Responsibility of the Recipient Sample Clauses

Responsibility of the Recipient. 2.5.1. The Recipient is fully responsible for the performance of the Activity and for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, and will not be relieved of that responsibility because of any: a. involvement by the Commonwealth in the performance of the Activity; b. subcontracting of the Activity; c. acceptance by the Commonwealth of Specified Personnel; or d. payment of any amount of Funding to the Recipient.
Responsibility of the Recipient. 1. The recipient is responsible and accountable for the management, control and use of all property furnished or acquired under the award. 2. In accordance with the award specific terms and conditions of the award and with 2 CFR § 200.313, the recipient must maintain complete property and financial records and accounts pertaining to property furnished or acquired under the award. 3. The recipient must account for all Federally-owned property not consumed in the performance of the award until relieved of such responsibility. The recipient must furnish to the cognizant NSF Program Officer and the NSF Property Administrator all data necessary to substantiate any request for discharge from this responsibility. 4. The recipient must inform the cognizant NSF Program Officer and the NSF Property Administrator in writing when inventoried Federally-owned property for which the recipient is responsible is located at a place other than the recipient’s location and is not being used in connection with the work under the award. 5. The recipient must report any loss or destruction of, or damage to, government valuables in shipping per the Claims Pursuant to the Government Losses in Shipment Act, 31 CFR § 361. This includes shipment inspections, record keeping, reporting of any loss, and claims for replacement. (a) Whenever the recipient ships Federally-owned property, including scientific equipment or related works, such shipments may be subject to coverage of valuables under the Government Losses in Shipment Act. Accordingly, the recipient must follow the steps provided at 31 CFR §§ 361.4 through 361.6. Should event of loss, destruction or damage occur, the recipient will promptly notify NSF and provide sufficient information for NSF to file such report(s) and make such claim(s) as identified at 31 CFR §§ 361.7 through 361.9. (b) In preparing shipments consistent with 31 CFR § 361.4, the recipient must ensure that: (i) each shipment is inspected and verified by two responsible employees before final preparation (i.e., before sealing, locking, etc.) for delivery to the person, corporation or other entity effectuating the shipment; and (ii) shipment will be finally prepared for delivery in the presence of the two employees and before leaving their immediate control. (c) If strict compliance with the provisions at (b) is impossible or impracticable, the recipient will ensure that administrative officers have made adequate provision, through the establishment of accounting...
Responsibility of the Recipient. The Recipient is fully responsible for the performance of the Project and for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, and will not be relieved of that responsibility because of any: (a) involvement by the Department in the performance of the Project; (b) subcontracting all or any part of the Project; (c) payment of any amount of Funding to the Recipient.
Responsibility of the Recipient. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to assume any and all responsibility for ownership, operation, replacement, and long-term maintenance of the equipment, including but not limited to x. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that the equipment transferred under this agreement will be used only in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations, restrictions, and prohibitions. x. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that it will be wholly responsible for securing and maintaining all permits needed for the use of the referenced tower and equipment. x. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that, if it no longer needs the equipment, it may physically remove the same from the site and properly dispose of said tower and equipment in a safe and orderly manner, at no cost to the FRCOG so long as the removal of equipment does not negatively impact public safety communication for the county. x. Xxxxxxxxxx agrees to allow public safety entities to place equipment on the tower(s) and inside the shelter/cabinet. The entity wishing to collocate will pay all costs for a structural analysis and any improvements needed to the site(s) to ensure continuity of communications.

Related to Responsibility of the Recipient

  • Responsibility of the Parties The Parties undertake to indemnify each other for any damage (loss) caused by their partial or complete non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement, and the indemnification of damage (loss) does not relieve the Parties from the performance/payment of their obligations under the Agreement. In addition, the Customer shall be liable for any damage (loss) caused to the Bank by its partial or complete non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement. Inter alia, in the event of a breach of the term specified in the subsection 3.3.6. of Annex N1 to the Bank Guarantee Agreement, Bank is entitled to charge the Customer with additional amount of the respective Interest (as the damage (loss) inflicted) for the period of breach of the term or the Bank shall be entitled to repay the above obligations not later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the written application. Indemnification of the damage (loss) does not release the Customer from the performance/payment of the obligations under the Agreement. Notwithstanding the guarantees specified in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. of Annex N1 to the Bank Guarantee Agreement, in order to ensure full and proper performance of the Customer’s obligations under the Agreement, and, respectively, to secure the Bank’s rights and claims, the Customer hereby expressly gives its prior consent that the Bank is fully authorized to: In the case of several debt arrears, determine the sequence and order of payments of Bank Guarantee and the payments under it; Block any Account of the Customer without acceptance in the amount of the payment due and in accordance with its applicable rules until any payment is under the Agreement is fully and duly covered; Write off without acceptance all payments due from the any Account of the Customer, and if the payment due and the amount available on the Account are in different currencies, the Bank itself can perform conversion at the commercial rate of exchange applicable at the Bank on the date of payment or the rate of exchange agreed with the Customer (if any), and write off also the conversion cost without acceptance from the Account, and channel the converted amount to cover the appropriate payments. During the period of Force Majeure, the Bank shall not be liable for complete or partial nonfulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement. In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall be guided by ICC Uniform Rules. Any official communication between the Parties shall be in writing. The written notice intended to the Party may be delivered in person or sent by a courier (including an international courier) or through a post delivery (including by a registered letter). For urgency and subject to the following provisions, except by submitting to the Customer a claim for full performance of its obligations under the Agreement or notifying about the complete or partial termination of the Agreement, it is permissible to notify the other Party by email or other electronic means (including via mobile banking, internet banking) provided that upon request of the other Party, such notice shall also be provided in writing within a reasonable time. The notice shall be deemed to have been accepted by the addressee on the day of its receipt if the receipt of the notice is confirmed by the addressee (including by electronic document, receipt, other appropriate means of notification, etc.). If the receipt of the notice is not confirmed by the addressee, any such notice shall be deemed to have been sent and received accordingly: In case of sending a written message by a courier or registered mail - on the day of confirmation of delivery; In case of sending by email and/or other electronic means - on the second Banking Day after the date of sending; Notice shall be deemed to have been received even if the notice is returned to the notifying Party due to the absence of the addressee of the notification on the sent address/contact data, the addressee refuses to receive the notice or avoids receiving it. The Parties will communicate according to the addresses/contact details specified in the Agreement (or any other address/contact information that one Party will provide in writing to the other). The Party is obliged to notify the other Party on the change of the above address or any of their data in a timely manner, otherwise the communication (notification etc.) carried out to the address indicated by the Party shall be deemed to have been duly performed.

  • Responsibility of Contractor a. Contractor shall be held strictly responsible for the proper performance of all work covered by the Contract Documents, including all work performed by Subcontractors. All work performed under this Contract shall comply in every respect to the rules and regulations of all agencies having jurisdiction over the Project or any part thereof. b. Contractor shall submit Verified Reports as defined in §§4-336 and 4-343 (c), Group 1, Chapter 4, Part I, Title 24, California Code of Regulations (“CCR”). The duties of the Contractor are as defined in §4-343, Group 1, Chapter 4, Part I, Title 24, of the CCR. Contractor shall keep and make available a copy of Title 24 of the CCR at the job site at all times. c. Where, because of short supply, any item of fabricated materials and/or equipment, indicated on drawings or specified is unobtainable and it becomes necessary, with the consent of the Project Manager, to substitute equivalent items differing in details or design, the Contractor shall promptly submit complete drawings and details indicating the necessary modifications of the work. This provision shall be governed by the terms of the General Conditions regarding Submittals: Shop Drawings, Cuts and Samples. d. With respect to work performed at and near a school site, Contractor shall at all times take all appropriate measures to ensure the security and safety of students and staff, including, but not limited to, ensuring that all of Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors, and suppliers entering school property strictly adhere to all applicable District policies and procedures, e.g., sign-in requirements, visitor badges, and access limitations.

  • CONSULTANT’S RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to all other obligations contained herein, the Consultant agrees, warrants, and represents that: 6.1 The Consultant will furnish all material, equipment, labor and supplies in such quantities and of the proper quality to professionally and timely perform the Services, except as otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties; 6.2 The Consultant shall perform the Services with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by competent consultants practicing in the same or similar locality and under the same or similar circumstances and professional license; 6.3 The Consultant will comply with the provisions of all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, requirements and codes which are applicable to its performance of Services; 6.4 The Consultant is not and will not be bound by any agreement and has not assumed nor will assume any obligation which would, in any way, restrict its ability to perform the Services or be inconsistent with the Services; 6.5 In performing the Services, the Consultant will not use any third party’s confidential or propriety information, or infringe the rights of another party, nor will the Consultant disclose to the Authority, or bring onto the Authority’s premises, or induce the Authority to use any third party’s confidential or proprietary information; 6.6 The Consultant does not have the authority to act for the Authority, bind the Authority in any respect, or incur any debts or liabilities in the name of or on behalf of the Authority, except as otherwise expressly authorized in writing by the Authority; 6.7 Consultant is an independent contractor for the performance of his duties under this Contract. Accordingly, the Consultant shall be responsible for payment of all taxes including federal, state and local taxes arising out of the Consultant’s activities in accordance with this Contract. Consultant is responsible for payment of the compensation, including any withholding, Social Security, or other taxes on such compensation, of any subcontractors retained by Consultant, or Consultant's employees performing Services consistent with its status as an independent contractor and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; 6.8 Consultant has and hereby retains full control of any supervision over the Consultant’s obligations hereunder and over any persons employed or subcontracted by the Consultant for performing Services hereunder; 6.9 Consultant will in no way be considered an agent, partner, joint venturer, or employee of Authority at any time during the Term. Consultant will not undertake to commit Authority to any course of action in relation to a third party unless expressly requested and authorized to do so by the Authority in writing. 6.10 As of the Effective Date and at all times while providing Services hereunder, the Consultant shall possess and maintain in good standing any and all licenses or other authorizations and approvals necessary to perform the Services.