REASON FOR THE DECISION. Give relevant background information In line with the Cabinet decision of 17th November 2015, negotiations have been ongoing with the governing body of Xxxxxx Green Top Primary School for the school to take over the day to day operation of the Children’s Centre building located on Fieldside in Xxxxxx. The Department for Education (Grants Team) have confirmed that the transfer of the provision of services to the school is acceptable and will not give rise to any claw back of grant funding, provided that the asset funded by it (wholly or partly) continues to deliver predominately early years services for the life of the asset. It is provided for in the service level agreement that the property will be used for the purpose of the education and children’s early year’s development, hence meeting the grant funding criteria. The Service level agreement is capable of termination should this condition not be met, hence removing any risk that claw back will be invoked. The following overarching Terms will provide the basis for the Service Level Agreement:- Term 5 Years. The Council may, after consultation with and agreement of the Provider, extend the SLA for the further period of 5 years Assets The Council shall make available the Service Assets as set out in Schedule 1 to the SLA to the Provider for the Term. Service assets to include named equipment plus fixtures and fittings The Building The Provider undertakes to make available the Building and Service Assets free of charge to the Council for the purpose of Children’s Centre Outreach Delivery for a maximum of 5 hours every week at such times as may be mutually agreed between the parties and agreed on a yearly basis. Obligations of the Provider The Provider shall be responsible for the following: i. Cleaning of internal areas of the Building and all internal and external window cleaning; ii. Payment of all Utilities in relation to the Building; iii. Maintenance of fire alarm/s at the Building; iv. Central heating; v. Disposal of all refuse; vi. Maintenance of appropriate insurances, if any; and vii. Maintenance of Service Assets. Termination Either Party may by service of not less than 12 months’ written notice on the other terminate this Agreement.
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REASON FOR THE DECISION. The Frenchgate Centre has two walkways that run through the building as detailed below. In recent years the Frenchgate Centre has increasingly been experiencing anti-social behaviour particularly after the stores and Travel Interchange have closed. As a result, the centre is incurring significant costs associated with vandalism, rough sleeping and criminality resulting in increased security presence during night time hours when no public transport is running to or from the interchange. A walkway is a footpath over, through or under a building. The current requirements for the opening times of the walkways are detailed below: South Mall – The licence agreement was entered into on the 19th March 1974, this links St Sepulchre Gate to Trafford Way directly past Sainsbury’s through the ground floor of the Frenchgate Centre. This walkway was formed via a legal agreement between Doncaster Council and the owners of the Frenchgate Centre, which provides that this is route to remain open 24 hours a day, 365days a year. The Council contributes towards the cost of this access via a service charge based on the actual lighting costs, cleaning and maintenance and which is currently set at £ Walkway Agreement North Mall this links St Sepulchre Gate from main ground floor entrance via escalator to the interchange via the Frenchgate Centre. This walkway was formed under The Walkway Regulations 1973 and the walkway agreement currently provides the public with the right to pass and xxxxxx at all times (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). In addition to the various legal agreements the walkways have subsequently become part of the planning conditions as part of the reserved matters. Therefore, the variation of any agreements requires a two-tier approach in securing the necessary variation of planning conditions and termination and variation of legal agreements. In pursuance of securing variations, the Frenchgate Centre owners have recently submitted a planning application to vary these conditions. This application was subject to the usual statutory public consultation process and has now been granted with no objections from any party. The Frenchgate Centre have now made a formal request to the Council acting as Highway Authority to terminate and vary the relevant walkway agreements. The Frenchgate Centre propose to close the South Mall route 30 minutes after stores close and to reopen this route 30 minute prior to stores open in the morning. This mirrors the...
REASON FOR THE DECISION. A party in deciding whether to give its consent or express its satisfaction to a matter is not obliged to give a reason for its decision unless this document states a reason is to be given.
REASON FOR THE DECISION. The Better Care Fund (“BCF”) is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society, placing them at the centre of their care and support, and providing them with ‘wraparound’ fully integrated health and social care, resulting in an improved experience and better quality of life. The Improved Better Care Fund (“IBCF”), and Disabled Facilities Grant are additional elements to the Better Care Fund, which are paid as direct grants to Councils, but must be pooled into the local BCF plan and regulated by a Section 75 Agreement pursuant to partnership arrangements permitted under the NHS Act 2006. The varied Clause 2.3 of the Agreement allows the existing fund transfer arrangement and the related budget and governance arrangement of various schemes to be extended for a further 12 month period by the agreement of Doncaster Council and DCCG through the Better Care Fund Partnership Board. This ODR concerns the BCF, IBCF and Disabled Facilities Grant pooled budgets between DCCG and Doncaster Council for the financial year 2021/22. It is proposed that the Section 75 Agreement be extended for a further 12 months. It is anticipated that the pooled budget will amount to circa £43M with an uplift to be confirmed of which a minimum of £23.9M is the Doncaster Council element as outlined in the 2021/22 to 2023/24 Revenue Budget paper approved by full Council on 1 March 2021 (iBCF page 27, para’s 20-22 and BCF page 32, para 36). Disabled Facilities Grant circa £3.282M is outlined in the Capital Strategy and Capital Programme report approved by full Council on 1 March 2021 (page 24, appendix 1b). NHS England is still yet to confirm the final Better Care Planning Requirements for 21/22, however, the existing policy for 20/21 specifies that a national condition of the funding for the grants identified is that Plans covering all mandatory funding contributions are to be agreed by Health and Wellbeing areas and minimum contributions for CCG and iBCF pooled in a section 75 agreement (an agreement made under section 75 of the NHS Act 2006). The Health and Wellbeing Board approved the 20/21 plan in January 2021. It is therefore necessary to vary and extend the 20/21 Agreement in advance of the final Better Care Planning Requirements being known in order to maintain eligibility to receive the funding. The varied and extended agreement will contain provisions allowing for the further variation of the Agreemen...
REASON FOR THE DECISION. (1) To ensure the Cabinet Member has an overview of safeguarding performance. DETAILS OF ANY ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS
REASON FOR THE DECISION. Give relevant background information Project Summary and Objectives Doncaster Council has outlined its vision for modernising Adult Social Care Services in a Modernisation Strategy. This proposal meets the vision to deliver ‘person-centred, outcome focused, coordinated care and support’ for service users who currently attend DMBC in-house day services.  Choice and control of what type of day service provision an individual wants to purchase.  More choice and control and an alternative pathway, including employment.  To identify groups with a view to working within specific projects, explore how these projects could be- Out-sourced Linked with other community projects  Network and link with other community based organisation.  Network and link with Doncaster Stronger Communities and Wellbeing.  By building strong links within communities, can work towards reducing isolation, reduce antisocial behaviour, and address early intervention and safeguarding.  Make use of assets and resources within local communities


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