RULES AND REGULATION. Rules and regulations, if any, shall be provided separately to Tenant and Tenant shall comply with same.
RULES AND REGULATION. The Rules and Regulation of this Facility are incorporated herein and made a part of this Rental Agreement as if fully re-written herein. The Rules and Regulations can be changed with thirty (30) days-notice as described in the Rules and Regulations, without regard for the term of this Agreement, so long as the revised Rules and Regulations apply to all Renters and are made for the appropriate and efficient operation of the Facility.
RULES AND REGULATION. I/We as parent/guardian of said candidate understand it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, candidate, team and chapter to comply with any and all rules and regulations of SCJAAFC and Local Chapter. Any noncompliance with rules and regulations shall be cause for disciplinary action to be taken against said candidate, parent/guardian, team or chapter by SCJAAF SCJAAFC.PARENT/GUARDIAN: Signature Print Name Date: CHECK RELATIONSHIP TO MINOR 🖵 FATHER 🖵 MOTHER 🖵 LEGAL GUARDIAN (LEGAL PROOF ATTACHED) FULL Legal Name: Birth date (No Nicknames) (Please print!) (Month, Day, Year) Proof of Age: Birth Cert Abstract Gov’t ID Record of foreign birth School Record In approving the above Candidate's Player Season Contract, we hereby certify that the Birth Certificate/ Proof of Age submitted does correspond with the name and birth date shown in Sections II and IV. In addition, we hereby certify that the Parental Consent and the attached Medical Treatment Authorizations, was completed, and, together with the Medical Examination, was completed by the qualified Doctor of Medicine listed, prior to the Candidate's participation in any manner with this team. We certify that we have explained fully the procedures to follow in the event of injury, and that injury/insurance reporting must be performed in accordance with SCJAAFC rules and procedures. Finally, we certify that a copy of the Player Season Contract was furnished to the Parent(s) or Guardian, as applicable. Responsible Chapter Official Date Certifying Team AD Date Team/ Division/ Chapter Team/ Division/ Chapter SECTION VI. PARENTAL CONSENT The SCJAAFC has Secondary Excess Accident-Medical Group Insurance coverage, with a deductible amount for each injury incurred. The SCJAAFC group insurance is "SECONDARY EXCESS COVERAGE," over any valid collectable coverage provided by the parent's separate personal or employee's dependent group insurance. The SCJAAFC secondary group covers one year from date of first treatment, for each injury, with dental coverage, for sound natural teeth, including dental X-rays. Abdominal hernia and pre-existing conditions are excluded. In executing the foregoing release, I/we, the under- signed acknowledge and represent that I/we understand that any claim for injuries which arises out of our child's participation, must be reported to the Team or Chapter Officials "IMMEDIATELY". The insurance claim form must be filled out and delivered to the Conference Insurance Commissioner “WITHIN 3...
RULES AND REGULATION. The Rules and Regulation of this Facility are incorporated herein and made a part of this Rental Agreement as if fully re-written herein. The Rules and Regulations can be changed with thirty (30) days notice as described in the Rules and Regulations, without regard for the term of this Agreement, so long as the revised Rules and Regulations apply to all Renters and are made for the appropriate and efficient operation of the Facility. The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she has read and understands this Rental Agreement in its entirety (seven pages) and agree(s) to be bound by its terms and conditions.
RULES AND REGULATION. The Employer has the right to make rules and regulations that are reasonable provided they are not inconsistent with this Agreement. Should the Employer alter rules and regulations to be observed by the Nurses, it shall advise the Union, in writing, prior to such rules and regulations taking effect, so that the Union may make representation.
RULES AND REGULATION. I/We as parent/guardian of said candidate understand it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, candidate, team, and chapter to comply with any and all rules and regulations of SCJAAFC and Local Chapter. Any noncompliance with rules and regulations shall be cause for disciplinary action to be taken against said candidate, parent/guardian, team, or chapter by SCJAAF. SCJAAFC.PARENT/GUARDIAN: Signature Print Name Date: CHECK RELATIONSHIP TO MINOR 🖵 FATHER 🖵 MOTHER 🖵 LEGAL GUARDIAN (LEGAL PROOF ATTACHED) FULL Legal Name: Birth date (No Nicknames) (Please print!) (Month, Day, Year) Proof of Age: Birth Cert Abstract Gov’t ID Record of foreign birth School Record
RULES AND REGULATION. If the tenant does not obey the regulations, the landlord has the right to take the following actions: inform the student’s home university, charge the tenant costs for damage caused and/or terminate the contract.
RULES AND REGULATION. Such reasonable rules and regulations applying to all lessees in the Building as may be adopted by Lessor from time to time for the safety, care and cleanliness of the Property and the preservation of good order thereon, are hereby made a part hereof and Lessee agrees to comply with all such rules and regulations (the "RULES AND REGULATIONS"). Lessor shall have the right at all times to change such Rules and Regulations or to amend them in any reasonable manner as may be deemed advisable by Lessor, all of which changes and amendments will be sent by Lessor to Lessee in writing and shall be thereafter carried out and observed by Lessee. The initial Rules and Regulations applicable to the Property are attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part of this Lease.
RULES AND REGULATION. The attached Rules and Regulations of The Marina are made a part of this Use Agreement. Failure by User to observe these rules shall give Vencore the right to terminate this Use Agreement on two (2) days’ notice, or to refuse to renew this Use Agreement. The Rules and Regulations are subject to change without notice. Vencore has the right to move, or remove the Vessel and charge any necessary fees or fines in accordance with a breach of the Rules and Regulations.
RULES AND REGULATION. AFFILIATE shall advise RESIDENTS to abide by AFFILIATE’s written practices, rules, policies, and procedures.