PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULERelated Services Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service Description of Services (excludes Country of Delivery Date at place Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per N° inland transportation and other services required in Kenya to convey Origin of Final destination Service (Col. 5*6 or the goods to their final destination) estimate) Service] origin of destination per physical unit] item] the Service] Services] Total Tender Price Name of tenderer [insert complete name of tenderer] Signature of tenderer [signature of person signing the Tender] Date [insert date] Beneficiary: Request forTenders No: Date: TENDER GUARANTEE No.:
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS, PRINTERS, UPS, LCD PROJECTOR, AIR CONDITIONERS, GPS, DIGITAL CAMERA AND OTHER COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N of Service N Description of Services (excludes inland transportation and other services required in Kenya to convey the goods to their final destination) Country of Origin Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate) 1 Notebook / Laptop Computers- TYPE A(As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 2 Ups (Light Duty) TYPE B (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 3 Desktop Computers TYPE C (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 4 Laser Printer (Dtn) TYPE D (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 5 Laptops TYPE E (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 6 Heavy Duty Printer/Scanner TYPE F(As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 7 Lcd Projector- TYPE G (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 8 Digital Camera-8 TYPE H (As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 9 Hand Held Gps(Gis Equipment)- TYPE 1 9(As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 10 Air Conditioner- TYPE J(As per above specifications) when required 1 PC 11 Large Projector and Accessories Carrying Bag when required 1 PC 12 Antivirus, Latest Version when required 1 PC 13 Wireless Mouse when required 1 PC 14 Cable Mouse when required 1 PC 15 Laptop Bag -High-Quality, Waterproof and Large Backpack when required 1 PC 16 Flash disk 32gb when required 1 PC 17 Flash disk 8 gb when required 1 PC 18 External portable hard drive 1TB when required 1 PC 19 6-way extension cable 13A 230V Sockets with power surge protector when required 1 PC 20 4-way extension cable 13A 230V Sockets with power surge protector when required 1 PC 21 USB 2.0 printer cable 3 meters when required 1 PC 45 Name of tenderer [insert complete name of tenderer] Signature of tenderer [signature of person signing the Tender] Date [insert date]
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF RELIEF FOOD AND NON- FOOD ITEMS. NON-FOOD ITEMS FOR DISASTER RESPONSE Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of Services (excludes inland transportation and other services required in Kenya to convey the goods to their final destination) Country of Origin Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate)
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FOODSTUFFS Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of goods Country of Origin Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate) 1 Apples When required Kg 2 Arrowroots When required Kg 3 Avocado Pc 4 Baby marrow (courgette) When required Kg 6 Banana Ripe When required Kg.
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF RELIEF FOOD AND NON- FOOD ITEMS FOOD ITEMS FOR DISASTER RESPONSE A. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of Services (excludes inland transportation and other services required in Kenya to convey the goods to their final destination) Country of Origin Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate) 1 Apple when required Kg. 2 ArrowRoots when required Kg. 3 Avocado when required Pc. 4 BabyMarrow(Courgette) when required Kg. 5 Banana-HalfRipe,Firm when required Pc. 6 Banana(Kasukari-HalfRipe,Firm) when required Pc. 7 Beans(French) when required Kg. 8 Beetroot when required Kg.
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TONNERS AND CARTRIDGES: TENDER NO: KCG/EXE/FA/1078841/2022/2023/2023/2024/2024/2025 Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of goods Coun try of Origi n Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate) 1 Tonner TH6115 when required 1 PC 2 HP LaserJet tonner59A when required 1 PC 3 HP LaserJet tonner 26A when required 1 PC 4 HP LaserJet tonner30A when required 1 PC 5 Tonner 83 (black) when required 1 PC 6 HP LaserJet CE 260A (Black) when required 1 PC 7 HP LaserJet CE 260A (Blue) when required 1 PC 8 HP LaserJet CE 260A (Red) when required 1 PC 9 HP LaserJet CE 260A (Yellow) when required 1 PC 10 Kyocera tonner TK475 when required 1 PC 11 LaserJet Tonner & cartridge 80A when required 1 PC 12 HP LaserJet XX Xxxxxx 260A CYAN when required 1 PC 13 HP tonner 230A when required 1 PC 14 HP tonner 217A when required 1 PC 15 HP tonner TK 1150 when required 1 PC 16 HP tonner TK 1120A when required 1 PC
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF AIR TICKET SERVICES: KCG/EXEC/FA/1106045/2022-2023/2023-2024 Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of goods Coun try of Origi n Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Service (Col. 5*6 or estimate) 1 Provision of Air ticketing and air travel services-attach brochures for domestic and international travels, foreign travels, VISA processing when required Per person Name of tenderer [insert complete name of tenderer] Signature of tenderer [signature of person signing the Tender] Date [insert date] Beneficiary: Request for Tenders No: Date: TENDER GUARANTEE No.:
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MOTOR VEHICLE TYRES, MOTOR CYCLE TYRES, BATTERIES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES TENDER NO: KCG/FIN/FA/892753/2021/2022/2023/2024 Kenya (Group A and B Tenders) Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Line ItemDescription of Goods Brand Delivery Quantity and physical unit Unit price EXW Total EXW price per line item (Col. 4×5) Price per line item for inland transportation and other services required in Kenya to convey the Goods to their final destination Cost of local labor, raw materials and components from with origin in Kenya % of Col. 5 Sales and other taxes payable per line item if Contract is awarded (in accordance with ITT 14.8(a)(ii) Total Price per line item (Col. 6+7)
PRICE AND COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE AND MOTOR CYCLES Currencies in accordance with ITT 15 Date: ITT No: Alternative No: Page N° of Service N° Description of services Delivery Date at place of Final destination Quantity and physical unit Unit price Total Price per Goods (Col. 5*6 or estimate) SERVICE A (5000KM) TOYOTA- FORTUNER (YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 2007 1 Oil filter when required Per Service 2 Fuel filter when required Per Service 3 Air cleaner when required Per Service 4 Engine oil-synthetic(ltr) when required Per Service 1 Oil Filter when required Per Service 2 Fuel Filter when required Per Service 3 Air Cleaner when required Per Service 4 Engine Oil-Synthetic(Ltr) when required Per Service 5 Spark Plugs(Petrol) when required Per Service 6 Transmission Oil(Ltr) when required Per Service