Project Initiation i - Upon final execution of the Agreement with the DISTRICT, the ARCHITECT shall: ♦ Review the Program Management Plan (PMP) with the DISTRICT and its representatives to familiarize them with the proposed tasks and schedule and develop necessary modifications. The PMP defines the Program Master Schedule and Budgets and each Project scope and budget. ii - Within the first week following execution of the Agreement, meet with the DISTRICT and its representatives to prepare a detailed task analysis and work plan for documentation in a computer-generated project schedule. iii - This task analysis and work plan will identify specific tasks including, but not limited to: ♦ interviews, ♦ data collection ♦ analysis, ♦ report preparation, ♦ planning, ♦ Architectural programming, concepts and schematic design preparation and estimating that are part of the work of the Project. Also identified will be milestone activities or dates, specific task responsibilities, required completion times necessary for the review and approval by the DISTRICT and by all regulatory agencies and additional definition of deliverables. iv - Participate in a general Project kick-off meeting to include the ARCHITECT, appropriate sub-consultants, and DISTRICT staff. v - The project kick-off meeting will introduce key team members from the DISTRICT and the ARCHITECT to each other, defining roles and responsibilities relative to the Project. vi - Identify and review pertinent information and/or documentation necessary from the DISTRICT for the completion of the Project. vii - Review and explain the overall project goals, general approach, tasks, work plan and procedures and deliverable products of the Project. viii - Review and explain the task analysis and Project work plan for all parties present; determine any adjustments or fine tuning that needs to be made to the work plan. ix - Review documentation of the Project kick-off meeting prepared by the DISTRICT’S representative and comment prior to distribution. x - Base Drawings and Site Survey Information
Screening and Assessment Grantee shall: 1. Comply with all applicable rules in the TAC for SUD programs as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines Information, Rules, and Regulations regarding Screening and Assessment. 2. When documenting a CMBHS Substance Use Disorder screening, Grantee shall conduct the screening in a confidential, face-to-face interview unless there is documented justification for an interview by phone. 3. Document Financial Eligibility in CMBHS as required in the SUD UM Guidelines. 4. Conduct and document a CMBHS SUD Initial Assessment with the client to determine the appropriate levels of care for SUD treatment. The CMBHS assessment will identify the impact of substances on the physical, mental health, and other identified issues including Tuberculosis, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infection (STI), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). i. If client indicates risk for these communicable diseases, Grantee shall refer the client to the appropriate community resources for further testing and counseling. ii. If the client is at risk for HIV, Grantee shall refer the client to pre and post- test counseling on HIV. 5. Grantee will also consider referring to the TRA Statewide HIV Intensive Residential Treatment facility to concurrently address medical needs and SUD. 6. If a client is living with HIV, Grantee will refer the client to the appropriate community resources to complete the necessary referrals and health related paperwork. 7. The assessment shall be signed by a Qualified Credential Counselor (QCC) and filed in the client record within three (3) service days of admission or a program may accept an evaluation from an outside entity if it meets the criteria for admission and was completed during the thirty (30) business days preceding admission.
Development Reports Beginning six months after Effective Date and ending on the date of first commercial sale of a Licensed Product in the United States, LICENSEE shall report to Cornell progress covering LICENSEE's (and Affiliate's and Sublicensee's) activities and efforts in the development of rights granted to LICENSEE under this Agreement for the preceding six months. The report shall include, but not be limited to, activities and efforts to develop and test all Licensed Products and obtain governmental approvals necessary for marketing the same. Such semi-annual reports shall be due within sixty days (60) of the reporting period and shall use the form as provided herein as Appendix C.
PHASE is a distinct portion of the Work to be provided under this Agreement, as specified in the Statement Of Work.
Project Overview Project Title [Drafting note: ARENA to complete. Insert full long name in accordance with ARENA’s naming convention] i.e. [GMS Number] [Powerworks, voltage control on the Pacific Islands Study] [GMS Number] [study/ project/ fellowship/ scholarship/ R&D Project] Contract Number [Drafting note: ARENA to complete – to be obtained from ARENA’s GMS] Recipient [Drafting note: Recipient to insert full legal name and ABN] Guidelines and policies Advancing Renewables Program – Program Guidelines, 2020 (xxxxx:// ARENA Variation Policy (xxxxx:// ARENA Report Writing Guidelines (xxxxx://
Self-Assessment (a) Subject to clause 4.4(b), for Services that are Self-Assessable: (i) You must self-assess whether those Services are being delivered in compliance with the Quality Standards, using the self-assessment tool available on Our Website and in accordance with the Quality Framework; and (ii) You must promptly and, in any case, immediately upon request, provide a copy of Your self-assessment to Us. (b) Clause 4.4(a) does not apply if You hold any current Certification.
Phase II A small portion of the work for the Phase II modifications to the Plattsburgh Substation will be performed by Transmission Owner, and the remainder will be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. A detailed definition of the specific scope for Transmission Owner and Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx including interface points shall be defined during the design phase and, as such documents become available, copies will be delivered to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The full scope includes the installation of wave traps, CCVT’s and modifications and/or additions to relaying on the MWP-1 and MWP- 2 lines. These lines will be reconfigured at the completion of Phase II to connect to Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx Substations on MWP-1 and the Xxxx Substation on MWP-2. Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will design the upgrades and purchase the materials based on the outline specification that was prepared and issued by Transmission Owner. The work to be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will include both the materials for the exterior and interior installations and items for Transmission Owner installation inside the control building in existing relay panels and communication racks. In addition, Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will be responsible for the exterior and interior construction work and will provide construction management services in coordination with Transmission Owner. The civil design for the foundations and the electrical design for the cable runs to the control room will be designed by, as approved by Transmission Owner, and installed under the supervision and control of Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The equipment will be selected and procured in accordance with the specifications developed during the detailed engineering phase, copies of which shall be furnished to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The construction of the foundations, structures, wave traps, CCTV and cable runs into the control building to the termination cabinets will be completed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The work at the Plattsburgh Substation will be installed under Transmission Owner’s CPP-1. Transmission Owner will provide Protection and Controls Engineering, install and terminate wiring from the termination cabinets to the control panels and relays, install relays and equipment in the existing panels, and will commission such work inside the 230kV control building. Transmission Owner will develop the communications protocols and data flow over the circuits.
Feasibility Study A feasibility study will identify the potential costs, service quality and other benefits which would result from contracting out the work in question. The cost analysis for the feasibility study shall not include the Employer’s indirect overhead costs for existing salaries or wages and benefits for administrative staff or for rent, equipment, utilities, and materials, except to the extent that such costs are attributable solely to performing the services to be contracted out. Upon completion of the feasibility study, the Employer agrees to furnish the Union with a copy if the feasibility study, the bid from the Apparent Successful Bidder and all pertinent information upon which the Employer based its decision to contract out the work including, but not limited to, the total cost savings the Employer anticipates. The Employer shall not go forward with contracting out the work in question if more than sixty percent (60%) of any projected savings resulting from the contracting out are attributable to lower employee wage and benefit costs.
Phase I In Phase I, the project will be connected as a tap to the Transmission Owner’s 230kV transmission line MWP-2 via one 230kV circuit breaker in series with one of two ring bus breakers for stuck breaker protection (one in each direction) and a tie-line breaker, as shown on the one-line diagram labeled CL-E-IA-01 attached to this Appendix A as Figure 1. The changes to the existing MWP-2 line protection for this arrangement are described in Phase I System Upgrades in Section II of this Appendix A.
Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.