Action Item 1. By October 31, 2016, the District will convene a group of persons knowledgeable about the Student, such as the Student’s Section 504 team, to determine whether the Student requires any compensatory services for any educational services or special education related aids and services the Student was entitled to receive but the District did not provide between XXX XX, 2015 and XXX XX, 2016. The District will invite the complainant to attend this meeting. If the group of knowledgeable persons determines that the Student requires compensatory services, the group will develop a plan for providing such services, with a completion date for providing the services not to extend beyond December 30, 2016.
Action Item 1. The Districts will develop/review and revise as necessary its visitation and observation policy and procedures. The policy and procedures will include, but not be limited to:
Action Item 1. The Scituate School Committee has voted to approve its XXXX configuration subcommittee’s recommendation of consolidating and closing the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Schools and building a new XXXX school to replace them (hereinafter, “the Consolidation Process”). The District, the Scituate School Committee, and the Town of Scituate (collectively, “Scituate”) have submitted Statements of Interest (SOI) to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) expressing Scituate’s intention to pursue the Consolidation Process. The SOI includes the following anticipated schedule related to the Consolidation Process:
Action Item 1. The District will conduct mandatory training for all STEAM Middle School staff who are responsible for scheduling student evaluations, including manifestation determination hearings, pursuant to Section 504. The training will cover the District’s obligations under Section 504 and Title II and will highlight the District’s obligation to appropriately and timely conduct an evaluation prior to a significant change in a student’s placement, including conducting manifestation determination hearings prior to disciplinary actions that constitute significant change in a student’s placement (i.e., 10 + days), pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 104.35(a).The training will be conducted by a person(s) knowledgeable about the requirements of Section 504/Title II.
Action Item 1. By August 17, 2017, the PRDOE will ensure that providers are in place to provide the Student with the special education and related aids and services required by his individualized education program, or Programa Educativo Individualizado (PEI) for school year 2017-2018. Additionally, the PRDOE will ensure that the Student receives all required special education and related aids and services during school year 2017-2018.
Action Item 1. By April 16, 2018, the District will complete the evaluation of the Student, in accordance with Section 504 and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. § 104.35 and determine the Student’s eligibility for regular or special education and related aids and services.
Action Item 1. By April 8, 2022, the District will convene a meeting of a group of knowledgeable persons, as defined by Section 504, to consider whether the Student needs compensatory and/or remedial services, such as tutoring or counseling, as a result of any failure on the part of the District to provide appropriate regular and/or special education or related services to the Student during the XXXX-XXXX school year. If the group determines that the Student needs compensatory and/or remedial services, the group will develop a plan for providing timely compensatory and/or remedial services with a completion date not to extend beyond September 16, 2022. The District will provide the Student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) notice of the procedural safeguards including the right to challenge the group’s determination through an impartial due process hearing.
Action Item 1. Within 45 days of execution of this agreement, the PRDOE will ensure that the Student is provided with the following, in accordance with the Student’s PEI for school year 2014-2015:
Action Item 1. By November 1, 2018, the District will complete an investigation of all reports it received of alleged incidents of racial harassment at the Gloucester County Institute of Technology (the Institute) during school year 2017-2018. The investigation will include a review of all information previously provided to District staff regarding alleged incidents of racial harassment; interviews of all witnesses identified and re-interviews of witnesses, as appropriate; and a determination regarding whether the alleged harassing conduct occurred and, if so, whether a racially hostile environment existed at the Institute during school year 2017-2018. If the evidence supports a determination that a racially hostile environment existed at the Institute during school year 2017-2018, the District will take prompt and effective action reasonably calculated to stop the harassing conduct, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.
Action Item 1. Within one week of the signing of this Resolution Agreement by the parties, the WRVSU will submit to OCR, for its review and approval, a revised copy of the Restorative Classroom brochure that is provided to all Parents who inquire about the Restorative Classroom (a therapeutic program offered by the WRVSU) or who are involved in team meetings to discuss whether the Restorative Classroom would be a good fit for their Student’s needs. The brochure will include: a description of the Restorative Classroom, applicable placement procedures for the Restorative Classroom, and the WRVSU’s procedure for periodically reevaluating students placed in the Restorative Classroom to determine whether the placement remains appropriate, consistent with 34 C.F.R § 104.35.