SCHEDULING PRACTICE. The seniority scheduling preference set out in Article 13 shall be applied to the Banquet employees subject, however, to an availability factor. Banquet employees shall have the right to preferable shifts, consistent with the effective operation of the hotel, based on their bi- weekly statement of availability. Every second Wednesday an employee must submit a signed statement of his availability for the following two weeks. If no statement is provided, the employee will be deemed available for any shifts in that two-week period, by seniority according to the availability list. Failure to meet a scheduled shift identified within the individual's availability period, shall result in the employee being dropped to the bottom of the schedule list for the following two week period, unless absent due to illness or leave in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
SCHEDULING PRACTICE. The seniority scheduling preference set out in Article shall be applied to the Banquet employees subject, however, to an availability factor. Banquet employees shall have the right to preferable shifts, consistent with the effective operation of the hotel, based on their bi- weekly statement of availability. Every second Wednesday an employee must submit a signed statement of his availability for the following two weeks. If no statement is provided, the employeewill be deemed availablefor any shifts in that two-week period, by seniority accordingto the availability list. Failureto meet a scheduled shift identifiedwithin the individual's availability period, shall result in the employee being dropped to the bottom of the schedule list for the followingtwo week period, unless absent due to illness or leave in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Schedules shall be posted no later than Friday at a.m. Last minute call-ins to cover emergencysituations of staff increases shall require notice as far in advance as is reasonablypossible. Given the Hotel policy requiringguests to verify the number of covers
SCHEDULING PRACTICE a) The seniority scheduling preference set out in Article 13 shall be applied to the Banquet employees subject, however, to an availability factor. Banquet employees shall have the right to preferable shifts, consistent with the effective operation of the hotel, based on their bi-weekly statement of availability. Every second Wednesday an employee must submit a signed statement of his availability for the following two weeks. If no statement is provided, the employee will be deemed available for any shifts in that two-week period. Failure to meet a scheduled shift within the individual's availability period, shall result in the employee being dropped to the bottom of the schedule list for the following two week period, unless absent due to illness or leave in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
b) Schedules shall be posted no later than Friday at 11:00 a.m. Last minute call-ins to cover emergency situations of staff increases shall require notice as far in advance as is reasonably possible. Given the Hotel policy requiring guests to verify the number of covers forty-eight (48) hours in advance, call-in situations for the most part should take place within a similar time period. Call-in situations shall be by seniority and require verification. Shift cancellations as a rule require twelve (12) hours prior notice. Verification of the call-in or cancellation shall be made by the Head Server who shall attempt to contact the employee after the Department Head (prior to the twelve (12) hour notice period). The Head Server
c) Function Assignment shall be based on availability. The Company shall do their utmost to assign the higher paying functions to senior employees who are working on the day of the function.
d) Employees shall have the right to refuse to work complimentary service in Banquets without penalty. However, where all employees refuse, the Company reserves the right to assign said functions to the least senior employees.