PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The purpose of this mandate is to define the role and responsibilities the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy (MINISTER) is granting to the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) as a Regional Conference of Elected Officers, and to define the conditions for carrying out such role and responsibilities.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The aim of this Mandate is to establish the sharing of expenses and responsibilities between the Direction générale des Services correctionnels (DGSC) of the ministère de la Sécurité publique (MSP) and the KRG regarding the job maintenance of Inuit community reintegration officers and to specify the terms for managing staff. The tasks of a community reintegration officer as well as the terms and conditions for managing files are defined in the Reference framework for community reintegration officer positions, dated March 12th, 2003, which may be amended with the mutual consent of the MSP and KRG.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The purpose of the following mandate is to define the role and responsibilities that the ministre du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MINISTER) is entrusting to the KRG in terms of local development as well as the conditions under which they are exercised.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The ministère de la Sécurité publique (MSP) is responsible for guard services and escort activities to the Court in the territory of the Kativik Region. The MSP does not have a detention house in the Kativik Region, particularly the Direction général des services correctionnels (DGSC), and the KRG wishes to define a cooperation contract with regard to logistic support for guard services in the Kativik Region. This mandate aims to specify the responsibilities of MSP and KRG with respect to logistic support services to persons kept in custody under a notice of reference and persons kept in custody under a warrant of committal, before their transfer to Québec’s detention facilities, during the sessions of the Itinerant Court in the Kativik Region. The Parties agree that mutual responsibilities apply during regular sessions of the Itinerant Court for a maximum of 28 weeks. The Parties agree that there are additional non-recurring guard services outside regular sessions of the Itinerant Court which require KRG logistic support services. For these additional services, KRG will charge MSP according to the rate agreed upon following discussions on July 2nd, 2004 between the Parties represented by Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx for KRG and by Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx for the Direction régionale des services correctionnels de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue et du Nord-du-Québec (DRATNQ) and confirmed in the letter of February 22nd, 2005.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The purpose of the following mandate is to define the role and responsibilities that the ministre des Affaires municipales et des Régions (MINISTER) is entrusting to the KRG as Regional Conference of Elected Officers (CRÉ).
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. 1.1 The statements in the preamble above are an integral part of the present Mandate as if expounded at length. 1.2 The present agreement aims at establishing the terms and conditions of a Mandate granted to the Advisor by the Company: 1.2.1 The Company commits itself to provide the Advisor with the relevant information about the transaction for the purpose of validating:; Business Plan including historic results and a financial forecast for the next three (3) years.; Copies of any regulatory approvals required and an action plan as to how they would be satisfied. 1.2.2 The Advisor is responsible for introducing to the Company an investor or investors interested in financing the purchase of a part of, or interested in the company. 1.2.3 The Advisor is afterwards responsible for advising on negotiations and their successful conclusion, to the satisfaction of the Company, with the introduced investors.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. For the sole purpose of providing the Services forming the subject of the Agreement, the Client hereby authorises NTT DATA SPAIN to process the Personal Data described in Appendix I to this present Schedule, on behalf of the Client or the Third Party. The parties expressly agree that, in all matters that relate to the Processing of Personal Data within the framework of the provision of the Services, the conditions agreed in this present Schedule shall take precedence in all cases over the contents of the Agreement. In the event that any of the clauses in the Agreement contradict this provision, the parties hereby agree to render the clause in question without effect.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The ministère de la Sécurité publique (MSP) is responsible for guard services and escort activities to the Court in the territory of the Kativik Region. The MSP does not have a detention house in the Kativik Region, particularly the Direction général des services correctionnels (DGSC), and the KRG wishes to define a cooperation contract with regard to logistic support for guard services in the Kativik Region. This mandate aims to specify the responsibilities of MSP and KRG with respect to logistic support services to persons kept in custody under a notice of reference and persons kept LQ FXVWRG\ XQGHU D ZDUUDQW RI FRPPLWWDO detention facilities, during the sessions of the Itinerant Court in the Kativik Region. The Parties agree that mutual responsibilities apply during regular sessions of the Itinerant Court for a maximum of 28 weeks. The Parties agree that there are additional non-recurring guard services outside regular sessions of the Itinerant Court which require KRG logistic support services. For these additional services, KRG will charge MSP according to the rate agreed upon following discussions on July 2nd, 2004 between the Parties represented by Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx for KRG and by Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx for the Direction régionale des services FRUUHFWLRQQHO-TéVm iscGamHin gueO¶et$dEu LNWorLd-EduL-Québec (DRATNQ) and confirmed in the letter of February 22nd, 2005.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The purpose of the following mandate is to define the role and responsibilities that the PLQLVWUH GX 'pYHORSSHPHQW pFRQRPLTXH GH O¶,QQ is entrusting to the KRG in terms of local development as well as the conditions under which they are exercised.
PURPOSE OF THE MANDATE. The purpose of this mandate is to define the roles and responsibilities of the KRG in its capacity as a competent body acting on behalf of its community in respect of regional development in the Nord-du-Québec administrative region pursuant to the terms of section 21.5 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire (CQLR, chapter M-22.1), hereinafter “the Act,” concerning any regional development measure adopted by the KRG in the territory of the Kativik region according to the obligations stipulated in sections 2.1 to 2.10 of this mandate. This mandate also concerns the role and responsibilities of the KRG in the realm of local development.