Scheduling of Vacations Sample Clauses
Scheduling of Vacations. Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the OSFM and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the OSFM. All vacation leaves require advanced written authorization by the employee's immediate supervisor; however, management may verbally approve short notice requests, subject to submission of written leave request form upon return.
Scheduling of Vacations. (a) Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the Agency and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the Agency. If two
Scheduling of Vacations a. Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the Agency and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the Agency. If two (2) or more employees request the same period of time off and the matter cannot be resolved by agreement of the parties concerned, the employee having the greatest length of continuous service with the Agency shall be granted the time off, provided however, that an employee shall not be given this length of service consideration more than once in every two (2) years.
b. An employee who seeks to change his previously designated vacation time may request such a change subject to the Agency's operating requirements, except that this choice shall not require any other employee to change his/her employee's vacation schedule. The scheduling of vacation leave shall take precedence over the scheduling of compensatory time off.
Scheduling of Vacations a. Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the Agency and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the Agency. If a manager would limit the number of employees who may have vacation during the same period, the Agency will use the following procedure to determine which request is granted vacation:
(1) When the requested vacation period is thirty (30) days or less in the future, the employee who first requested vacation is entitled to the vacation period.
(2) When the requested vacation period is more than thirty (30) days in the future, the employee's manager will post the vacation request. The more senior employee is entitled to the vacation period if the employee notifies his/her manager in writing within fourteen (14) days of the posting. The procedure described above may not apply if the employees mutually agree to a different resolution.
b. An employee who seeks to change his/her previously designated vacation time may request such a change subject to the Agency's operating requirements, except that this choice shall not require any other employee to change his/her vacation schedule. The scheduling of vacation leave shall take precedence over the scheduling of compensatory time off.
c. Vacation requests shall be responded to within three (3) work days unless the procedure in 31.7a (2) is followed.
d. Scheduling vacation leave for Distribution Center employees (LDW 1, LDW 2, and LDEO).
(1) During January of each year, Distribution Center management will post a notice advising employees to turn in their leave request forms, by the last work day in February, for any requested vacation leave that begins on any date from May 1st through April 30th of the following year.
(2) Using the leave slips received, Distribution Center management will schedule vacation leave in agency seniority order based on the Distribution Center operational needs. Management will approve/deny vacation leave requests and return the requests no later than the fifth work day in March.
(3) For vacation leave requests received after the last work day in February, the employee who first requests the leave is entitled to it. Distribution Center management will respond to these requests within three (3) work days.
Scheduling of Vacations. Pursuant to Article 14.03 (c) of this Agreement, employees shall remain on the agreed upon work schedule and vacation entitlement shall be converted to hours. The scheduled daily hours shall be deducted from the vacation entitlement for each day of vacation taken.
Scheduling of Vacations. Insofar as possible, vacations will be granted at times most desired by the employee, with the twelve (12) months of the year open for selection, but the final right of allotment of vacation periods is reserved to the Employer in order to ensure the orderly operation of the establishment. Vacations must be taken as paid time off and no employee will be allowed to carry vacation time forward from year to year. If an employee does not take his/her vacation within the appropriate vacation year, the vacation time will be lost without pay. (See Exhibit IV of this agreement.) Subject to the above understanding, the following procedure shall be adhered to in scheduling vacation for employees covered by this Agreement:
a) As soon after April 1 of each year as practicable, but in no event later than April 30, employees shall be given an opportunity to state their first and second preference for vacation periods. Those employees who fail to state a preference will be assigned a vacation date by the management.
b) Where two (2) or more employees select the same vacation period, the conflict, if any, shall be resolved by the supervisor concerned in favor of the employee with the greatest seniority.
c) In recognition of the inconvenience caused employees by last minute changes in vacation schedules, it is agreed that except for emergencies of a serious nature, no changes shall be made within thirty (30) days of the date an employee is scheduled to go on vacation.
d) The management will not unreasonably refuse an employee permission to change his vacation dates, provided that it does not result in bumping another employee from his approved vacation period.
e) An employee entitled to more than one (1) week of vacation shall be allowed to split his vacation into two (2) segments, but neither segment shall be for less than one (1) week. In the administration of this provision, it shall be the rule that an employee who elects to split his vacation may bid only one (1) segment by seniority and the choice of dates for the other segment shall be subordinate to the preference of employees taking a full vacation.
f) Employees may be granted additional vacation time without pay provided that a request for such additional time off is made at the time the vacation period is agreed upon. The additional unpaid vacation time shall not exceed one (1) week.
Scheduling of Vacations. The Employer shall determine the number of employees, if any, who can be spared for vacation purposes at any one time. Employees in their first year (12 months) of employment shall take vacation days during the summer period only. All other employees may schedule their vacations, at other times during the year, as stated in the following paragraph:
Scheduling of Vacations. Prior to May 1st of each calendar year, departmental heads will consult with all employees entitled to vacations and from such consultations the Company shall establish a working schedule agreeable to the Union for the vacation period. In determining vacation schedules, the Company will respect the seniority and wishes of the employee to the extent that its needs will permit.
(a) The vacation season for those employees eligible for more than two (2) weeks vacation with pay, shall be during the twelve (12) month period beginning on January 1st.
(b) The vacation season, for those employees hired between June 2 and prior to December 31, eligible for additional vacation with pay, shall be taken between their hire date and December 31. The Company may elect to close the plant for a specified vacation period.
Scheduling of Vacations. The scheduling of vacations for employees shall be the responsibility of each department head who shall see that applications for vacation are made far enough in advance so as to achieve the most efficient functioning of the department and of the County service. Use of vacation may be allowed to a minimum of one (1) hour and to a maximum of the employee's accrual. Vacation leave accruing during the period of vacation leave may be taken in conjunction with vacation leave already accrued. No employee shall work for compensation for the County in any capacity during the period of their paid vacation from County service.
Scheduling of Vacations. An employee shall request the dates of their vacation in advance and the Department shall grant or deny the request for vacation in writing within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed ten (10) days. Request will not be unreasonably denied. If two (2) or more employees request the same days off and the matter cannot be resolved by agreement of the parties concerned, the employee having the greatest length of continuous service with the Department shall be granted the time off. Vacations that have been scheduled and approved may not be cancelled by the Department except in the event of an emergency. When unrecoverable vacation deposits are incurred by an employee and the vacation is cancelled by the Department, the Department shall pay the unrecoverable deposits, proof of which may be required for reimbursement. In the event of a schedule change caused by seniority or a transfer at the request of an employee, the provisions of this Section shall not apply.