Ragn. Sells shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss or damage which is an unavoidable consequence of the company´s adherence to the Customer’s instructions.
Ragn. Sells shall be entitled to amend or supplement these General Terms and Conditions with binding effect on the Customer one (1) month after notice of the amendment/supplement has been given on an invoice to the Customer and on Ragn-Sells’ homepage. If the Customer does not wish to accept any notified amendment or supplement, the Customer shall be entitled, within 14 days of Ragn-Sells’ notification thereof in accordance with the above, to terminate the agreement with effect on the date when the amendment/supplement would otherwise would become binding for the Customer.
Ragn. Sells shall at all times be entitled to adjust applicable prices upon with one (1) month’s notice.
Ragn. Sells shall provide the Services to the Customer according to the procedure provided for in the Contract and the Standard Terms and Conditions and for the charge provided for in the Price List or separately agreed upon.
Ragn. Sells shall organise at its own discretion any repairs caused by normal use of the Collection Receptacle or replacement of a Collection Receptacle unfit for use provided that the Customer has complied with the terms and conditions provided for in the Contract and the Standard Terms and Conditions.
Ragn. Sells shall send an invoice to the Customer at the latest by the 7th date of the calendar month following the accounting period at the request of the Customer either electronically (as an e-invoice) to the e-mail address specified by the Customer or on paper to the address specified by the Customer. Failure to receive the invoice on time or partial payment thereof shall not release the Customer from the obligation to pay the invoice. In agreement with the Customer, Ragn-Sells may issue the once a quarter or once a half-year. Ragn- Sells shall have the right not to issue an invoice to the Customer on monthly basis if the Customer uses Services for less than EUR 5 per month. In this case, the Customer shall be issued an invoice after the amount of EUR 5 is reached.
Ragn. Sells shall have the right to request prepayment upon entry into the Contract or ordering of the Service, and the amount and other terms and conditions thereof shall be agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
Ragn. Sells shall have the right to unilaterally amend the Standard Terms and Conditions by providing the Customer a 50 days’ advance notice thereof. In justified cases, Ragn-Sells shall have the right to unilaterally amend the Standard Terms and Conditions without any advance notice. In this case, Ragn-Sells shall immediately notify the Customer of the amendments. If the amendment is made due to conditions becoming more favourable for the Customer, Ragn-Sells shall have no obligation to provide an advance notice of such amendments. If the Customer does not agree with the amendments, the Customer has the right to cancel the Contract within 30 days as of notification of the amendments unless the Customer’s place of residence or business is located in an area of organised waste transport and the Customer is not released from subscription to organised waste transport according to the Waste Act. If the Customer fails to use this right, it is deemed that the Customer has been given the opportunity to review the amendments, the Customer understood the amendments, and agrees to them, and undertakes to comply with them.
Ragn. Sells’ duties during pipe care
Ragn. Sells shall not in any case be liable for flooding or any other damage occurring on the customer’s premises if this is connected with a riser/line being unsuitably designed (e.g. with a negative slope) or in poor condition, or if unsuitable material has been flushed down into this and the damage would not have occurred if the riser/line had a suitable design, had been in good condition and no unsuitable material had been flushed down it.