Right to Publish Sample Clauses

Right to Publish. Throughout the duration of this Master Agreement, Contractor must secure from the Lead State prior approval for the release of information that pertains to the potential work or activities covered by the Master Agreement. This limitation does not preclude publication about the award of the Master Agreement or marketing activities consistent with any proposed and accepted marketing plan. The Contractor shall not make any representations of NASPO ValuePoint’s opinion or position as to the quality or effectiveness of the services that are the subject of this Master Agreement without prior written consent. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in termination of the Master Agreement for cause.
Right to Publish. JHU may publish manuscripts, abstracts or the like describing the PATENT RIGHTS and inventions contained therein provided confidential information of Company as defined in Paragraph 8.1, is not included or without first obtaining approval from Company to include such confidential information. Otherwise, JHU and the Inventors shall be free to publish manuscripts and abstracts or the like directed to the work done at JHU related to the licensed technology without prior approval.
Right to Publish. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Principal shall have the right to publish any of the documents, information or data provided by the Contractor to the Principal during provision of the Study.
Right to Publish. Subject only to copyright restrictions, the Annex Participants shall have the right to publish all information provided to or arising from this Task except proprietary information.
Right to Publish. The Contractor acknowledges that DCC may be obliged to publish this Agreement under the DCC Licence obligations. Both Parties agree to such publication and acknowledge that in this circumstance any Commercially Sensitive Information would be redacted and the Contractor agrees to promptly agree reasonable redactions with DCC to enable this publication
Right to Publish. Throughout the duration of this Master Agreement, Contractor must secure prior approval from the Lead State or Participating Entity for the release of any information that pertains to the potential work or activities covered by the Master Agreement , including but not limited to reference to or use of the Lead State or a Participating Entity’s name, Great Seal of the State, Coat of Arms, any Agency or other subunits of the State government, or any State official or employee, for commercial promotion which is strictly prohibited. News releases or release of broadcast e-mails pertaining to this Master Agreement or Participating Addendum shall not be made without prior written approval of the Lead State or a Participating Entity.
Right to Publish. (a) Notwithstanding any other obligation in this Agreement, the parties are permitted to publish the Results in accordance with this clause 12. (b) The parties will ensure that all publications and presentations in respect of the Project comply with the authorship and publication requirements of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, as amended from time to time. (c) In addition to clause 12(a), each party (a 'Publishing Party') may only proceed with publishing or submitting for publication, or presenting, anything in relation to the Project that discloses Confidential Information ('Publication'), provided that it has complied with the process set out in clauses 12(d) and 12(e) and is permitted to proceed in accordance with clause 12(h). (d) The Publishing Party must provide a copy of the proposed Publication to the other party (the 'Reviewing Party') for review and response in accordance with clause 12(e). (e) Within 30 days of the Publishing Party providing the Publication to the Reviewing Party for review, the Reviewing Party must notify the Publishing Party in writing that it: (i) gives unconditional consent; (ii) gives consent subject to certain amendments being made (including, if required, the removal of the Reviewing Party’s Confidential Information) which are in the reasonable opinion of the Reviewing Party necessary to ensure its Confidential Information is not disclosed and its privacy obligations are met; or (iii) requires the Publication to be delayed for up to 3 months so as to not prejudice its ability to protect and Commercialise its Confidential Information or other Pre-existing IPR. (f) Notwithstanding clause 12(e)(ii), the Reviewing Party will not have editorial rights over the content of the Publication. (g) If the Publishing Party does not receive a response in accordance with clause 12(e) within 30 days of the Reviewing Party receiving the Publication for review, the Publishing Party may provide the Reviewing Party with a further notice in writing requiring confirmation that it has no objections to the Publication. The Reviewing Party will be deemed to have given unconditional consent to the Publication if it does not respond to such further notice within 10 days of receipt, notifying of any required amendments or a delay in accordance with clause 12(e). (h) The Publishing Party may proceed with the Publication: (i) upon unconditional consent being given by the Reviewing Party; or (ii) if amendments are required ...
Right to Publish. A. Subject to any restrictions on the publication, disclosure, dissemination and use of Confidential Information or use of data set forth in this Agreement or under any applicable law, the University shall have the right to publish, disclose, disseminate and use, in whole and in part, any data and information received or developed under this Agreement. B. The University will provide publications, presentations and other public releases resulting from work performed under this Agreement to the State for review at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to publication and will identify the proposed recipient(s). During the first fifteen (15) calendar days of such review period, the State may provide notice to the University that it intends to rebut some or all aspects of the presentation, publication or other media release. The State will then have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notice to prepare and submit such rebuttal to the recipient(s) identified by the University. Within the review period, the State may provide feedback to the University; the University will give good faith consideration to such feedback, but has no obligation to make any changes in said material, other than the removal of any material whose disclosure is prohibited or restricted by this Agreement or by any applicable law. Any of the above referenced time periods may be modified upon agreement of both Parties. Neither Party may unreasonably deny such requests. C. At the State’s sole discretion, the State will require the University to use one of the following disclaimers in any publication, presentation or other public release: 1) “This project was funded by the <Agency>. The contents may not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the State of California.” 2) “This project was funded by the <Agency>. The contents do not represent the official views or policies of the State of California.”
Right to Publish. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Principal and any of the Beneficiaries and Implementing Bodies shall have the right to publish any of the documents, information or data provided by the Service Provider to the Principal during provision of the Service.
Right to Publish. A. Subject to any restrictions on the publication, disclosure, dissemination and use of Confidential Information set forth in this Agreement or under any applicable law, the Recipient shall have the right to publish, disclose, disseminate and use, in whole and in part, any data and information received or developed under this Agreement. B. The Recipient will provide publications, presentations and other public releases directly resulting from work performed under this Agreement to the GRANTOR for review at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to publication and will identify the proposed recipient(s). During the first fifteen (15) calendar days of such review period, the GRANTOR may provide notice to the Recipient that it intends to rebut some or all aspects of the presentation, publication or other public releases. Upon Recipient’s public disclosure of the presentation, publication or other public release, the GRANTOR may prepare and submit such rebuttal to the recipient(s) identified by the Recipient. Within the review period, the GRANTOR may provide feedback to the Recipient; the Recipient shall give good faith consideration to such feedback, but has no obligation to make any changes in said material, other than the removal of any material whose disclosure is prohibited or restricted by this Agreement or by any applicable law. Any of the above referenced time periods may be modified upon agreement of both Parties. Neither Party may unreasonably deny such requests. C. At the GRANTOR’s sole discretion, the GRANTOR will require the Recipient to use one of the following disclaimers in any publication, presentation or other public release: 1. “This project was funded by the <GRANTOR>. The contents may not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the <Grantor> or the State of California.” 2. “This project was funded by the <GRANTOR>. The contents do not represent the official views or policies of the <GRANTOR>, or the State of California.”