Receiving Your Chromebook. Parents & students must sign and return the Chromebook Responsible Use Plan and Internet Use Agreement before a Chromebook can be issued to their child. The Chromebook Responsible Use Plan outlines the parameters for families to protect Chromebooks and the District’s investment in them. Chromebooks will be returned and checked in during the last week of school. If a student transfers out of RSA during the school year, the Chromebook must be returned at that time. If the administrator is unable to obtain the student’s Chromebook, the student’s grade reports/ transcripts will be withheld and the matter will be turned over to local law enforcement.
Receiving Your Chromebook. A. Distribution:Students and parents need to review and sign the following before students will be assigned a Chromebook: 1:1 Chromebook Handbook Agreement and the Technology Usage Agreement.
B. Transfer/New Student Distribution: All students transferring into the district must complete the appropriate paperwork. They will be able to pick up their Chromebooks from the office once the necessary paperwork is complete and a user fee is paid or a waiver form is submitted.
Receiving Your Chromebook. Both students and their parents/guardians must sign the CSD Chromebook Contract before a Chromebook will be distributed.
Receiving Your Chromebook. Chromebooks will be distributed after students have completed “Chromebook Orientation” which will include Digital Citizenship Training. Parents/Guardians and students must sign and return the Student Pledge documents before the Chromebook can be issued to a student. Any student transferring in during the school year must first complete the same or equivalent training before being issued their Chromebook.
Receiving Your Chromebook. Chromebooks will be distributed on the first day of school during first period.Parents/Guardians and students MUST have completed and submitted the PCHS Chromebook Agreement document before the Chromebook can be issued to their child. This Chromebook Policy Handbook outlines the procedures and policies for families to protect the Chromebook investment for Pekin Community High School. Chromebooks will be collected at the end of each school year and students will retain their original Chromebook each year while enrolled at PCHS.
Receiving Your Chromebook. Chromebooks will be distributed to incoming freshmen, and any new student, within the first three weeks of the school year. Parents/Guardians and students MUST sign and return the MRVTS Chromebook Agreement Form before the Chromebook can be issued to a student. These 1:1 device guidelines outline information for families to protect the Chromebook investment for the Xxxxx Tech School District and comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Once distributed, students will possess and care for their issued Chromebook until collected by the district upon graduation or at the end of the device’s lease.
Receiving Your Chromebook. Parents and Students must sign and return this Chromebook Policy Agreement and Student Pledge document before a Chromebook can be issued to their child. This document will need to be signed during student registration. Students will be trained on how to use their Chromebook by their homeroom teacher. Training documents and videos may also be available online for student reference if needed. Student Chromebooks and accessories (charger and/or hotspot) will be collected at the end of each school year for maintenance over summer vacation or at the sole discretion of a teacher or GSD Administrative staff should it be determined that the Chromebook is being treated in a careless or destructive fashion, or that its’ use is falling outside the guidelines of this policy. Any student who transfers out of GSD is required to return their Chromebook and accessories. If the Chromebook and accessories are not returned, the parent/guardian will be held responsible for payment in full. If payment is not received, the outstanding account may be referred to collections for resolution
Receiving Your Chromebook. Please sign and hand in the signature page of this policy to the School when you pick up your chromebook.
Receiving Your Chromebook