Scheduling of Work Subcontractor shall provide Contractor with scheduling information and a proposed schedule for performance of the Subcontract Work consistent with the Progress Schedule and in a form acceptable to Contractor. Subcontractor shall comply with the Progress Schedule including, but not specifically limited to, commencement, duration, and sequencing of activities. Contractor shall reasonably cooperate with the Subcontractor in scheduling the Subcontract Work and shall attempt, as reasonably possible, to avoid conflicts or interference with the Subcontract Work.
Scheduling of Hours (a) Regular Employees (1) (i) Regular employees shall be scheduled hours within their classification based on seniority, subject to the employee's ability to meet specific client needs and geographic location.
Scheduling Provisions The scheduling and premium provisions relating to consecutive weekends off in Article 16 do not apply to employees who accept positions under this provision.
Scheduling of Vacations Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the Agency and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the Agency.
Scheduling of Meetings Meetings of the Committee will be scheduled quarterly. The Committee may meet more or less frequently as agreed by both parties. Either party may request a meeting of the Union-Management Communication Committee by sending a written request, including a description of the issue(s) to be addressed, to the other party. Requests directed to the University will be submitted to the University’s labor relations manager; requests directed to the Union will be submitted to the Union’s Spokane business office. Committee meetings will be scheduled at a mutually acceptable time and place. Both parties will provide a written list and description of agenda items at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting.
Scheduling i) The designated employer will provide the employee with their schedule of shifts in accordance with the collective agreement for both homes. [Insert the split/sharing of shift numbers here] Similarly, the employee will submit all requests for time off including vacation to the designated employer in accordance with the collective agreement. ii) Posted schedules will include home identification. An employee will only be scheduled in one home per shift. iii) Overtime payment and other premiums will be in accordance with the collective agreement of the designated employer. iv) Weekends off, consecutive work days and all other scheduling provisions will be in accordance with the collective agreement at the designated employer.
Rescheduling of Tests If the Authority’s Engineer certifies to the Authority and the Contractor that it is unable to issue the Completion Certificate, as the case may be, because of events or circumstances on account of which the Tests could not be held or had to be suspended, the Contractor shall be entitled to re-schedule the Tests and hold the same as soon as reasonably practicable.
Maintenance Scheduling The NTO shall schedule maintenance of its facilities designated as NTO Transmission Facilities Under ISO Operational Control and schedule any outages (other than forced transmission outages) of said transmission system facilities in accordance with outage schedules approved by the ISO. The NTO shall comply with maintenance schedules coordinated by the ISO, pursuant to this Agreement, for NTO Transmission Facilities Under ISO Operational Control. The NTO shall be responsible for providing notification of maintenance schedules to the ISO for NTO Transmission Facilities Requiring ISO Notification. The NTO shall provide notification of maintenance schedules to affected Transmission Owners for NTO Transmission Facilities Requiring ISO Notification and Local Area Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 3.5.3 of the ISO Services Tariff.
Scheduling of Vacation A) The Employer shall permit annual vacations to be taken during the entire year. B) The scheduling of vacations shall be subject to the operational requirements of the Employer. C) The selection of vacation and the posting of the approved vacation schedule shall be completed by December 31st of the preceding calendar year or any other date mutually agreed at the local level. Such local agreements shall be filed with the Union and Employer. D) Once the approved vacation schedule has been posted, it shall only be changed by mutual consent. E) Vacation entitlement accrued to June 30 (inclusive) shall be taken prior to January 1 in the following year unless otherwise required by operational necessity. Despite the above, where an employee’s vacation is cancelled by the Employer due to operational requirements, the employee may elect to carry over up to seven (7) days to be used no later than June 30 in the following year. Unused vacation shall be paid out at straight time rates by the last pay period of February of the following year. Payout shall not include any carryover of vacation pursuant to the above. F) Employees may, prior to the scheduling of vacations, request to have their vacations scheduled in accordance with either the principle of seniority or on a rotating basis. Where a consensus of employees cannot be reached as above, vacations shall be scheduled according to seniority on the basis that the employees with the most seniority shall have the first choice of vacation times. Employees failing to exercise their rights within the vacation selection time posted by the Employer shall forfeit their seniority rights in respect to choice of vacation time. G) Vacation time may be divided and shall be scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer, however, an employee who splits her vacation shall not receive her choice of when she wishes to take the subsequent portion of her vacation until all other employees in the unit or xxxx have made their first choice of vacation time.
Settling of Grievances An xxxxxxx effort shall be made to process and settle grievances fairly and promptly in the following manner: It is agreed that an Employee has no grievance until he/she has first given his/her immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust his/her complaint within fourteen (14) calendar days of its occurrence or when they ought to have become aware of it. The Employee may request to meet with their Supervisor and is permitted to have a co-worker from their department present at the meeting. Prior approval is required to attend the meeting. The Employee has the option of making a written submission as an alternative to the meeting. The Employer will provide a written response to the complaint and if no satisfactory answer is received within seven (7) calendar days from the time it was first discussed with the Employee’s immediate Supervisor, the Employee may proceed to Step 1 of the grievance procedure. Step 1 Failing satisfactory settlement at the complaint stage the Union may present the grievance to the appropriate Supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the decision at the complaint stage. The grievance shall be in writing on a mutually approved form and shall include the nature of the grievance, the redress sought and the section or sections of the agreement that are alleged to have been violated. The Supervisor shall deliver his/her decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days following the presentation of the grievance to him/her. Step 2 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 1, the Union may present the grievance to the Administrator, or designate, in writing within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 1. A meeting will be held within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the grievance between the Administrator, or designate, and the Union. The decision of the Administrator, or designate, shall be delivered in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting. Step 3 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 2, either party may refer the grievance to arbitration within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 2.