Problem Solving Employees and supervisors are encouraged to attempt to resolve on an informal basis, at the earliest opportunity, a problem that could lead to a grievance. If the matter is not resolved by informal discussion, or a problem-solving meeting does not occur, it may be settled in accordance with the grievance procedure. Unless mutually agreed between the Employer and the Union problem-solving discussions shall not extend the deadlines for filing a grievance. The Union Xxxxxxx or in their absence, the Local Union President, or Area Xxxxxxx, or Chief Xxxxxxx, either with the employee or alone, shall present to the appropriate supervisor a written request for a meeting. If the supervisor agrees to a problem- solving meeting, this meeting shall be held within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the request. The supervisor, employee, Union Xxxxxxx, and up to one (1) other management person shall attempt to resolve the problem through direct and forthright communication. If another member of management is present that person will not be hearing the grievance at Step Two, should it progress to that Step. The employee, the Union Xxxxxxx or in their absence, the Local Union President, or Area Xxxxxxx, or Chief Xxxxxxx, may participate in problem-solving activities on paid time, in accordance with Article 31, Union Rights, Section 1H.
Problems To endeavour to resolve in a fair and just manner any problems, grievances or difficulties which may be encountered while you volunteer with us;
Problem Statement School bus fleets are aging, and our communities have poor air quality. Replacing school buses with zero emission school buses will address both of these issues.
Helpdesk Customers must contact LightEdge Support to report service trouble or an outage with LightEdge Technical Support. LightEdge Technical Support will be available seven (7) days per week; twenty-four (24) hours per day; three hundred sixty-five days (365) days per year. LightEdge Technical Support provides support for network monitoring, trouble ticket resolution, and fault isolation up to the termination point of LightEdge provided Equipment. LightEdge Technical Support will accept trouble and outage related support calls from any customer representative. LightEdge will not perform any requested activity which may cause Service disruption or perform any changes to Service unless request is initiated by an Authorized Contact. LightEdge reserves the right to delay response on support tickets opened by anyone other than the Authorized Contact. Communication between Customer and LightEdge not initiated by Authorized Contact will not be subject to SLA remedies. All communications with Customer will be in the English language.
IBM Credit may in its sole discretion from time to time decide the amount of credit IBM Credit extends to Customer, notwithstanding any prior course of conduct between IBM Credit and Customer. IBM Credit may combine all of its advances to make one debt owed by Customer.
Access Toll Connecting Trunk Group Architecture 9.2.1 If ECI chooses to subtend a Verizon access Tandem, ECI’s NPA/NXX must be assigned by ECI to subtend the same Verizon access Tandem that a Verizon NPA/NXX serving the same Rate Center Area subtends as identified in the LERG. 9.2.2 ECI shall establish Access Toll Connecting Trunks pursuant to applicable access Tariffs by which it will provide Switched Exchange Access Services to Interexchange Carriers to enable such Interexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic to and from ECI’s Customers. 9.2.3 The Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be two-way trunks. Such trunks shall connect the End Office ECI utilizes to provide Telephone Exchange Service and Switched Exchange Access to its Customers in a given LATA to the access Tandem(s) Verizon utilizes to provide Exchange Access in such LATA. 9.2.4 Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be used solely for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access to allow ECI’s Customers to connect to or be connected to the interexchange trunks of any Interexchange Carrier which is connected to a Verizon access Tandem.
Verizon Operations Support Systems Verizon systems for pre- ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing.
Interoperability To the extent required by applicable law, Cisco shall provide You with the interface information needed to achieve interoperability between the Software and another independently created program. Cisco will provide this interface information at Your written request after you pay Cisco’s licensing fees (if any). You will keep this information in strict confidence and strictly follow any applicable terms and conditions upon which Cisco makes such information available.
Operational All expenses for running and operating all machinery, equipments and installations comprised in the Common Areas, including elevators, diesel generator set, changeover switch, pump and other common installations including their license fees, taxes and other levies (if any) and expenses ancillary or incidental thereto and the lights of the Common Areas and the road network.
Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.