Procedure – All Employment Relationship Problems Sample Clauses

Procedure – All Employment Relationship Problems. (including personal grievances and disputes. If the employment relationship problem cannot be resolved by discussion between the Employer and employee, then either party may request assistance from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment who may provide mediation services. If the problem is not resolved by mediation, or mediation is inappropriate, the employee may apply to the Employment Relations Authority for an investigation and determination.
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Related to Procedure – All Employment Relationship Problems

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS What is an Employment Relationship Problem? It is a problem between employee and employer. For example, it might be a personal grievance or a dispute about a provision in an employment agreement.

  • Resolving an Employment Relationship Problem The employee and employer should first make a reasonable effort to discuss the problem and settle it by mutual agreement. (If it’s a personal grievance, it must first be raised with the employer within 90 days - Personal Grievances are explained further below). An employee (or employer) has the right to be represented at any stage. When a problem arises, union members should contact their local NZEI Te Riu Roa field officer for advice and representation. Employers should contact NZSTA or other adviser/representative of choice.

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS The ORGANIZATION, its employees, volunteers or agents performing under this Agreement are not deemed to be employees of the COUNTY, nor volunteers or agents of the COUNTY in any manner whatsoever. No officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the ORGANIZATION will hold themselves out as, or claim to be, an officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the COUNTY by reason hereof, nor will they make any claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer, employee volunteer or agent of the COUNTY. The parties agree that the COUNTY will not be responsible for the payment of any industrial insurance premiums or related claims or other benefits that may arise during the performance of services under this Agreement for any ORGANIZATION employee or volunteer, or for any consultant’s, contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee(s) or agent(s) that has been retained by the ORGANIZATION.

  • Employment Relationship Employment with the Company is for no specific period of time. Your employment with the Company will be “at will,” meaning that either you or the Company may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause. Any contrary representations that may have been made to you are superseded by this letter agreement. This is the full and complete agreement between you and the Company on this term. Although your job duties, title, compensation and benefits, as well as the Company’s personnel policies and procedures, may change from time to time, the “at will” nature of your employment may only be changed in an express written agreement signed by you and a duly authorized officer of the Company (other than you).

  • No Employment Relationship Whether or not any Options are to be granted under this Plan shall be exclusively within the discretion of the Plan Administrator, and nothing contained in this Plan shall be construed as giving any person any right to participate under this Plan. The grant of an Option shall in no way constitute any form of agreement or understanding binding on the Company or any Related Company, express or implied, that the Company or any Related Company will employ or contract with an Optionee, for any length of time, nor shall it interfere in any way with the Company’s or, where applicable, a Related Company’s right to terminate Optionee’s employment at any time, which right is hereby reserved.

  • Our Relationship With You We are an independent contractor for all purposes, except that we act as your agent with respect to the custody of your funds for the Service. We do not have control of, or liability for, any products or services that are paid for with our Service. We also do not guarantee the identity of any user of the Service (including but not limited to recipients to whom you send payments).

  • Scope of Relationship The parties agree that the relationship established by this Agreement is non-exclusive. Without limiting the foregoing and subject to the provisions of Sections 14 and 20 of this Agreement, each party hereto is expressly permitted, without the need for obtaining any further consent or approval from the other party hereto, to market, offer, sell, broker, underwrite and/or provide other products and services, including, without limitation, any other loan products and services and specifically including, without limitation, any loan products and services similar in scope and nature to the Loans and the related services contemplated by the Program Guidelines, through any of their respective distribution channels and the distribution channels of their respective Third Party Service Providers, including, without limitation, any of such distribution channels through which Loans are offered pursuant to this Agreement.

  • Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance by delivering the same in writing to the President of the Local Union and the President shall answer such grievance in writing within five working (5) days. If the answer is not acceptable to the Employer, the Employer may, within ten (10) working days from the day the President gives her answer, give ten (10) working days notice to the President of the Local Union of its intention to refer the dispute to arbitration.

  • Union Policy Grievance or Employer Grievance A Union policy grievance or an Employer grievance may be submitted to the Employer or the Union, as the case may be, in writing, within ten (10) work days of the time circumstances upon which the grievance is based were known or should have been known by the griever. A meeting between the Employer and the Union shall be held within five (5) work days of the presentation of the written grievance and shall take place within the framework of Step 3 of Article 22.05

  • Working Relationship 4.3.1 Where there is a problem in the working relationship between the principal and the Board (including individual Board members) that has not been informally resolved and is to the detriment of the school, the Board, in consultation with the principal, may consider appointing a suitably qualified independent person to mediate or facilitate between the parties and/or undertake an impartial and objective assessment of the concern(s).

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