Restricted Articles. Medicines and toiletries in limited quantities which are necessary or appropriate for the passenger during the journey, such as hair spray, perfumes and medicines containing alcohol may be carried. Many of these listed articles can be carried as air cargo provided they are packed in accordance with cargo regulations For safety reasons, dangerous articles such as those listed below, must not be carried in passenger’s baggage.
Restricted Articles. All Goods which come under the classification of restricted articles in accordance with the IATA restricted article regulations must be identified, packaged, labelled, and marked for carriage by air in accordance with the IATA regulations. In addition, the consignment must be accompanied by a shipper’s certification for restricted articles.
Restricted Articles. No dangerous goods or Hazardous Materials will be accepted onboard any Tradewind flight unless specifically exempted as a dangerous good or Hazardous Material by 49 CFR Parts 171-180 and/ or the International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Manual.
1. Dry ice will be accepted for carriage in checked or Carry-on Baggage as long as the ice is being used to keep an item cool. Tradewind will accept no more than 5.5 pounds of dry ice, properly packaged per DOT Hazardous Materials Guidelines, per customer, and no more than 5.5 pounds of dry ice may be carried on board any turboprop aircraft.
2. Wet ice is not accepted in checked or carry-on baggage.
3. Tradewind will not accept any item that is either confiscated or denied air transport by TSA.
Restricted Articles. All Restricted Articles must use the correct Standard Transportation Commodity Code, as published in Railinc publication STCC 6001-series. An appropriate STCC, or STCC series, has been included for most of the Restricted Articles, listed below. To be clear, under no circumstances are FAK rates acceptable for the movement of Restricted Articles over the lines of UPRR. In the event a Shipper, or a third party IMC (on behalf of its customer) desires to ship any of the above listed as a Restricted Article over the lines of UPRR, the Shipper and/or its IMC must first contact its UPRR business representative to determine if UPRR is willing to accept the Restricted Articles for transportation over its lines. UPRR reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to accept at Origin or in interchange any Restricted Article for transport over its lines. However, if UPRR agrees to transport the Restricted Article a confidential rail transportation contract/quote containing an accurate description of the Restricted Article including the correct STCC No. as well as any unique liability terms, or conditions regarding blocking, bracing, concentrated weight restrictions, etc for rail transportation in a Container or Trailer over the lines of UPRR must be agreed upon prior to the Restricted Article shipment being tendered to UPRR. The Shipper agrees to indemnify, defend and hold UPRR harmless from and against any liability, losses, damages, claims, judgments, fines, penalties, lawsuits, expenses/costs including, yet not limited to reasonable attorney fees, relating to death or personal injuries, property damage, environmental contamination, violation of local, state, federal statutes or regulation or freight loss/damages resulting from or arising out of the Shipper's transportation of any of the following Restricted Article(s). Any articles named herein, shipped in violation of this Restricted Articles Section of this Item 520 will be assessed a surcharge not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per Container or Trailer. This surcharge will be in addition to the FAK (Freight All Kinds) rate and any other charges, fines or assessments applicable to the Restricted Article Shipment. UPRR reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to hold any private or rail carrier- owned, leased or controlled Container or Trailer containing Restricted Articles at an Intermodal Facility until all assessed charges, which may include but are not limited to the FAK rate, surcharge, ...
Restricted Articles