Rating Assessment Sample Clauses
Rating Assessment. The property is listed as a public house and premises and has a rateable value of £89,300.
Rating Assessment. The property is listed as a restaurant and premises and has a rateable value of £36,623.
Rating Assessment. The property is listed as a public house and premises in the April 2017 rating list and has a rateable value of £6,100. The ground floor and basement of the building is offered by way of a new lease on a free of tie basis. Lease terms to be negotiated. The property was historically let for circa £30,000 per annum on a tied agreement. The landlord is inviting rental offers for the benefit of a new free of tie lease.
Rating Assessment. The property is listed as a public house and premises and has a rateable value of £75,000 with effect from April 2023. Available upon request. Historic trading information can be made available to prospective purchasers upon request. New lease, free of all ties on full repairing and insuring basis for a term to 2032.
Rating Assessment. The property is listed within the current (2023) Rating List as a Restaurant and Premises and has a Rateable Value of £67,000. Our client holds a leasehold interest for a term of 25 years expiring 25th December 2027 at a passing rent from of £87,500 pa, subject to 5 yearly rent reviews to open market rent. In addition there is a licence for external seating area which is £3,000 per annum. The lease is inside the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and does benefit from security of tenure. The landlord has expressed a wiliness to grant a new lease – further details to be given upon request. As a bar and restaurant within “Use Class A3” of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Order 2005. Best offers are invited for the leasehold interest. For further information, and to book in a viewing session please contact Xxxxxxx Xxxxx or Xxxxxxx Xxxxx on 020 7836 7826 or email. xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xx.xxx / xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xx.xxx.
Rating Assessment. We understand from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website that the rates payable on the premises are £7,720.02 per annum. Interested parties are strongly advised to check the actual rates liability with the local authority directly.
Rating Assessment. The property is listed within the current (2017) Rating List as a Public House and Premises and has a Rateable Value of
Rating Assessment. The subjects are entered in the Valuation Roll with a Rateable Value of £8,000. Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in connection with this transaction. For the avoidance of doubt the ingoing tenant will be liable for LBTT, Extract Copies and VAT thereon. Strictly by appointment through Messrs Xxxxxx + Xxxxxxx LLP 000 Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Glasgow G2 5QY Tel: 0000 000 0000
Rating Assessment. According to the 2010 Rating List on the Internet, the premises are assessed as follows:- The property is located within an area allocated as a Housing Area in the Sheffield Local Plan and is currently utilised as B1 offices. The entire site is within the Broomhill Conservation Area and within this, the front part of the building on the Clarkehouse Road frontage is classified as a Building of Townscape Merit. Continued office use is obviously possible, however it is also considered the building would be suitable for residential conversion and we believe different options include:- • Conversion of existing buildings to apartments. . • Re-instatement of 2 separate houses on Clarkehouse Road frontage. • Redevelopment of rear annexe on Rutland Park frontage. • Development of existing car park fronting Southbourne Road. Purchasers should make their own enquiries with the planning department at Sheffield City Council. A full Energy Performance Certificate will be provided on request.
Rating Assessment. The subjects are entered in the Valuation Roll with a Rateable Value of £23,500. The poundage rates for 2021/2022 is £0.49 in the pound. Unless otherwise stated, all prices, premiums and rents are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).