Public Notification Sample Clauses
Public Notification. BellSouth will maintain on its Interconnection Services website a notification document that will indicate all Central Offices that are without available space. BellSouth shall update such document within ten (10) calendar days (in Mississippi, 10 business days) of the Denial of Application due to Space Exhaust. BellSouth will also post a document on its Interconnection Services website that contains a general notice where space has become available in a Central Office previously on the space exhaust list.
Public Notification. BellSouth will maintain on its Interconnection Web site, a notification document that will indicate all BellSouth Premises that are without available space. BellSouth shall update such document within ten (10) days of the date that BellSouth becomes aware that insufficient space is available to accommodate physical Collocation. BellSouth will also post a document on its Interconnection Web site that contains a general notice when space becomes available in a BellSouth Premises previously on the space exhaust list.
Public Notification. If you have a public facing website, you shall post a message no later than 30 business days after award that notifies your customers of their right to receive an accessible format. Sample language may be found at: xxxxx:// us/nondiscrimination/nondiscrimination-notice.html. Your notice shall be crafted applicable to your program.
Public Notification. BellSouth will maintain on its Interconnection Services website a notification document that will indicate all Remote Site Locations that are without available space. BellSouth shall update such document within ten (10) calendar days (in Mississippi, 10 business days) of the Denial of Application date. This interval excludes national holidays. BellSouth will also post a document on its Interconnection Services website that contains a general notice where space has become available in a Remote Site Location previously on the space exhaust list.
Public Notification. BellSouth will maintain on its Interconnection Services website a notification document that will indicate all Central Offices that are without available space. BellSouth shall update such document within ten (10) calendar days of the date BellSouth becomes aware that there is insufficient space to accommodate physical collocation. BellSouth will also post a document on its Interconnection Services website that contains a general notice where space has become available in a Central Office previously on the space exhaust list. Version 3Q01: 10/22/01
Public Notification. BellSouth will maintain on its Interconnection Services website a notification document that will indicate all Remote Site Locations that are without available space. BellSouth shall update such document within ten (10) calendar days of the date that BellSouth becomes aware that there is insufficient space to accommodate collocation at the Remote Site Location. BellSouth will also post a document on its Interconnection Services website that contains a general notice where space has become available in a Remote Site Location previously on the space exhaust list.
Public Notification. 17.2.1 The "DEVELOPER" agrees and acknowledges that the cost of flats shall, subject to the provisions of this Clause, be non-discriminatory.
17.2.2 A comprehensive cost schedule (“Notified cost”) and the time period for which such cost shall be in effect, shall be notified to the public by the "DEVELOPER". Any user shall be entitled to avail the project services at the Notified cost. A revision in the Notified cost shall be intimated to the "OWNERS" at least a month before the revision comes into effect.
17.2.3 The "DEVELOPER" may customize separate service and cost packages for other than EWS/ LIG flats users from time to time.
Public Notification. (1) State Technical Committee and subcommittee meetings are open to the public. The State Conservationist must provide public notice of and allow public attendance at all State Technical Committee meetings.
(2) The State Conservationist must publish a meeting notice at least 14 calendar days prior to the meeting. Notification may exceed the 14-calendar-day minimum where State open meeting laws exist and require a longer notification period. The minimum 14-calendar-day notice requirement may be waived in the case of exceptional conditions, as determined by the State Conservationist.
(3) The State Conservationist will publish this meeting notice in one or more widely available newspapers, including recommended Tribal publications, to achieve statewide and Tribal notification. The meeting notice will also be posted to the NRCS State Web site.
(4) The meeting notice will include meeting time, location, agenda items, and point of contact.
Public Notification. The contractor shall be responsible for installing notification signs at all entrances to subdivisions that are to be resurfaced. The notifications are to be installed one week prior to commencement of work. Signs shall be installed on temporary metal stakes driven in the ground or on tripods. Signs are to remain in place until contracted work (except punchlist) has been completed and accepted. No separate payment will be made for this work. The City will be responsible for notification to individual property owners.
Public Notification. Planning Agreements must be publicly notified and made available for public inspection before they can be entered into. A Planning Agreement cannot be entered into, amended or revoked unless public notice is given and the Planning Agreement is first made publicly available for inspection for a minimum period of 28 days. If the draft Planning Agreement is in connection with a Development Application, the public notice will be given, if practicable, as part of a contemporaneously with, and in the same manner as any notice of the Development Application, or if that is not practicable, as soon as possible and after a draft agreement has been prepared and agreed by the parties. If the draft Planning Agreement is in connection with a Planning Proposal (i.e. proposal to change to the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010), the public notice will be given, if practicable, as part of any public notice of the relevant Planning Proposal that is required under the EP&A Act. This is so that Council can ensure that the public can consider all elements of the change to the Local Environmental Plan at the same time. Where it is not practicable to give public notice at such times, the EP&A Regulation requires that this be undertaken by Council as soon as practical. Amendments may be required as a result of public submissions or for other reasons. Any material changes that are proposed to be made to a Planning Agreement after a public notice has been given should be subject to renotification if the changes would materially affect: • How any of the matters specified in s7.4 of the EP&A Act are dealt with by the Planning Agreement. • Other key terms and conditions of the Planning Agreement. • The planning authority’s interests or the public interest under the Planning Agreement. • Whether a non-involved member of the community would have a made a submission objecting to the change if it had been publicly notified. An explanatory note is required to be prepared to accompany public notice of a draft Planning Agreement and this should be written in plain English. The explanatory note should help the community to understand what the Planning Agreement is proposing, how it delivers Public Benefit and why it is acceptable and in the public interest.