Prehearing Conference. A pre- hearing conference will be conducted by the Hearing Officer, either by meet- ing or teleconference. All parties must participate in a prehearing conference and be prepared to fully discuss, nar- row and resolve the issues set forth in the notification of the prehearing con- xxxxxxx.
Prehearing Conference. Is required for parents to stipulate to Adjudication; best practice is to convene before Adjudication regardless of stipulation.
Prehearing Conference. The Pre- siding Officer, at any time before the hearing begins, may direct the parties and their counsel or other representa- tives to participate in a conference to consider:
(1) Settlement of the case;
(2) Simplification of issues and stipu- lation of facts not in dispute;
(3) The necessity or desirability of amendments to pleadings;
(4) The exchange of exhibits, docu- ments, prepared testimony, and admis- sions or stipulations of fact which will avoid unnecessary proof;
(5) The limitation of the number of expert or other witnesses;
(6) The time and place for the hear- ing; and
(7) Any other matters which may ex- pedite the disposition of the pro- ceeding.
Prehearing Conference. A pre- hearing conference will be conducted by the Hearing Officer, either by meet-
Prehearing Conference a) The Executive Director of Classified Human Resources and representatives who will present the case to the Personnel Commission are required to meet for a prehearing conference.
b) The purpose of the prehearing conference is to review matters in preparation for the hearing, and if possible resolve any matters or motions.
c) Exhibits, witness list, narrative statements and subpoena requests must be exchanged no less than fifteen (15) days before the prehearing conference.
d) Exhibits not presented fifteen (15) days in advance of the prehearing conference or additional witnesses not identified will not be allowed at the hearing unless it can be shown that despite using due diligence, the exhibit or witness could not have been identified earlier.
e) The parties will use the prehearing conference to work out stipulations regarding exhibits and matters which are not in dispute.
f) The parties shall meet with the Executive Director of Classified Human Resources or Hearing Officer for the prehearing conference.
Prehearing Conference. 4.1. By mutual agreement, the Parties may arrange for a pre-hearing conference, with or without the arbitrator, to consider possible settlement and means of expediting the hearing. For example, by mutual agreement the Parties may reduce the issue in writing, stipulate facts, outline offers of proof, authenticate proposed exhibits, exchange lists of witnesses, or waive the use of a transcript.
Prehearing Conference. The referee shall schedule a --------------------- prehearing conference to reach agreement on procedural matters, arrange for the exchange of information, obtain stipulations, and attempt to narrow the issues.
Prehearing Conference. 73 22.5 Written Summary of Position ............................73 22.6 Hearing ................................................73 22.7 Commitment to ADR ......................................74 22.8 Fees ...................................................74 22.9 Confidentiality ........................................74
Prehearing Conference. This section expressly requires the hearing officer to establish hearing schedules consistent with this rule and with any additional requirements noticed by the Administrator in the FEDERAL REGISTER notice. However, the section allows the hearing officer sufficient discretion to implement a hearing schedule that ensures development o f a full and complete record, consistent with fairness to the parties. Paragraph (d) of this section requires the hearing officer to consolidate parties with similar interests into groups, when in his determination jp c h consolidation will contribute to an expeditious proceeding. This paragraph is intended to facilitate a process without unnecessary duplication o f testimony, cross-examination and briefing.
Prehearing Conference. Within 30 days after appointment of the Neutral, the Parties agree to meet with the Neutral for a prehearing conference. At such conference, the Parties shall arrange for the exchange of information in the possession of the other Party, including certain limited depositions where appropriate, and the stipulation of uncontested facts. The Parties shall establish the extent of and schedule for the production of relevant documents, sworn depositions and the identification of witnesses. Should a dispute arise over the extent of document production, appropriate witnesses or the scheduling of any activity, including the hearing location and date, the Neutral shall make a final determination after hearing each Party's position. At such prehearing conference, or at a later scheduled conference as agreed to by both Parties, the location and date for the hearing shall be set which shall not, unless both Parties agree, be more than 120 days from the date of the initial prehearing conference.