Records of Defined Cost Sample Clauses

Records of Defined Cost. In order to substantiate the Defined Cost of compensation events, the Employer may require the Contractor to keep records of amounts paid by him for people employed by the Contractor, plant and materials, work subcontracted by the Contractor and equipment. [See clause 11.2(2) and 63.2]. State in what form these records are to be kept and how accessed by the Employer.
Records of Defined Cost. Not Applicable
Records of Defined Cost payments & assessments of compensation events to be kept by the Contractor
Records of Defined Cost. The Contractor shall keep records of amounts paid by him for people employed by the Contractor, Plant and Material, work subcontracted by the Contractor and Equipment. These records shall be made available on request by the Employer.
Records of Defined Cost. In order to substantiate the Defined Cost of compensation events, the Employer may require the Contractor to keep records of amounts paid by him for people employed by the Contractor, Plant and Materials, work subcontracted by the Contractor and Equipment. [See clause 11.2(5) and 63.2]. The Contractors Site Manager will complete a site daily log and this will be submitted to the Employers Representative for his signature before 12am of the following morning barring weekends. The Friday and weekend logs will be submitted before 12am Mondays. The log will include but not be limited to the following:  Date and day.  Weather.  Site conditions.  Work done.  Labour on site.  Any incidents during that period.  Any communication that took place.
Records of Defined Cost to be kept by the Contractor
Records of Defined Cost. Records of defined cost to be kept by the Contractor in PDF format and these will include invoices and receipts etc., they will be requested by the Employer on an as and when required basis for the assessing of compensation event and clarify any cost related queries which might arise.
Records of Defined Cost. In order to substantiate the Defined Cost of compensation events, the Employer may require the Contractor to keep records of amounts paid by him for people employed by the Contractor, Plant and Materials, work subcontracted by the Contractor and Equipment. [See clause 11.2(5) and 63.2]. State in what form these records are to be kept and how accessed by the Employer. The Contractor shall keep records of amounts paid by him for people employed by the Contractor, Plant and Material, work subcontracted by the Contractor and Equipment. These records shall be made available on request by the Employer.
Records of Defined Cost payments & assessments of compensation events to be kept by the Supplier Read clause 63.2 and 11.2(4) and then state whether the Supplier is required to keep any records of Defined Cost. Include any other constraint which may be required in regard to format and filing of the records, and whether access for the Supply Manager shall be provided in hard copy or electronically.
Records of Defined Cost. All costs which relate to compensation events must be retained by the service provider for the duration of the contract and must be available for review when required.