Leave Donations. Employees shall be allowed to donate personal leave and receive personal leave from employees of the Xxxxxx Borough subject to the following conditions:
1. Each employee wishing to donate personal leave will fill out, date, and sign a leave slip showing the hours of personal leave he or she wishes to donate in increments subject to a minimum of four (4) hours. The leave slip will have written or typed along the bottom, or in the space provided, "Leave donation to: (employee name)."
2. The Employer will convert the donated leave hours to dollars at the regular (annualized) hourly rate of the donor. The dollars will then be converted to hours of leave at the regular (annualized) hourly rate of the recipient, and the resulting number of hours will be added to the recipient's Donated Leave Account for use in accordance with the requirements of this Article. The total amount of leave credited to the recipient's Donated Leave Account shall not exceed three hundred (300) hours during the life of this agreement.
3. Once the donation has been transferred to the recipient's account, the donation cannot be withdrawn, modified or otherwise returned to the donor's account.
4. Donations of leave under this section will not reduce the mandatory leave usage requirements.
5. Donated leave may not be used unless and until all accrued personal leave has been exhausted. Upon termination, any balance in the Donated Leave Account shall be canceled without pay. Upon the death of an employee, the balance of the Donated Leave Account will be paid to the employee's beneficiaries at the employee's regular hourly rate. Leave may be donated to other Borough regular employees only for catastrophic events, unforeseen emergencies/circumstances, maternity/paternity leave, or illnesses. Donating personal leave for payment of services or purchases or in lieu of cash transactions is expressly prohibited.
Leave Donations. The current donation of leave program shall continue as per County policy, but the employee must have exhausted all leaves before donations can be accepted.
Leave Donations. In an effort to provide a mechanism for assisting employees who have a serious or catastrophic illness or injury, or effective January 17, 1994, who are absent due to an Emergency as declared by the Board of Supervisors; the parties agree that effective July 1, 1993, full pay sick and vacation hours may be transferred from one or more employees and donated to another employee on an hour-for-hour basis, upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee(s), and upon approval of the receiving employee's appointing authority or designee under the following conditions:
(1) The receiving employee is required to be absent from work due to injury or the prolonged illness of the employee; has exhausted or will foreseeably exhaust all earned leave hours, including but not limited to, sick leave, vacation, compensatory time and holiday credits, and is therefore, facing the loss of salary and benefits.
(2) Effective January 17, 1994, employees who are absent from work due to an Emergency as declared by the Board of Supervisors will be eligible to participate in this Leave Donation program to the extent such employee has exhausted or will foreseeably exhaust all earned leave hours except full and part pay sick leave.
B. The transfers are voluntary. Transfers are to be a minimum of one (1) hour and in whole hour increments thereafter.
C. Transfers for employees who are sick or injured are made from accrued full pay sick, or vacation leave balances. All current and deferred vacation hours may be donated. However, only that portion of full pay sick leave in excess of 160 hours may be donated. Transfers for employees who are absent due to an Emergency as declared by the Board of Supervisors are limited to current and deferred vacation hours.
D. Transfers shall be allowed to cross departmental lines upon approval of the appointing authority, and/or, his/her designee in accordance with policies of the receiving departments.
E. Transfers of full sick pay hours will not count as time used and will not adversely affect an employee's right to cash in sick leave hours as provided for under Article 12, Section 2 of this MOU.
F. Transfers are irrevocable. If any donated hours remain at the end of the employee's catastrophic leave, they shall remain for the sole use of the recipient, except that if the employee dies the remaining 100 % sick leave must be returned to the donor on a “last in first out basis”.
G. The total transfer credits received by an emp...
Leave Donations. Employees shall be allowed to donate personal leave and receive personal leave from employees of the Xxxxxx Borough subject to the following conditions:
1. Each employee wishing to donate personal leave will fill out, date, and sign a leave slip showing the hours of personal leave he or she wishes to donate subject to a minimum of four
Leave Donations. (a) A regular full-time employee may donate any portion of his or her accrued vacation to another regular full-time employee who has exhausted his or her personal paid time off and has a medical procedure, emergency, or other hardship situation that requires time off.
(b) Donations shall take into account the relative pay of the donating and receiving employees. For example, if an employee who makes $20 per hour donates eight (8) hours of vacation to an employee who makes $10 per hour, the latter would receive sixteen (16) hours of vacation.
Leave Donations. (a) An employee may donate any portion of his or her accrued sick leave days to another employee in his/her bargaining unit who has exhausted his or her accrued sick leave and has a catastrophic illness or injury that requires time off.
Leave Donations. 5 This section provides a method for nurses to transfer or donate some of their 6 accrued PTO or sick leave to a fellow employee who is out of sick leave and 7 is temporarily off work due to a catastrophic or chronic illness, hospitalization, 8 operation or accident. Leave may also be donated for an employee off work 9 and out of sick leave in order to care for an immediate family member, 10 defined as spouse, domestic partner, parent, child or other person living in 11 the household, who meets the medical conditions defined above.
Leave Donations. Employees shall be eligible to participate as donors and recipients in the leave donation program, which provides a mechanism for assisting employees who have exhausted paid leave due to a catastrophic illness and/or injury. This program allows a regular City employee to donate accrued vacation time hours to a specific eligible employee who has exhausted his/her own available leave balances on an hour for hour basis. Catastrophic illness or injury is defined as the employee’s own adverse medical condition which requires the employee to be absent from work for more than twenty (20) consecutive work days, or similarly debilitating illness or injury of the employee’s immediate family member who has a catastrophic illness or injury as verified by a physician’s statement.
A. To receive leave donations, an employee:
1. Must have been employed in a regular full-time position with the City for a minimum of one year; and
2. Must be absent from work due to his/her own catastrophic illness or injury for more than twenty (20) consecutive days (as verified by a physician’s statement); or be absent from work in order to attend to his/her immediate family member who has a catastrophic illness or injury (as verified by a physician’s statement); and
3. Must have exhausted all earned leave balances (including sick leave if related to the employee’s own illness) vacation; except however, donations may be made prior to all balances being exhausted, when the physician’s statement and leave balance indicate the probable exhaustion of balances within two (2) pay periods.
B. Donations
1. Are voluntary.
2. Are made from accrued Vacation balance; donations of Sick Leave are not permitted.
3. Must be for a minimum of eight (8) hours, in whole hour increments.
4. Are irrevocable.
5. Are taxable on the part of the recipient, in accordance with IRS Regulations, and are subject to withholding as required by law.
6. Donations shall be processed in the order received. However, a donor’s leave shall not be reduced until the recipient actually uses the leave. Unused donation shall remain with the donor.
7. An employee may not donate more that eighty (80) hours to any other individual employee.
8. The total donation received into an employee’s donated leave balance shall normally not exceed 1040 hours; however, donations in excess of 1040 hours may be considered when approved by the Human Resources Manager.
9. Upon approval of the request for donations, the Human Resources Manager (or his/he...
Leave Donations. Bargaining Unit members may use up to one-half of their annual accrual of sick leave for the diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition of, or preventive care for, a member of the employee’s immediate family. For the purpose of this section, the immediate family of an employee shall mean the following: related by blood, marriage or adoption: spouse, child, parent, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandparent, grandchild, and cousin. Immediate Family shall also include registered domestic partners. Employees shall be eligible to participate as donors and recipients in the leave donation program, which provides a mechanism for assisting employees who have exhausted paid leave due to a catastrophic illness and/or injury. This program allows a permanent City employee to donate accrued vacation time hours to a specific eligible employee who has exhausted his/her own available leave balances on an hour for hour basis. Catastrophic illness or injury is defined as the employee’s own adverse medical condition which requires the employee to be absent from work for more than twenty (20) consecutive workdays, or similarly debilitating illness or injury of the employee’s immediate family member who has a catastrophic illness or injury as verified by a physician’s statement.
A. To receive leave donations, an employee:
1. Must have been employed in a regular full-time position with the City for a minimum of one year; and
2. Must be absent from work due to his/her own catastrophic illness or injury for more than twenty (20) consecutive days (as verified by a physician’s statement); or be absent from work in order to attend to his/her immediate family member who has a catastrophic illness or injury (as verified by a physician’s statement); and
3. Must have exhausted all earned leave balances (including sick leave if related to the employee’s own illness) vacation, and management leave; except however, donations may be made prior to all balances being exhausted, when the physician’s statement and leave balance indicate the probable exhaustion of balances within two (2) pay periods.
B. Donations:
1. Are voluntary.
2. Are made from accrued Vacation and/or Management Leave balances; donations of Sick Leave are not permitted.
3. Must be for a minimum of eight (8) hours, in whole hour increments.
4. Are irrevocable.
5. Are taxable on the part of the recipient, in accordance with IRS Regulations, and are subject to withholding as required by law.
Leave Donations. In an effort to provide a mechanism for assisting employees who have a serious or catastrophic illness or injury, or effective January 17, 1994, who are absent due to an Emergency as declared by the Board of Supervisors; the parties agree that effective July 1, 1993, full pay sick and vacation hours may be transferred from one or more employees and donated to another employee on an hour-for-hour basis, upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee(s), and upon approval of the receiving employee's appointing authority or designee under the following conditions: