LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all logistic support in the United States and overseas.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The SLAD system logistics shall include the following:
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all logistic support related to connectivity, procurement and dealing with the Host Government if any.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The EMPLOYER agrees to provide the designated office space currently located in Fire Station 2 and access to automation for IAFF Local F-7. It is agreed that this office space shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the UNION and shall not be changed unless mutually agreed by the PARTIES. The EMPLOYER further agrees that no one shall be authorized entry into the UNION'S office space without the expressed permission of the UNION or EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYER will provide the UNION with an enclosed bulletin board in each fire station. The EMPLOYER agrees that the Fire Chief will sub hand receipt excess USMA office equipment, if requested, to the UNION.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. ‌ The Subcontractor shall be responsible for all logistic support needed to successfully complete the sub- task order.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. SELLER commits to provide the BUYER spare parts and repair services for a period of at least ten (10) years from the conclusion of this Agreement at SELLER's then current commercial rates and prices. If components that are not to be specially manufactured by SELLER are not commercially available, SELLER commits to expend the engineering resources necessary to qualify and use substitute parts that are commercially available. SELLER will use its best efforts consistent with sound business practices to provide at least twenty-four (24) months written notice of SELLER's intention to discontinue logistic support or manufacturing. In addition, SELLER shall maintain records of the repair activity for a period of three (3) years from the date of each repair. Appropriate schematics and/or test diagnostics which will be sufficient for BUYER to assume the logistic support activity for any Products covered by this Agreement will be passed to BUYER when logistics activity ceases. BUYER will also require a copy of all schematics under the direct control of SELLER at the start of the program. Revisions to schematics will be provided on an as-required basis.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The contract must be responsible for furnishing all logistic support in the United States and overseas.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. The Contractor will be responsible for all administrative and logistic support required to fulfill the requirements of this contract in the U.S. and overseas.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. Unless otherwise noted the Supplier will provide all material, equipment and services within the scope of this Contract to support the training agenda is in accordance with the prices, as described in Annex A. The provision of lodging, all-day dinning and daily transportation to the training facility and back as well as all country transportation for the training attendees is the responsibility of the Customer. The Supplier will provide the training attendees with small refreshment (coffee, tea, juice, biscuits, fruits etc.) on a cost recovery basis and also will ensure enough supplies of drinkable water available in order to prevent the trainees’ from heat stress while wearing PPE. The Supplier will provide the training attendees with entire infrastructure, equipment, and tools required to successfully execute the training agenda that include: Facility’s lecture and dinning hall; Training site with infrastructure and technical safety systems necessary to safely conduct the training; Portable type of PPE testing chamber employing CS, necessary for the conduct of qualitative respirator tests; CWA surrogates (simulating agents) in the quantities required to execute the training agenda; Sufficient amount of working tables, intercepting stainless containers, bins, buckets, brushes, Petri dishes, squeezers, tweezers and other small equipment necessary either for the setting-up of particular working station or for the conduct of donning and xxxxxxx operations, and personal decontamination; Different material matrices (wood, plastics, isobutyl rubber, cloth, glass, mannequins etc.) intended for contamination by liquid CWA; PPE, CWA detectors, detection papers, decontamination kits, and applicators, decontamination mixtures in the amount as necessary for the successful accomplishment of training agenda. The Supplier will ensure the non-erroneous operation of infrastructure which is to be used for the training course fulfilment. The Supplier will ensure safe disposal of waste and rubbish produced during the training. Total costs for its disposal will be billed at the Customer expenses in accordance with prices as depicted in Annex B.
LOGISTIC SUPPORT. (a) Request and deliver final price quotation to the customer. Request for Price Quotation must be made on the Sipex RFQ format. (b) Request and obtain from Sipex the necessary documentation to obtain final product qualification at the customer level. (c) Secure the necessary customer information to justify the extension of credit and payment terms for the level of business to be awarded. (d) Negotiate and obtain the customer purchase order and scheduled delivery. (e) Obtain and communicate the customer projected six (6) months forecasted production rate. (f) Develop and communicate other product applications or other Sipex Corporation products that could be designed in at the account base.