google Music Player (the “Player”): (i) requires installation of the client software on the applicable device, (ii) plays tracks from the Music Locker or Google Play Subscription Service as well as content resident locally on the device, and (iii) enables users to xxxx artists, albums and playlists for offline playback. Interactive Streams from the Google Play Music Services may be made only to one device at any given time, except for a cross-over transition period of up to two (2) hours during which two (2) simultaneous streams are permitted.
Playback a. The recording system shall allow for channel isolation to aid in the identification of different parties for transcription purposes.
b. The recording system shall include tools to allow users to clip portions of a proceeding to accommodate partial record requests on CD.
c. The recording system shall allow for playback of recordings in the courtroom while simultaneously recording courtroom events.
d. The recording system shall produce an audio or video record that can be placed on a standard CD-R with no licensing restrictions for playback, including no licensing restrictions on playbacksoftware.
e. The system shall provide the ability to save files to an industry standard format such as AVI, MPG, or WAV playable by non-proprietary readers.
Playback. Select Play Once when you want to play a time . Or select Repeat Forever when you want the media repeat to play.
Playback. This section is used to play recorded video from any device (IP cameras in an NVVR, DVR or NVR). The screen layout is almost identical to the live one, with the capability to configure the splits layout and also to “drag & drop” cameras from the Explorer structure. You can “drag & drop” multiple cameras from different DVR and also IP cameras. Also, Nethunter allows multiple cameras playback simultaneously. It is not possible to playback different DVR, NVR or NVVRs simultaneously in the same split layout due to different timestamps. When clicking in a camera frame in the splits area, all the cameras belonging to the same recorder will be selected and the other ones from other devices will be disabled. After selecting a camera, Nethunter will immediately search for the recorded periods of that camera. The playback control will show the date of the first and the last recorded frame of all the selected cameras.
Playback. For all Podcasts in Apple Podcasts, Apple may (i) allow each end user full playback controls in which a user may perform such actions as play, pause, rewind or fast forward; (ii) include functionality that allows the end user to skip a predetermined number of seconds to fast forward;